The Visitation of the Lamb (BECONPM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention Prayer Meeting 2024 (Week 2_Day 2)

Date: Tuesday, 16th July, 2024



Transcript Summary


1. It is more blessed to give than to receive. If we sow to the spirit, we will reap life (Gal. 6:7-8). A Church that gives will never be poor. When believers give in a nation, that nation would be kept and not be ravaged because they are bound by oath. As they give to the gospel, that nation will be kept. Some may say that Nigeria has not changed despite the giving of believers, but we should not stop giving and walking in righteousness. 


2. The problem of Nigeria is not the Church; she only has leaders who are not patriotic about the nation. However, we trust that God will change the nature of the leaders in this nation so that we can live a quiet and peaceable life in all honesty (1 Tim. 2:2).


3. Tonight’s manner of ministering is answered prayers, it’s not a teaching. It’s a direct blessing from the mouth of the Father. The Father possessed His servant to say them to us.


4. While God’s servant was prophesying and saying, “I have made you heavens…I have brought heavens to you,” he saw the Father committing the world to come to us (Heb 2:5). He has not committed the world to come to angels but He said He has given us. 


5. He said He has made us light. He used the words, “I am another Light”. He is saying He is not the present light but a different light. He is a Light more than this creation; He is a new Light.


6. The two persons of the Godhead talked to us. Jesus said He has given us the new heaven and that we are the new heaven. The Father talked later that He has given us heaven. Jesus brought the Father to come and put His seal on us.


7. We should thank God for this because this does not come easily to man. One can read scriptures and yet, will not own things. This is because there are rituals around having such things.They came to put Their stamp of approval on things that have been said to us. These things will be more than teaching.


8. When God gave Adam authority in the garden, He said it (the authority) to him and it was so (Gen. 2:15). Adam was not taught the names of animals; he knew and called them because authority had been conferred on him. Thus, we should not take this ministration tonight with levity, but we should receive it and know that we are heaven. Jesus is saying that because of what He said tonight, we will gravitate towards heaven because there is a grace that has been brought to us.


9. (1Pet 1:3-4) The lively hope can only be dispensed in two things: obedience and the sprinkling of the blood. Here, the Hebrew Church had been begotten again unto a lively hope to an inheritance. When hope is seen, it is no longer hope. We wait for hope but when the hope has become a reality, it is no longer hope. We get past hope when it can be spoken to us. 


10. This inheritance is in heaven because it is heavenly in nature. So the inheritance is heaven, hence why it can only stay in heaven. Thus, the inheritance cannot come down when hearts are not yet conditioned to become heaven. As this inheritance is coming, one is receiving heavens. This heaven is incorruptible and undefiled (1 Pet. 1:4); it is not just a dwelling place, but much more!


11. The inheritance of this present heaven are angels; it is in them. This present heavenly strata houses them because God has given them its inheritance. So our new world will not occur except new heavens are born. What we call heavens are beings. Thus, if the beings are not present, God will not bring their world.


12. The state of the Church (people) who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation is that their inheritance is incorruptible, undefiled and fades not away (1 Pet. 1:5). The inheritance is what will make one a heaven; it is salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.


13. There are two things that will make the salvation sure to us: suffering and glory. The suffering is also part of the salvation, then the glory that should follow culminates it (1 Pet. 1:11-12). The suffering is the training for the glory; it is the leading of the Spirit for conversion to be heavenly. Christ suffered and He entered into His glory (Luke 24:26). Both suffering and glory saved Christ. Thus, you cannot say you will be glorified without suffering.


14. The revelation of Jesus Christ is knowing Him. The word “revelation” means Jesus will be revealed to us. What His revelation will do is to give grace. God is gradually commissioning something in the spirit. This is what scriptures referred to as “what manner of time” (1 Pet. 1:11) and we are in one of those manners of time. The manner of this time is the season of gross darkness and the answer to gross darkness is light. This the reason the Lord is saying, “I am the Light”, which is salvation.


15. (Isa. 60:1-3) The glory here is the glory that should follow. “Thy light” here is not what we have inside but what is upon us. We will not arise until the light has come. The light within (Ps 27:1) is different from the light upon. Isaiah was talking about the “coming upon”. If a city does not have the rising light upon, it will not have the authority to function in the glory of the calling. So there is an inner working and the glory upon. This is why Jesus has to come—to confer that “thing upon”. 


16. Jane Leade’s prophecy confirmed this, saying the Church shall soon be seen coming out of the wilderness having the glory of God and of the Lamb. In the prophecy today, God said, “I am hiding you” — that is our wilderness. By the time He will lead us out, something will be upon us. The God and the Father are coming to confer the glory and They will keep coming until They stay. They will both save us within and then rise upon us.


17. The Church will have the glory of God and of the Lamb. To have the glory of God is to use the light of God to live. This is what the book of Isaiah meant by the nations shall flow into it (Isa. 2:2); the glory of God and of the Lamb shall rest. 


18. There is something about the mystery of the Father and the Son and that is what is being communicated to us. This is the Lamb’s song!



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