The Reason for Continuing in The Fellowship (WTV)
Christ is a cleanser because He has the ability to remit sin. Sin has made us fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). This glory is not splendour and to come short of it is to come short of the knowledge of the glory of God.
Deliverance from the Sins of the Beginning (WTV)
God, in love, always puts thought barriers for His creatures. Thought barriers can be likened to doctrine. Angels have a better sense of doctrine than man. Angels know their own scriptures and doctrines.
The Essence of Hunger in Fellowship (WTV)
A man who has grown in the place of fellowship is a man who has found grace to access God’s thoughts. God’s thoughts cannot be reasoned out with the natural mind. God’s resources are managed by His thoughts.
The Ministry of the Comforter (WTV)
The evidence of receiving the initial baptism of the Holy Ghost is speaking in tongues (Acts 2:1-4). That tongue was a teaching/doctrine at that level. By speaking in tongues, we are speaking a mystery that the Holy Ghost will send ministers to teach as doctrines.
The Vision of God (WTV)
We must know and agree that the world is not good at all. We must not love this present evil world because it is evil. The will of God and the Father is to deliver us from this present evil world. To accurately respond to the will of God is to be delivered from this present evil world and we can only respond to the will of God when we have understanding.
The Essence of Coming to the Father (WTV)
The opposite of loving the world is to love the Father (1 John 2:15). However, you cannot arrive at the Father if you have not journeyed using the Faith of the Son. The love of the Father is the life of the Father; it is the will of God which is His delight.
Coming into Everlasting Life Judgement (WTV)
Fiery darts are thoughts that can make a believer draw back (Heb. 10:39) and sometimes, it is difficult to resolve the thoughts that make up these darts. That is why we need people who can resolve these thoughts to comfort us with the comfort they have received.
Overcoming Sins and Iniquity by the Ministry of Glory (WTV)
Jesus has to administer salvation to sons of the Sanctuary in order to bring them to glory (Heb. 2:10). To bring them to glory is to bring them to perfection. “And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. [18] Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.” (Heb. 10:17-18).