Journeying into the Covenant of God (WTV)
Abraham’s journeying with God was not just a physical journey but a journey of transformation. As he journeyed, he changed. These changes were not as a result of the food which he ate but the commandments that God gave him which he kept. One of the commandments that God gave Abraham which he kept was to wait patiently. The journey of the fathers of Israel was not a rosy one but one that brought about a change to their persons. At the time Abraham was upon the mountain, he was no longer the man that left Mesopotamia because he had changed.
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The Feast of Perfect Light (WTV)
There is a feast God has prepared for us upon this mountain. This feast is a feast of light targeted at breaking the covering cast over the people and swallowing up death. God is going to swallow up death by the removal of veils. For death to be removed, there have to be unveilings. This feast is going to be a feast of unveilings. It is pitiful that man has seen death as life and struggles to let it go but it would take an unveiling for man to see death as his enemy. The last enemy that is to be destroyed is death (1 Cor. 15:26). Death is an enemy that has been packaged as life for men. Death is beyond the upbringing of a man, it has properties and constitutions. It is possible to be in death while still alive bodily because “she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth” (1 Tim. 5:6).
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The Oil of Gladness and the Love of God (WTV)
Our race is the race of eternal life. While Christ is our life, God is our life eternal. To run the race is to embark on a journey to the hope which is behind the veil. David said, “Bless the Lord O, my soul, bless His holy name” (Psalm 103:1). The holy name of the Lord is that which is found in the holy place. The revelation of the name of the Lord progresses from the realm of righteousness to the dimension of God’s holiness. There are different kinds of angelic activities revolving round the subject of healing. There are angels that perform healing but do not do anything else. However, there are angels who dispense word for the healing of the soul and, as such, other healing graces and gifts follow.
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Growing up unto salvation pt2 (WTV)
God saves by turning on His strength. The ministry of turning begins with Christ. You cannot be said to have met Christ except He has turned you. The Lord teaches you to turn you. The Lord commissioned Paul to turn believers by causing their eyes to be opened (Acts 26:17-18). Paul was to be delivered so he could deliver. This is vital because the destiny of every believer will not be realised until he/she turns. Being turned by Christ is preparation of the saint to be turned by God. What they are to be turned from is called “the power of Satan”. This power of Satan is less than Satan himself because it is what he uses.
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Growing up Unto Salvation (WTV)
God is speaking clearly about salvation. Not understanding the program of God, people have remained carnal. This is so because they do not understand what the gospel is all about. It is lack of understanding God’s agenda for man that makes men place greater premium on technological advancement than they do on salvation. We have a lot of men talking nowadays who know nothing about God’s original intention. The essence of Jesus’ birth is to save. His birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension is for the sole purpose of salvation.
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The Potency of the Ministry of the High Priest (WTV)
That the Bible says our Lord was “tempted in all points like as we are”, it means there are points of temptation. While it is true that there is no temptation we have faced that He had not faced in the days of His flesh, these “points of temptation” speak of a peculiar kind of temptation which our Great High priest is equipped to provide help against. Normally, temptations are borne of the lusts of men for it is written, “Every man is tempted when he is drawn by his own lusts and enticed” (James 1:14), but this particular kind of temptation is that which is supervised by Satan.
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Being born by the Doctrine of Christ and God (WTV)
The oil of gladness is God’s kind of anointing; it is the anointing of God. This oil is a conveyor of gladness and this is what makes it peculiar. God anointed Jesus with the oil of gladness because He loved righteousness and hated iniquity (Hebrews 1:9). This shows us that what God loves is righteousness. Righteousness can be believed and it can be loved but one cannot love righteousness without first believing in it. The entirety of God’s workings from the beginning to the end is righteousness.
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Journeying into the Beloved 9WTV)
The vision has to be written to enable one run purposefully. This passage captures the vision of God, which is to bring in everlasting righteousness. Without this everlasting righteousness being brought in, the most holy cannot be anointed. This speaks of the oil of gladness which Jesus was anointed with (Heb. 1:9). The most holy is one who has journeyed to a place where the oil of God could be poured upon Him. While the apocalyptic calculation of the weeks is not the essence of this prophecy, we must understand that this pertains to the church more. It is a sad development that many ministers have gone into trying to find God’s will through Israeli calendar, feasts, among others.
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The Essence of obeying Righteousness (WTV)
God’s eternal power is righteousness. This means righteousness is the origin of divine power. God neither faints nor is weary because His power is righteousness. The righteousness of God is understanding as well as wisdom. God’s “all-knowingness” is tied to His righteousness. This power is what God wants to give to man. This is why the Bible says, “He gives power to the faint and to those who have no might He increaseth strength” (Isaiah 40:29). The unveiling of God’s righteousness is the giving of God’s power to man.
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