Processes of soul Salvation pt2 (BECON)
There are two laws in the New Testament; the law of liberty/freedom and the perfect law of liberty. The law of liberty is the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that is engaged by walking after the spirit (Rom. 8:1-2).
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Processes of soul Salvation (BECON)
As God’s children who are spiritual, our judgement ought to be different from that of those in the world.
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Attribute of God’s Love
Our definition of love is limited. There is a degree to which we understand love as a result of the love we house. We can not fully understand love until we come to the day of God because the path of the just shines brighter unto the perfect day, which is the day of God
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The Blessedness of Christ Training (BECON)
Suffering is like a rehabilitation program that frees us from our addiction to death. This rehabilitation program is a painstaking one and we must be helped to go through it. We can not take all the dealings of God all at once. This is why God, in His wisdom, first takes us through the intoxication of the Holy Ghost to cushion the effects of the sufferings that come next.
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Giving heed to the process of Salvation (BECON)
God is rearranging things and we must be willing to follow through with such reconfigurations. He is raising His own sons through the tidings of His Day in order to show forth His glory.
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Conclusion (BECON)
The cherubs were created in a finite sense, that is they cannot change their state into a higher one. Satan desired a higher state, and that was iniquity, because he was breaking a law in the spirit.
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Understanding the Preparation to God (BECON)
God does not comprise things which constitute His glory. God does not share His glory with man. A man might have enjoyed redemption, yet he still possesses things that pertain to man in himself.
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Unveiling all The Garments of Salvation (BECON)
The reason for publishing good tidings is to help a soul arrive at peace while the good tidings of good are published to land a soul in salvation. It is necessary for the soul to attain peace so that it can reach forth for salvation.
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Preparation For Excellent Glory (BECON)
The tidings of God’s day are glorious thoughts that grant entrance only to those who have been faithful with Christ. Only those who “through patience continuance in well doing” make it into the realm of glory (Rom. 2:7).
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