The Conversation of a Prisoner of Christ (RH)
The new man is prepared to become a prisoner of the Lord Jesus by being armed with some commandments of everlasting life. As prisoners of the Lord, we would be trained not to do our will.
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Flesh: God's Instrument for Dominion Manifestation (LSC)
The basic knowledge of flesh is that it is the hide (skin) for expression in a visible world. The physical realm is not the only manifest world. Jesus was manifest as God in the flesh. There is a dimension of sight that is beyond the physical. Jesus was manifest in the flesh and seen of angels, yet the carnal man could not see or read the manifestation because it is not yet in their dimension. This manifestation was preached to the Gentiles.
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ANAMNESIS 2022 Day Four Evening Session Grande Finale Reverend Kayode Oyegoke
God needs a heavenly climate to dwell in any temple that would be built on earth. Man is expected to know about the heavens. The idea of a man being "heavenly useful, earthly useless" is a lie that was sold to man so he can tabernacle here on earth. It is a curse from Satan with an evil definition – one that will not allow a man to ever raise his head to see God.
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The Upside-Down Kingdom
This Kingdom stands against everything the world stands for. Hence, the world sees it as an upside-down Kingdom, for it takes a deep plunge into the debased world of men, saves them, and turns them upright.
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The Manifestation Of God's Dominion Over Flesh (Pt. 1, PFN)
The Church is not meant for any pastor to acquire their personal dreams or craft kingdoms. Satan also talks to men to build a kingdom here, which is a bribe not to allow the work of God to thrive. It must be knocked out of us so that we do not work with the dominion of the adversary.
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Coming into the Abundance of Grace in Christ (LSC)
(Eph 4:1-7) In Christ, we are given grace in measures and access to grace is according to knowledge (2 Pet. 1:2). This measure of knowledge is the gift of Christ. This type of gift has never been given to any man prior to the coming of Jesus Christ. We ought to receive the different measures of Christ to qualify for receiving the gift of God, which is Eternal Life.
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Being Cultured by the Doctrine of Christ (SOS)
There is no growth or change of a soul without doctrine. We are taught knowledge and made to understand doctrine (Isa. 28:9). To make a man, doctrine must be laid like building blocks. Doctrine is what we must obey to be saved in our souls and it is fetched from knowledge.
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Obedience to the Formation of Christ (RH)
Obedience is a tool that God uses to prepare men to acquire a divine nature. Disobedience is not just violating explicit instructions; it is a learning called the course of this world. It is designed to make men aliens to God’s life. Obedience is also a way — a pattern of life and a means for the formation of nature in men (Rom. 5:19).
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The Manifestation of God's Dominion over Flesh (Part 2 PFN)
There is contention over bodies this season. God cannot be manifested in the flesh until He has established His dominion over the bodies of people. This means there must be victory over bodies for God to manifest Himself in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16).
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