Another Look at The Essence of Sonship - PART 36
If the Godhead is called The God of the Living, The Son of the Living God and The Spirit of the Living God respectively (Mk 12:27/2Cor. 3:3/Matt. 16:16), then it is spiritually safe to agree that the first relationship and institution that God intended was with a living man, a breed of faith and love whose eternal walk with God was archived in the volume of the book; in the scriptures of truth (Heb. 10:7/Dan. 20:21).
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True Change is Imminent Part 1
We give thanks to the Father of Mercies who in His infinite wisdom answered some unuttered prayers in 2015, but more interestingly, hasn’t answered some of our prayers in the interest of our eternal salvation.
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Looking Inward & Outward (With the goggle of Faith) - Part 5
When an unbeliever or an unbelieving believer treats us in ways natural to them, we as believing believers are meant to do what should be natural to us, like Jesus would. (Matt. 5:44/Lk. 6:35)
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Looking Inward & Outward (With the goggle of Faith) - Part 10
Class matters! Stature matters! Status matters - in this present world and in the world to come! So every man is either striving or hastening to attain the class, status or stature of this present passing world or of the world to come. (Matt. 11:8/Rev. 21:23-24/2Pet. 3:13)
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Looking Inward & Outward (With the goggle of Faith) - Part 28
While occasionally watching tennis, I like to see how champions play with skill, stamina, strength and speed, and how they crown their efforts with a resilient frame of mind that fights until the last point. So is the walk, training, dealings and trials, from faith to charity.
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Looking Inward & Outward (With the goggle of Faith) – Part 29
Not all believers would end up being shepherds, but we are all called to have a shepherd’s kind of heart like that of Moses, which can easily be led against our worldly arrangements. Hearts that’ll strive to keep the commandment of the New Testament that the Lord reveals, or that would look for opportunities to prefer others and thereby gradually interpret faith, hope, charity, mercy, and love; even eternal life. (Jude 1:20-21/Jn. 17:3).
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Looking Inward & Outward (With the goggle of Faith) – Part 30
Not all believers would end up being shepherds, but we are all called to have a shepherd’s kind of heart like that of Moses, which can easily be led against our worldly arrangements. Hearts that’ll strive to keep the commandment of the New Testament that the Lord reveals, or that would look for opportunities to prefer others and thereby gradually interpret faith, hope, charity, mercy, and love; even eternal life. (Jude 1:20-21/Jn. 17:3).
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Looking Inward & Outward (With the goggle of Faith) – Part 31
What the Lord is using us to do or would use us to do, can become a competition to our being content with having much more of Him. This was one understanding our Lord Jesus was armed with, before and after he was heavily anointed at Jordan, which enabled Him to place a high premium placed on the acquisition of life.
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Light Up America 2019
The gospel is coming again with the purity of power; it is smiling again unto the saints like it did in the early Church; it is making known secrets that was hid in God from the foundations of the world, because she must come into beauty and glory.
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