) Our Succor in Temptation (WTV)
The fiery trials have been determined and calculated to either try or tempt us. We are admonished to ‘think it not strange’. This is because it is not easy to do this. At times when we are in temptation, Satan likes to bring back our past so that we can question God in places we are not meant to. Our hearts, however, must be strengthened to not take the thoughts that Satan brings. This is because once we do, we might not be able to recover.
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The Apostle of God’s Face (WTV)
In Genesis, God’s presence left the garden of Eden and lived under “the faces of Yahweh.” When Adam was still in the garden, there was no need for many systems that have now developed such as judges, lawyers, doctors and the likes, because man was in sync with God. The only needed resource for man in that time was the face of God. It is interesting to know that the healing gifts are as a result of the fall of man. If sin had not entered into man, there would be no need to repair anything, because all things were managed by God.
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The Path to Eternal Life (WTV)
It is humility to submit to the teaching of Christ. The revelation of Christ is for edification. There are principles which guide the inheritance of Christ, and they must be known, lest we fall short of the blessings attached to it. The message of eternal life is God’s project, and it is the inheritance of many. That a man is rich in earthly substance, or intelligent, doesn’t separate him from the flesh. The gospel of salvation is to all flesh in their various forms.
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The Unveiling of the Son of God (WTV)
The mystery of godliness is a great thing to God, not only man. Faith is a mystery, and there are other mysteries in the New Testament. For instance, the Bible says there is the “mystery of God, and of the Father and of Christ” (Colossians 2). All other mysteries are all sub-zoomed into this great mystery called “the mystery of godliness”. God is not eternity; He is eternal life. He is greater than eternity for He holds it. He is the One who apportions ages. Just as the builder of the house is of more honour than the house, God is higher and far greater than eternity.
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The Calling to sit on the Throne (WTV)
The fellows mentioned in the above text are those who will access what Jesus has come into, they are the company of Jesus. Jesus is the first being of this order and God’s intention is to bring many into the privilege of partaking of the throne. Jesus received the promise of being enthroned. This achievement of Jesus was the fruit of the oath God swore to David in Psalm 132:11. The throne of David was not limited to the earthly because Herod the Edomite sat on the throne, David pressed further into the throne in the realm of the Spirit. He was able to achieve this because of the nature of his heart which sought to do all the will of God and finish it (Acts 13:22).
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) Understanding the Day of the Lord (WTV)
The day of the Lord is characterised by tares and wheat. Tares are an exact look alike of the wheat. It will only take the discerning to distinguish between these two. The challenge of the day of the Lord is falsehood, it takes the discernment to survive. The Lord gave a wisdom which is to allow for both the tares and the wheat to grow together. At harvest the difference between wheat and tare is made clear; the wheat’s fluorescent bows but that of the tares remains erect. The wheat is characterized by the spirit of truth while that of the tares is known by the spirit of error. The product of the wheat is brokenness, but that of the tares is falsehood, arrogance, the pride of life.
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Obeying the Commandments of Charity (WTV)
In recent times, the Lord has been unveiling the book of Hebrews in an unusual manner. We are in the company of that Hebrew church that have been journeying by the faith of the Son. The journey of faith is that which prepares us to be able to hear and inherit God. God wants to give ‘gifts of sons’ to Jesus this is why it is important that the people become spiritual sons. The journey of spirituality must not be handled with levity because flesh and blood cannot enter into the realm of God. The program of God is to cause men to migrate from flesh into spirits. This migration from flesh to spirit can only occur by the teachings of faith. It takes a spiritual person to hear the sayings of God. The spiritual walk and journey begins with the opening of the eyes of the understanding.
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Journeying into the Covenant of God (WTV)
Abraham’s journeying with God was not just a physical journey but a journey of transformation. As he journeyed, he changed. These changes were not as a result of the food which he ate but the commandments that God gave him which he kept. One of the commandments that God gave Abraham which he kept was to wait patiently. The journey of the fathers of Israel was not a rosy one but one that brought about a change to their persons. At the time Abraham was upon the mountain, he was no longer the man that left Mesopotamia because he had changed.
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The Feast of Perfect Light (WTV)
There is a feast God has prepared for us upon this mountain. This feast is a feast of light targeted at breaking the covering cast over the people and swallowing up death. God is going to swallow up death by the removal of veils. For death to be removed, there have to be unveilings. This feast is going to be a feast of unveilings. It is pitiful that man has seen death as life and struggles to let it go but it would take an unveiling for man to see death as his enemy. The last enemy that is to be destroyed is death (1 Cor. 15:26). Death is an enemy that has been packaged as life for men. Death is beyond the upbringing of a man, it has properties and constitutions. It is possible to be in death while still alive bodily because “she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth” (1 Tim. 5:6).
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