Project Flesh (WTV)
Prophetic characters can be very interesting. For instance, there is such an accurate parallel between the descent of Jonah and his prayer in the belly of the fish with the prayers of Jesus in Hell. The prayer of Jesus prevailed from Hell to the highest height of heaven and, by reason of this, the glory of the Father went to Hell. The day the glory of the Father raised Jesus from the dead, Hell lost its potency and dread. It was not only the body of Jesus that was raised; He was raised in His spirit, soul and body because death ravaged those compartments. This is according to the prophecy of scriptures that says He was made an offering for sin (Isaiah 53:10)
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Focusing on the Will of God (WTV)
The demand of the hour is that we heighten our obedience. The agenda of God is being made so clear so that we would neither run with uncertainty nor fight as one who beats the air (1 Cor. 9:26) but walk circumspectly as wise (Eph 5:15) and end up in the right destination. One of the clear instructions that have been handed over to us this year is to do the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven. Jesus, in teaching the disciples how to pray, taught them how not to pray. We are not to pray as orphans or the heathen knowing fully well that God cares about our needs.
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Being built up for the Inheritance (WTV)
The book of Hebrews is a wonderful picture of what we cannot physically see, as yet. Although this event of the sitting of our Lord on the throne could not be seen by us, it had been prophesied over and over in the Old Testament. The beginning of the gospel in Acts of Apostles also acknowledged His seated position at the right hand of the Majesty on High. This chapter both paints the position of Jesus and separated Him from other dominions. It showed us that whereas these thrones are heavenly, the throne of our Lord is more heavenly.
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The prerequisite of receiving the World to come (WTV)
The first Adam and the last Adam had their striking differences but also had things in common. The first Adam was made a living soul while the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. The first Adam, by reason of his frame, could have dominion over the works of God’s hands because they were things from which he was made. Adam was made a little lower than the angels and the world to come was not given to him to have dominion over. The world to come is a promise for the man that will overcome.
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Receiving the Content of the gospel of God (WTV)
God is real and very tangible; He is not a figment of our imaginations. God wants everyone to be able to access Him but the reason He hides Himself such that some feel He is non-existent is because He is holy and cannot behold iniquity. Man has fallen into gross darkness and must be delivered before he can access God.
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Understanding the Doctrine of Christ for the Appearance of God (WTV)
In our time, whenever the appearance of God is spoken of, many mistake it for the Rapture. God’s desire is that the church comes into an accurate understanding of His programme. For those who have been exposed to the doctrine of Christ, it is important that they look for salvation. This appearance is what should happen before the Rapture.
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