Learning the Laws of Abiding in God (WTV)
Charity is a requirement for committing things that abide to us. God can commit His things to a saint who has arrived at charity because such a person cannot turn.
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Being Obedient to the Words of Salvation (SOS)
The essential commodity of this season is obedience. Whenever we hear revelation, and have understanding of it, we are expected to obey it and thereby, change. Every word that our Lord Jesus is speaking to us is for salvation, not for excitement or any other thing.
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Unveiling the Kingdom Strata of the World to Come (LSC)
The main divisions of the kingdom which include the earthly and the heavenly realms were described in John 3. The new birth is an access to earthly citizenship of the world to come. A man who is born again is the man that can be empowered to see the kingdom, then born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom being made a new creation man.
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Overcoming All The Birth Processes of Satan (RH)
When we do Christ well, it will make our souls so barren to this world that we will not be able to receive the seed of the wicked one. We would not be like Cain who is of the wicked one (1 John 3:12), for the wicked one sowed his seed into Cain. We have to accumulate life before we can receive Eternal Life. No creature can receive Eternal Life in its raw form because it will shut that creature down. But before we can take on a higher life, we need to be well built and develop enough resistance (to have some level of substances in our souls).
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Demystifying the Evolution of the Man of Sin (SOS)
Every home is some kind of birth canal. The womb of a woman is not where Satan births children. There are wombs waiting for babies: there is the womb of God and the womb of Satan. These wombs are wombs of spirits. Wombs are conversational. Whosoever has not done the doctrine of Christ has not the Son and the Father. Through doctrine, a man will have the Son and the Father. God is also protecting young ones. God wants most young people to get sealed completely against the birth of Satan.
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Becoming the Father’s Resting Place (LSC)
David was faithful with little and God gave him more, he did not seek his own things. This is a trial for those to whom God will open the season of reward to. It takes a lot to handle abundance of light. The essence of the everlasting judgement coming our way is for us to be able to think God only. One of the hallmarks of a soul that is obeying the commandments of everlasting life is that Christ is perfected in him. When a soul perfects Christ, he is brought into the abundance, and that soul is raised as a house
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Becoming Heavenly Through the Birth of the Holy Ghost (Part 2 RH)
The kingdom of God is a birth canal and there is no succession in it without being born. It is a generation that walks according to the will of God that will redeem time for their names to be written in heaven, after being born of water and spirit. Embedded in the blood of Jesus are books which makes one see secret things, by its sprinkling we see and reject Satan's things and this process exposes us to temptations.
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Becoming Heavenly through the Birth of the Holy Ghost (SOS)
Spirits will be born of the New Jerusalem state on this present earth by the giving of materials of the world to come. The soul was created by God to inherit His promises and souls will keep becoming God’s until they are made quickening spirits. The leading of the Holy Ghost creates the condition (womb) for this birth processes by coming upon a man who has heard the commandments of God.
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A Treatise on Resurrection from the Dust by the Great Prince (LSC)
A beloved is a man who God will commit His things to, making princes who are holders of secrets until he comes into Eternal life - the fullness of the image of God. The ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ is to raise souls from the different dominions which have held men captive. Ministers are supposed to lift Jesus up the way Moses lifted the serpent, and it can only take those who are meek to life Jesus.
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