Obeying the Laws of Perfection in Everlasting Life Pt2 (SOS)
The promise God has promised us is everlasting life and He is very determined to make good His promise in us; as we know that God cannot lie. It is a privilege to know what He wants to do so that we can cooperate with Him readily.
Understanding How to Receive Everlasting Life (SOS)
Every law will cease to be a law if it is no longer alive. Every law has life and every life has light, which is the knowledge that it gives. Every life must have expression and expressions are powered by laws. One cannot access the law of a life without engaging or learning its light
The Making and the Administration of the Bread of God (SOS)
Jesus is the bread of God. This means that Jesus was crushed into flour to be offered. Flour is baked to become bread. “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.” (John 6:32).
Another Insight into Everlasting Righteousness (SOS)
Serving righteousness is serving God. There is a righteousness of God to salvation, but there is also the righteousness of God which is salvation. A man who has very well served the righteousness of God will have his fruits unto holiness and have everlasting life at the end.
Understanding the Light that God is (SOS)
You cannot harness real power if you do not love knowledge. Whosoever is not interested in knowledge will not do well or go far. Whosoever is not interested in knowledge will downplay light.
X-raying the Realm of Eternal Reward (SOS)
No one can preach the Kingdom of God without growing up. Just like John as a child grew and waxed strong in the spirit (Luke 1:80), Jesus also grew up in the spirit, increasing “... in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).
X-raying the World of God’s Reward Pt. 2 (SOS)
A believer who is ignorant of the light of Christ is one who is blinded, because such a one does not know who Christ is or lacks the formation of Christ in his soul. The formation of Christ in a man is the help to finding the glorious gospel of Christ.
Accessing the Secret of God’s Throne (SOS)
A man cannot sit on the throne without having the works of God in his soul. These works are the requirements for sitting on the throne with Jesus and the Father. God will not accept anyone who does not have His works.
Understanding The Purpose of The Unknown Tongue (SOS)
God will not give us His very tongue until the work of posture or building has been concluded in us. It is this tongue that will empty words that are meant for our building into us and when we have developed stature, the tongue will rest on us.