A Treatise on Resurrection from the Dust by the Great Prince (LSC)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)


Programme: Lekki Soul Centre (LSC)


Date: Wednesday, 6th July 2022



A day is already begotten. God has given birth to a day in the spirit and the day is upon us (Ps. 118:24). It is a day of resurrection and it is evident in the spirit. Just as in Psalm 104:2, God is stretching upon us a new day. “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.” (Ps. 118:22-23). In that day, the Lord raises a cornerstone for the household of Israel in the spirit, despite it being rejected. Jesus was announced as the Chief cornerstone when He was raised from the dead. That day, God said, Jesus had been begotten (Heb. 5:5). There are different wombs and motherly designs in scripture. However, it is not everyone that will be children of the morning. Children of the morning are gotten from the womb of the morning.


“This is the day which the LORD hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps 118:24). Rejoicing and being glad means two things: to rejoice is to make joy known. Rejoicing in the day is to live everlasting life, and the end of the day is gladness. The workings of the day are manifestations of joy levels and zones. Everlasting life is a joyful life. We ought to rejoice because the absence of joy is the presence of sorrow. Touching sorrow is touching death. Sorrow, mourning, death and pain belong to the same unit but joy comes in the morning (Psa. 30:5).


The rejoicing of a man depicts complete freedom. It is a complete escape from what the adversary stands for and what Satan epitomizes. A person experiences joy when he is delivered from all the works of the devil. Such a person is not under the works of Satan anymore. God wants us to be in joy until our joy is full. When our joy is full, it shows that we have come into full deliverance from the devil. It is worth rejoicing over.


It is possible for a man to be under everlasting chains till he goes to heaven yet he is completely oblivious of the chains. The angels see the chains and their expressions show that such a man has not been freed. These chains are recognizable to them because of its perverted angelic nature Men are bound with chains. Nothing cuts gates of brass and bars of iron in sunder except the great works of God (Ps. 107:15-16).


No one should fall into the hands of God wrongly. No man should think that he is strong against the Almighty. Scripture shows strong men like the king of Tyrus whom heaven broke into pieces. King Belshazzar became overly excited and called for the utensils of the tabernacle used by priests in Jerusalem to be used to drink (Dan. 5:2). Cup in the scripture is not an ordinary thing; it should be feared. Those cups are dominion tools that God took to Babylon. Belshazzar should have known that the owner of those tools was still alive. Young men should be careful with excitement.


Cyrus means ‘Sun’, ‘Head’ and ‘Throne’ (Is. 45:1-3). In the book of Ezra, Cyrus was the king of Persia who ruled the world from the province of Babylon. The seed of Medes ruled in Babylon first. Later, the seed of Persia took it over. It was a mystery kingdom. One of the sons of Persia called Cyrus took over Babylon again. While he was in Babylon, he was fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah. Many years ago, Isaiah had prophesied concerning Cyrus as a king who will return Jews back to Judea. He helped to build Jerusalem again and to raise the temple; and he gave resources towards it. After Cyrus died, another king of Persia called Darius came into power. Darius did not do anything concerning the prosperity of the temple.


You will never hear the bible say He has broken the gates of gold or cut in sunder the bars of silver. The iron kingdom is not a bar, it is a gate. The Grecian kingdom is a gate. Gate has to do with entrance. In the metallic description of the kingdom, Daniel interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar who dreamt and saw a statue whose head was made of gold, his chest to the breast was made of silver and then from the thorax region to the thigh was made up of brass and then, the knee region to the leg was made up of iron. His feet were miry clay mixed with iron (Dan. 2:41-43). The season we are on earth now is miry clay. The influences of those dominions are still manifesting. They are not completely gone. The dominion is in the hands of the Europeans. From Greece to Rome and from Rome to Britain, all of them are in the west.


The dominion of Nebuchadnezzar was more of spirits. Babylon had strength because Nebuchadnezzar led the people to join forces with fallen angels. This was the same with Persian. It was during these seasons that the visions of Daniel were downloaded. The spirit that crafted the dominion of Greece depended more on minds. This is why Greeks seek and exalt wisdom and intelligence more than the realm of the spirit even though they had their gods. It was from Greece that democracy was born. All the American philosophies are Grecian. Babylonians are not like these. They trust in their gods. It is still easy for people who believe in gods to turn to God. When people do not believe in the existence of God but believe in their minds, it is more dangerous.


The kingdom of the Greeks has a lustre for liberty, which was what Alexander the Great did – he promoted freedom. He was not a tyrant. He was more dangerous to God than Nebuchadnezzar. His mind was free. Part of the expression of this freedom was that men began to sleep with men to have more power. It is a homosexual spirit. They were trained to do that so that they would rule men. The Grecian empire was not an ordinary dominion. They dropped in quality of “metal” because they exalted wisdom more. They lost their texture of God; their reliance on Someone who is higher. The iron dominion pushed the worship of God away and they believed in the god of forces. They believed in men’s might and minds. Every man wanted to become a god. That is the teaching of brass.


God can easily control gold and silver, but He cannot easily control brass and iron because they are stronger on the negative side. Iron dominion subdued the three kingdoms (Gold-Babylon, Silver-Persia and Brass-Greek). The Grecian army was wiser but the Roman army excelled with force. They used brute force to weaken the nations. That is the nature of the dominion of the iron kingdom. The lack of spiritual powers was what those dominions depend on: human capability, human strength, human formation, and human machination; but the kings of the eastern region depended more on consulting God. They often had someone that could contact that realm, just like Daniel (Dan. 5:11).


