Being Steadfast in Faith for the Coming of the Lord (RH)
We must hold faith well to come to a place of hope. Faith is the energy of God's life that is real and tangible. As we grow, it is that same faith energy that will begin to change our phase into hope and charity. When we come to the realm of everlasting life, we are going to see faith demands and the energy of faith at work. The energy of faith at work is going to be seen by how God will come to us in a way, such that we can lay hold of His life. This is what we are trusting that God will do for us in such a time like this — that we would have sufficient engagements in our hearts to be able to hold on to the word of life.
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The Mannerism of the Coming of the Lord (SOS)
The Lord would be coming to us at intervals until there is an abiding place for Him. The concept of prayer as we know it today was given later for the purpose of bringing God back. One essence of prayer is to bring God into a matter and to commune with Him. When we commune with God, we bring God’s attention into a matter. Prayer is really fellowship, it is communion; it is to build intimacy with God. However, prayer is currently no longer used for the purpose of bringing God back, rather, it is being used to meet our natural needs.
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Understanding the Principles of the Lord’s Coming (LSC)
Until the coming of the Lord in the levels of the milk of the word, the doctrine of Christ, and the doctrine of everlasting life are accomplished in us, rapture would not happen. So the onus rests on us, particularly those who are hearing these words, to hasten our walk and our salvation (2 Pet. 3:12-13).
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Prospering in the Name of the Holy Ghost, the Son, and the Father (LSC)
The spirit of Christ, which the name of the Son births, separates us from our goods, because the faith of the Son redefines Christ as our life. It takes time to be separated from goods, because sin ties the soul to goods. To be separated from one’s goods, there must be a change in the hope that governs the soul. When a soul is unhooked from the hope around the present life and is fed with the word and spirit that makes up Christ, Christ is formed in the soul. It can then begin to hope for something higher than earthly goods.
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Attaining Good Works (RH)
This is after many comings. Some people would have a name called ‘Salvation’. Those who will sit on the throne must have their names changed to Salvation. The labour of God’s servant is to change our names to Salvation. Eagles are those who have wings and can journey with the strength of doctrine. Carcasses to be fed on are the tidings that appearance wants to bring, so that we can have the understanding to relate with the True God and Eternal Life
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The Right Heart Posture for Believers' Convention Prayer Meeting
One secret to experiencing a prosperous and rewarding Believers' Convention is to follow prayer meetings keenly and wholeheartedly. The right heart posture for Believers' Convention prayer meetings is a heart that is ready to bring the mind and body under subjection, not letting anything hinder it from following through and partaking from all heaven is giving.
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Ministers of the gospel who are genuinely called are supposed to deal with hell and death that Satan did in the souls of men, they must possess the heart for ministry to save people which is a Shepherdic heart, If we do ministry after the sensual order, we will end up producing grass.
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The ministry of Jesus the Son of God is to be initiated amidst those who have become sanctuary brethren (holy brethren). This declaration of the Son of God to the holy brethren is a work that will take us into the Most Holy Place. We must understand the ministry of Jesus as the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, otherwise, we cannot receive His declarations as the Son of God.
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