Prospering with the Dealings of God (WTV)
What makes a man stand firm and able to go through a process orchestrated by God without being broken is that an image has been formed in him. That image creates a capacity for such a person to trust God.
Profiting from the Conversation of Everlasting Life (WTV)
When the Father wants to generate the image that will generate the conversations of a little child in us (or when Christ is being quickened from the dead), we will have to be taken through chastenings.
The Sweetness of Death in God (WTV)
The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus makes us weak men towards God (Rom. 8:2). It beats us into a form where we are weak towards God, and makes us become a man of peace whom God can relate with (Rom. 5:1).
The Potency of Conversion for Everlasting Life (SOS)
What is keeping sin and death and hell and death present and active in our lives is some kind of knowledge and obedience. This knowledge is called thoughts and imaginations (2 Cor. 10:4-6).
The Beauty of Weakness in the Spirit (Part 2 WTVPM)
To see God is to see and receive His testament, which is His life. No man can receive this testimony because it is high; only Christ can. Hence, it is said that Christ is the preparation for receiving the New Testament.
The Beauty of Weakness in the Spirit (WTVPM)
A testament without the death of the testator will make the testament of non-effect (Heb. 9:16). If the testator has to die for the testament to be of effect, you cannot carry the testament without possessing some level of death. You can see the beauty of weakness in the spirit. There is a measure of weakness that God is demanding of us in this season of everlasting life. It is when it comes to this fear and trembling that some will become ashamed.
The Demonstration of the Conversation of Everlasting Life (WTVPM
We must learn to place the right premium on salvation and esteem the process of it despite the reproach. The reproach is not and should not be as real as God is. Therefore, we have to yield to the manner in the season of everlasting life. We have to understand the signs of this season. If we do not understand the signs, we would violate the rules of the spirit.
Embodying the Law of Everlasting Righteousness (LSC)
Whatever we are going through, we can sleep like babies if we can take our eyes off ourselves and the situations but keep our eyes on the promise. Our eyes were created to be placed on the promise. In the Old and New Testaments, God used afflictions and contradictions to raise people. The expectation of the righteous is to come into everlasting righteousness. There is no warfare we cannot win if our eyes are on these words, that was the secret of the Hebrews 11 saints.
How to Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth (SOS)
A spiritually minded believer always guns for life, and seeks out occasions to trap life. One instrument we need to win the warfare of this season is discernment of sin and death. And in many of such warfare, we have to lose (in the natural), as it is by doing so that we truly gain (in the spirit). Whenever there is a reaction of death from men, his response is life because he has been equipped with commandments of God.