Unveiling the Blood of Reconciliation (SOS)
The testimony of Jesus Christ is the new testament. The new testament is the entire work of Christ; it is the covenant that God made in Jesus' blood (Luke 22:19-20).
The Making of Prophets by the Incorruptible Seed (LSC)
Outside the external manifestation of the gift of prophecy, there is a secret nature that makes prophets who are keepers of the sayings of the book.
Fervent Love; the Way into the Everlasting Life (RH)
To come into life and peace is to come into a state in our soul, whereby there is nothing that stands as an offence to God. This is a place where our hearts are no longer offended by what God's standards spell out.
Unveiling the Power of Eternal Life (SOS)
Before Jesus’ coming in the flesh, no man has been able to receive the material called the anointed one - Christ. Christ is a man that is set apart from men and with whom God can relate. The entire intent of God with - and for - man is encapsulated in Christ. Jesus is the anointed one, not because He performed miracles, but because He gives God pleasure;
Understanding the Works of Everlasting Life (LSC)
The servants who John was writing to were the seven churches in Asia. The revelation of Jesus Christ was given to John to give to these servants of God. In other words, the writings of the book of Revelation are to the seven churches (Rev. 1:11).
Suffering unto Everlasting Life (PM)
Sons cannot be brought into glory except God reconciles them unto "all things". There are different grades of “All Things” – at the realm of Christ and at the realm of God, but they are all for God and by God (Rom. 11:36). For the sake of "All Things", the Captain of the sons who will be brought to glory had to taste death and be made perfect through sufferings.
The Blessing of the Father’s Cup (ANAM)
God wants to make us a blessing. We have already been blessed in a measure because we have been made to wear the nature of the seed of Abraham. The new birth does not equate to being Abraham’s seed, it only begins the process of becoming Abraham’s seed.
Coming into the Covenant of the Father’s Cup (ANAM)
When discerning the Lord’s body, we are discerning what the body stands for and a cup of blessing that is attached to our discernment of His body (1Cor. 10:16; 11:29).
The Pathway to the Father’s Cup (ANAM)
God loved the world and gave His only begotten son. It is those who love Him in return that would receive the inheritance (1Cor. 2:9).