Engaging the Voice of the Shepherd (BECON PM)
There is a connection between the sheep and the Shepherd, and His voice; and if the leading of the Spirit does not bring us to the point where we have that connection, then we will not be able to see our exceedingly great and precious promises.
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Understanding the Land and the Promise (BECON PM)
(1 Pet. 1:13). There are things that we should come into in the days of our sojourning on earth or in the days of our flesh. If they are not revealed, grace will not be brought. What precedes the grace being brought to us is the revelation of Jesus Christ. We cannot have faith or hunger for what we do not know about.
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The Process of Ministering the Promised Land to the Flock (BECONPM)
The nature of the Shepherd is actually the pasture land. Nature is pasture. Sheep of His pasture (Ps. 110:3) means sheep of His nature. The Shepherd gradually leads souls into His nature. This is why one cannot take everything in the pasture in one day; it is gradually taken.
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X-raying the Two Promises (BECONPM)
There are two blessed Persons – God and the Father. They are both blessed and are both a blessing. There is a function of God and there is a function of the Father. God is the promise while the Father is the giver or one that will minister God to us.
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Unveiling the Promised Land (BECONPM)
Jesus overcame all spiritual wickedness and at the end, He overcame the dragon. He used His life on earth to overcome spirits that are wicked. The wars in the promised land in the book of Joshua are wars against wicked occupants. Thus, Israel had to slay them and for every slay, there is rest. We should not rest until we have conquered all the wicked spirits.
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Benefits of being with Jesus (WTV)
There are also conversations where we ought to decrease so that the Lord will increase (John 3:30). The conversations where God increases are the ones He sees in secret; they are the conversations filled with virtue and bring praise to Him (Phil. 4:8).
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Becoming Sheep of His Pasture (WTV)
The Holy Ghost wants to train us to hear His voice. For this to happen, we must know the voice of the scripture so well. The scripture has a way it sounds; it has its own voice. Nobody should hear the voice of the Lord if the Holy Ghost has not trained him well (Heb 3:7-8).
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The Process of Becoming God's Flock (WTV)
The Lord Jesus is the first Sheep of the Father. The Father led Him, spoke to Him and instructed Him to the cross and He kept on obeying. The Father said anyone who wants to be like Him should obey Him. Therefore, we must be led. We would expect a lot of subjective leading. The leading of the spirit is for salvation. It is not just to know what to do when there is a decision to make.
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Focusing on Things Heavenly (WTV)
If a man is not doing what he knows, his conversation (manner of life) can be too low compared to the height of knowledge he has received. We should match the things we are hearing with the conversations we have. Change has come to a man who has conversations, having heard and obeyed what he has heard (James 1:22).
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