The Transition from Everlasting Life to Eternal Life (LSC)
(Rom. 5:21). The grace of everlasting life is the means through which we will cross into Eternal Life. This grace is a verdict of the Father that sin and death should no longer prosper.
The Raising of the Sons of God by the Deposition of Glorious Things (LSC)
The call to sonship is more than just getting born again. This is because the born again experience results only in the raising of a man's spirit to life, but not his soul. Satan has done some work in the soul, so God desires to change the soul. We need to walk by faith to see God’s provision for our souls; this is how our souls can be made superior to that of angels.
Unveiling Different Dimensions of God’s Promises (LSC)
(Jer. 32:37-39; Exo. 19:3-6). God promised the children of Israel that they will be a "peculiar treasure" unto Him above all the people of the earth. However, they must first become a kingdom of priests unto Him, and a holy nation ‒ both elements are the requirement for attaining the status of a peculiar treasure. Becoming a "peculiar people" is the highest of God’s promises.
Coming into the Abundance of Grace in Christ (LSC)
(Eph 4:1-7) In Christ, we are given grace in measures and access to grace is according to knowledge (2 Pet. 1:2). This measure of knowledge is the gift of Christ. This type of gift has never been given to any man prior to the coming of Jesus Christ. We ought to receive the different measures of Christ to qualify for receiving the gift of God, which is Eternal Life.
Enhancing our Understanding of Christ (LSC)
To be spiritual is to receive the revelation of the mystery called Christ. Christ is both the wisdom and power of God (1 Cor. 1:24). This power is a lesson/doctrine; it is the teaching of the nature of the man – Christ – which we already have in our spirits.
Being Perfected in Christ through Charity (LSC)
One of the things the Lord wants to fortify in our hearts is our commitment to charity. At the point where a soul still lacks in its Christ-formation, such is limited from receiving the incorruptible seed or the engrafted word (Jam. 1:3-5, 21-25).
Flesh: God's Instrument for Dominion Manifestation (LSC)
The basic knowledge of flesh is that it is the hide (skin) for expression in a visible world. The physical realm is not the only manifest world. Jesus was manifest as God in the flesh. There is a dimension of sight that is beyond the physical. Jesus was manifest in the flesh and seen of angels, yet the carnal man could not see or read the manifestation because it is not yet in their dimension. This manifestation was preached to the Gentiles.
Understanding the Kingdom Engagement Part 2 (LSC)
The new birth is the recreation of the spirit of a man. Then entering the kingdom or being born of the water and of the spirit is for the soul (John 3:5). God desires the soul to be a spirit just as the human spirit was recreated. The receiving of the kingdom is the bringing in of the soul into the same sphere as the spirit. Without being in the Holy Ghost, there cannot be a rebirth of the soul.
Understanding the Kingdom Engagement (LSC)
The seeing of and entering the kingdom is characterized in mysteries. No one can see, know or enter the kingdom without being given. ‘To be given’ means given to understand. The giving of the kingdom is a ministry in the hand of the Holy Spirit.