Attaining the Full Stature of Meekness (WTV)
We can not come into the things of God without judgement. The level of judgement we can access is determined by the level of meekness we have come into.
Learning the Laws of Abiding in God (WTV)
Charity is a requirement for committing things that abide to us. God can commit His things to a saint who has arrived at charity because such a person cannot turn.
Understanding the Progress of God’s Grace (WTV)
Grace builds by teaching. No one can be built except such a one has been taught. You need to have learnt Christ to be built up. Through teaching, grace unveils the Person of Jesus, and the things in Him are administered to us.
Submitting to the Workings of Grace (WTV)
Faith is a life which the just lives by (Heb. 10:38). It is a shield to a man who has it. However, it is not just a material of the Holy Place because it is progressive. We move from faith to faith (Rom. 1:17).
Grace derived from Mercy (WTV)
One of the chief things that the Lord wants to do is to communicate grace. He wants a people to grasp and understand things that are everlasting.
Learning the Grace of God’s Life (WTV)
We must be able to cooperate with God at our various levels so that He can connect us to His fullness. Therefore, even as we celebrate grace at our different levels, we must not be reluctant to move into other higher levels that would be opened over us.
The Image of God; The Secret of Entering God’s Rest (WTV)
It is impossible to have a god without first making a god. It is after a god has been made that one can have something to bow to. This is why the commandments are just one;
Fellowship with the Thoughts of the Beginning (WTV)
God wants to fellowship with man; this is why He wants to bring us into His fellowship. Satan also craves fellowship and he is working so hard at it. Many people have been fellowshipping with Satan for a long time without even knowing it. However, we are breaking free from his fellowship as we break into God's fellowship by the revelation of light and mercy. It is by mercy that we are breaking free from the place of death into the realms of life.
Being Called into the Fellowship (WTV)
God wants to remove every ground Satan stands on, that is why we have an advocate - Jesus. The reason for this fellowship is so that God would remove every ground for Satan to resist us.