Submitting to the Way of the Spirit (WTV)
The Holy Ghost came to dwell in us for the purpose of the inheritance. We need the Holy Ghost to be able to receive spirits. The Godhead gave Him as a token because we are going to continue receiving spirits; He will help us to receive the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the Father, and the Spirit of God.
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Attaining Eternal Salvation through Obedience (WTV)
The sinful nature goes away when a man has been built. However, Christ's revelation will only build us when we obey it. The demands of Christ are in the secret places, and it is as we do the demands that we change. Change does not occur when we do not obey. Obedience to the life that is in Christ is done in preparation for the life that is in God.
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Understanding the Speaking of so great Salvation (WTV)
The word of salvation that we are hearing is coming from the throne of God – one that God and the Lamb is seated on. This is why we should hold fast to this word and trust in the Lord with all our hearts; we should not doubt salvation. We should have a martyrdom attitude. We must be above things. We should not let morsels of bread contend with this "so great salvation".
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Learning Jesus’ Order of Reigning (SOS)
To turn men to righteousness is to deliver them. The days of thy power are the days of the rod of His strength. The day of the rod of His strength is the day of the expression of His power wherein the people shall be willing (Psa. 110:3). The rod of His strength are those who will rule in the midst of His enemies; it is those who have been raised by Him that will put the devil down.
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Fulfilling Your Part in the Book of Life (LSC)
The will of God is the book in the blood, it is God's intent for service. All servants should serve God the way God desires. Jesus used 33½ years of His life to live for the will of God, and used 3½ years of those 33½ years to do ministry. He did not do ministry for 30 years, but he did the will for 33 years. They brought ministry to Him when He was almost finishing the will. The addition of ministry did not stop the will; ministry stopped but the will finished but never ended.
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Unveiling the Baptism of Fire (WTVPM)
When they can lead one by the Spirit of Christ outside the Kingdom, the Holy Ghost moves His manner with us higher and begins to teach us Christ; this is because the allocation of the name of the Son has begun. The day we see Christ fully is the day we are free. A free person is a person that no longer has chaff around him; the flesh skin of his soul is off. Nothing accomplishes this but the fire we encounter when we get into the sanctuary.
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Understanding Jesus' Full Ministry (WTVPM)
We must deal with every evil spirit that talks to us. It is the adversary who tells us that we have been wasting our time and have not been receiving this life. We should be glad that we have the lifetime opportunity to hear these words. If it happens that we don't get Eternal Life here on earth, we are still going to gain a state in heaven because of hearing these words and seeking it with a faithful heart.
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The Essence of the Appearing of Jesus in Glory (RH)
Glory is salvation. John the Baptist said “All flesh shall see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:6) and Isaiah said “All flesh shall see the glory of God” (Isa. 40:5). It is glorious to be saved. It is the glory of God to save a soul. Glory means it is of great importance. God is looking for a glorious church, a saved church in the soul.
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Jesus’s Order of Reigning (SOS)
Adam was set over the works of God’s hands, but for Jesus, God put everything under His feet not His hands. The way God subjects things under someone is to put them under His feet. The things are not beside Jesus, but under Him. It was not clearly seen that all things were under Adam’s feet but we see now that God has raised Jesus, the Lord of glory, overseer of all things and upholding all things by the word of His power.
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