Living and Abiding in the Promised Land (PM)
a conversation that is higher than the one which has been previously birthed amongst us. The previous conversation that has be
Completing the Incorruptible Seed's Journey (PM)
A time should come in the life of a believer where he escapes the corruption in this world, even in the days of his flesh. We must be free from the things that are in the world – the pride of life, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes (1 John 2:16).
The Importance of Following God’s Thought and Way (PM)
Jesus was manifested to take away our sins (1 John 3:5). The purpose of the manifestation of Jesus is to destroy the works of the devil. Jesus will not only make a man free from sin, He also intends to take sin away completely until it cannot be remembered again (Heb. 8:12).
Living by the Judgement of the Beginning (PM)
The gospel is God's agenda to reach man, even at the depth of his fall (Ps. 40:2). There are realms of death that everlasting life cannot come to because it is a very high life. As such, God had to put in place lower levels of His word (milk and Christ) to reach us in our various depths of fall.
Inheriting Everlasting Life by Love Commandment (PM)
Everlasting life is the life of God Himself. It is the life of the Most Holy (God's realm). For you to have everlasting life, you must know the owner of the life, His knowledge must be unveiled to us. When we see His commandments, we see Him; what He commands is what He does.
Fear; The Prerequisite for the Giving of Everlasting Life (PM)
The giving of the everlasting gospel (Rev. 14:6) is the giving of grace, but it does not appear as grace when we hear it. It seems like ordinary words being spoken, but when these words are received in their order and alignments, grace awakens.
Grace for receiving Everlasting Substances (PM)
We must possess enough spiritual sense not to make a fuss about things. To make a fuss out of issues is to misbehave in the spirit. We must not be comfortable with anger and discord; we must outgrow negative garments of confusion and anger. We must free ourselves from evil spirits and not allow Satan to set up confusion in our hearts against our brethren, which will lead us to take a wrong action against them.
Unveiling the Eternal Ministry of God (PM)
Every time Satan gets a hold of a man, he teaches him how to transgress. When a man falls into adultery or any of the works of the flesh, Satan's intention is not for the man to stop there, but to further cause such a man to go against the ways he has learnt. Satan uses the works of the flesh to discourage men in their walk in the spirit.
The Eye; The Tool of Participation in Dominion (PM)
. Faith is the measure of work against corruption – against sin. The day one beats corruption or becomes separate is the day one enters into the kingdom of God.