God’s Project of Building Man (ER)
The project of God is for man to receive His building. When Adam fell, he could not stay in rest anymore, because he did not have what it takes to stay there. One needs the capacity to take the engineering of faith that can rest. Labor is to obey the word. Obedience is to labor and do the word. When such a one does the word, such gets built up and then gets the capacity to enter into His rest.
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The Prophetic Life and the Springs of God (SOS)
A lamb without spot or wrinkle is a glorious church. A church that has been caught up to glory has experienced the transaction of the Spirit of glory. So the blessings for making it holy and without blemish are beyond knowledge. Although blessings have been taught as knowledge/precepts, it is much more than that. Blessings are spirit!
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Overcoming the Prophetic Life of Satan by the Spirit of Prophecy (LSC)
God is looking for a kind of prophets. Jane Leade described them as the most prophetic generation that God is looking for and their time is at hand. They are not prophets by being called into the office of a prophet. Some people like this and they stay there. Some men just like to reveal things about other people while they have their own things (issues). That is not the kind of prophecy being talked about. This prophecy is what is able to make a people. It is a gene.
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The Blessedness of Walking With Jesus In and Out (BECONPM)
When a man is with Jesus, he will know how easy it is to deal with a spirit like Satan. Jesus is a very superior Man; this is why we need to stay with Him. He wants us to be with Him so that He can receive us to Himself (John 14:3).
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Unveiling the Secret of Jesus (BECONPM)
Jesus wants to love you; He wants to love each and everyone of us. Jesus wants to love us in a personal way that will be our portion. One can have His knowledge but may not know Him. The going in and out of Jesus is for us to know Him. Going in and out is the ministry of a shepherd and that of a bishop. “To go out” is a shepherdic ministry while “coming in” is the ministry of a bishop. As He comes in, Jesus will deposit things in us.
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The Making of the Witness to Jesus’ Life (BECONPM)
There is an inheritance of the first allocation of the gospel and the inheritance is a measure of the person of Jesus. It was that person that Philip became and he could preach Christ. Philip was not preaching Christ from the revelational point of view as the power of God; it was Paul who delved into that and revealed the mystery.
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Benefits of being with Jesus (WTV)
There are also conversations where we ought to decrease so that the Lord will increase (John 3:30). The conversations where God increases are the ones He sees in secret; they are the conversations filled with virtue and bring praise to Him (Phil. 4:8).
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Becoming Sheep of His Pasture (WTV)
The Holy Ghost wants to train us to hear His voice. For this to happen, we must know the voice of the scripture so well. The scripture has a way it sounds; it has its own voice. Nobody should hear the voice of the Lord if the Holy Ghost has not trained him well (Heb 3:7-8).
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Being Built by Eating and Doing the Bread (ER)
God is interested in raising and building us. He wants to raise a formidable people and build us the same way He built Jesus against hell and death. Jesus is a work that was done, for God built Him in a way that death could no longer have dominion over Him. God built a man that beat death and all the arsenals of Satan. That is the kind of work God wants to do in us; He wants to raise men and women who will beat death. To beat death, one must be able to walk against the laws of death.
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