Unveiling the Secret of Jesus (BECONPM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention 2024 (Week 1-Day 4)

Date: Friday, 12th July, 2024


                                                            Transcript Summary 


1. The subject of appearance is beyond knowledge, it is an advent. As a result, there is a ministry around it called the ministry of revelation. It is beyond disseminating understanding, but an allocation that is weighty with certain understanding which only that allocation can bring.


2. One who has attained the inheritance of Christ has attained a measure of the Holy Ghost, higher than one who has the Holy Ghost as a seal (Eph. 1:13). When one has been sealed with the name of the Father, such a person has the everlasting Spirit of God, which is still the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is the Eternal Spirit, the Everlasting Spirit, the Spirit of Christ and also has His role as the Holy Ghost.


3. The law of Christ is operated by the Holy Ghost. When the spirit of Christ comes upon a person, the law of freedom is activated upon that person. The first freedom is from the first flesh, which is the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). Being born again or receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost does not make one free from sin. One can only attain freedom when such has learned the law that sets free. This law is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1-2). However, there is another flesh to be free from, which is built by the law of hell and death. This is death itself!


4. The Lord wants us to fulfill the ministry He has given to us, but it is not just about the ministry, for there is the ministry and the course. The course is our path of life and we should make sure we finish that path. A lot of people are not yet on any course and many have not started their ministry while a lot of people are doing ministry as a result of merchandise. The body of Christ is so blind that we do not know who is in ministry.


5. There are many reasons for death, chief among them is human will. Both Cain and Abel were under the same allocation of presence of God but Cain’s will took him away from the presence of God. One can look like the devil under presence, as Cain did. It means that devils are in the churches and not just in the world, but the devils in churches are more dangerous.


6. Death cut man off from the presence of God and at the same time, fashioned man as flesh. To be free from flesh is to use the law of Christ. Flesh is higher than grass, for they are also trees. Before God, all flesh is grass (1 Pet. 1:24). That mighty tree is a grass. When one is saving flesh, the trees need to be cut down; the grass needs to be burnt. 


7. Satan uses sin to build the body. Body speaks of the man himself; flesh is an invisible man that Satan wrote using the code of the outward man. He wore it on the soul and gave it as an identity of the soul. The same thing Satan did to man is what he did to angels – he made them operate using their flesh. As such, they are no longer operating from within out, as he used their outward being to give them an inside identity.


8. It is a seal that makes us His (2 Tim. 2:19). To have this seal, one must have been a student of the spirit of Christ; such must have been led by the Holy Ghost. The Lord is teaching us the law. The orchestrations of the wilderness can be brought into our everyday life, even when it seems like our natural life is perfectly fine. The Holy Ghost can rearrange one’s life. One is only free when God is done working with him. Truth is spirit; it is the law that comes from the spirit of life that is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1-2).


9. The twelve disciples were specifically chosen by divine orchestration; it was an allocation for them, as they were perfectly chosen to meet Jesus in the flesh. Apostle Paul may not be designed to see Him in the flesh, which is why he could only see Him in the spirit. It is easier to see Him in the spirit. Thus, we must fear and revere Jesus in the flesh. There is a great price to pay to experience Jesus in the flesh.


10. The twelve disciples were to be with Him so that He could send them forth to preach. There is something the twelve disciples that were ordained to be with Jesus knew that Paul may not know. Paul knew Him by revelation, but they knew Him by association. That honour of being with Jesus in the flesh will not be given again to any man. That is why no one can replace the twelve disciples in ages to come. There is something they have with Jesus. One of the reasons why Jesus was coming in and out with the disciples is so that they might know Him.


11. If you want to prove a person, check those who make up his company. The disciples were with Him from the moment He started ministry. They all knew Him and His manner of person; they knew His nature and secrets. There are certain things they know of that no one knows, which is why it took someone who knew him to betray him. Jesus did not commit Himself to all men, but He committed Himself to the twelve disciples.


12. Jesus wants to love you; He wants to love each and everyone of us. Jesus wants to love us in a personal way that will be our portion. One can have His knowledge but may not know Him. The going in and out of Jesus is for us to know Him. Going in and out is the ministry of a shepherd and that of a bishop. “To go out” is a shepherdic ministry while “coming in” is the ministry of a bishop. As He comes in, Jesus will deposit things in us.


13. We cannot find pasture except when we go in and out (John 10:9). No sheep on its own accord can find pasture or look for food itself, for every sheep must be led to find pasture. There is a door to the sheepfold, there is a barn for the sheepfold, which is managed by a door. There is no way one can break into the sheepfold except by Him. No sheep should pass any other way. This tells us that the authority to bring a sheep out and in is by Him. Any other entrance or outward movement that is not by Him has contravened the law. 


14. It is through the excellent knowledge that we know Him. Appearing takes place by several comings in and out. The Man Jesus will be known by each and everyone, but covenant must first be cut. To be a God to them is to commit Himself to them (Heb. 8:10). It is the law that will commit God to us. God must first be our God to make us His people. The first promise is to be a God and the second, is to be His people. Promises are in grades and our knowing Him will be distributed according to capacity. 


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