To God, other gods are deaf, dumb and blind. Satan is blind before God because he is not seeing accurately. Everything Satan machinates eventually fulfil God’s bidding. Jesus was born in the season of these two gates (Greek and Rome). He did not come in the era of Babylon or Persia. The Messiah came when the second kingdom (Iron) had set in. The reason was that the cup of Satan was full at that time. That was the time to break Satan. All the dominions of Satan (those nations) were all manifestations of his princely genetics.


“In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.” (Dan. 10:1). True means ‘Most Holy’, ‘Eternal’. Though it was true, it was not yet time for it but Daniel understood the vision that was revealed. Then, he began to pray. Daniel was a man greatly beloved of God. ‘Beloved’ is a word used for sons or Christians. To be in the beloved is where we are going. A beloved is a man to whom God will commit His things (John 3:35). Daniel was loved, even in the Old Testament; that was why he was given understanding. He was a peculiar prophet. Prophets were never given understanding; they were only given prophecies.


“And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.” (Dan. 8:16). Angels are high emissaries that have understanding and revelations. One cannot see the ministry of angels if such hates revelation. The absence of revelation attracts evil spirits. These spirits know that a man that receives understanding becomes a potent weapon. When Daniel was asking for revelation, pandemonium broke in the heavens, but Daniel did not know. He just kept asking. We should do a lot of supplications and warring in prayers for understanding. The prince of Persia was Satan. Understanding is a very real commodity in the realm of the spirit.


“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.” (Dan. 10:13). It is only a prince that can war with a prince. Princes are beings that have secrets to things that can cause control. Princes have been given the key of reign. They are holders of keys – secrets of a matter, secrets concerning power. Generally, princes are not just lords; they are controllers. A person can be a lord and not be a controller. It is possible to be high and not be in control. Now, God stepped aside and gave control to Jesus when He raised Him from the dead. So, Jesus reigned instead of the Father (Psalm 110). Right hand reign is the reign of a dimension in the throne of God. In the order of God, If you are not raised to the right hand, there is no way you can be in control of God’s things.


A prince can become anything. If you are a prince, you have all things. That was why he was able to withstand the angel that was bringing understanding to Daniel. The angel was also a prince but was not as high as the prince of Persia. He was a lower prince. You can tell princes’ rank by their belt. Linens are for high priests. The servants of God who serve God in the most Holy place wear linen. Linen is a most holy garment. The angels in Revelation 1 wore linen with girdle around their breasts. Beings with linen garments are the holiest of all servants. In his fallen state, the prince of Persia could still withstand this angel because he had this girdle upon his breasts.


Our Lord Jesus Christ was described in Isaiah 11:1-5. In the Holy of holies, there are beings. They are divided into two quarters- people with the girdle around their loins and those with girdle around their reins. When a man breaks through into the Holiest of all, such break through into the presence of God where there is fullness of joy. The manifestation of the most Holy place is a nature of rejoicing. A rejoicer is a man with the holiest of all life. Such is completely free from the devil.


The girdle of Michael is faithfulness. Faithfulness is higher than righteousness. Faithfulness is a higher girdle. Girdle is truth and truth is understanding. So, Lucifer used to be a faithful girdle fellow before his fall. Satan lost his faithfulness hence he became iniquity. So, what we see perpetuated between Michael and the prince of Persia is the operation of the girdle of faithfulness and iniquity. There are two dimensions of iniquity; the lower one is “false”, the higher one is “the lie”. So, the first one is hell and the last one is death. Death are properties that have the capacity to finally alienate a man from the life of God without the possibility of a return.


The spirit in Satan is not interested in possessing people; instead, it is a spirit of the colony. It desires to colonise so you will be in his kingdom. Satan’s captivity can be for a very long time until another dominion comes that is skilled in loosening the loins of that king. What God promised Cyrus was the loosening of loins (Isa. 45:1). The gifts of kings to men are these loins which they tie men to: they are what men use as a manner of life. They are the genes that make men look exactly like the king.


Daniel’s concern for the people of Israel is that they should not only be delivered from Babylon but also be perpetually free. Daniel understood that the reason his people fell into captivity was because of sin and iniquity. He wanted to know when sin and iniquity would end (Dan. 9:24). He knew there was a dominion that made Israel sin, which further led them into captivity. This was the activity of Satan in them; after which he accused them before God so they could be taken into captivity. Hence, as long as the church is still held down by sin, she will still be under captivity.


“Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.” (Dan. 10:20). The prince of Grecia is the same person as the prince of Persia. The kingdom is the manifestation of an entity (that is the king). All dominions were done by spirits, not man. Fallen angels are the ones ruling this world and they are called princes of this world (John 14:30). Life is an offer. Real dominions offer gifts of life. The kingdom of God gives life and the kingdom of Satan also shows how to live. The “how to live” of Satan are his chains with which he holds people down with an offer of life.


When these two dominions took power (Persia and Grecia), inventions on earth accelerated and weapons became sophisticated. Education also changed. Men too, became more high minded, boasters and fierce. Perils also came to earth. They began to celebrate the mind and intelligence instead of the heart. It was Satan who morphed into these kingdoms. All those metals - gold to iron - were in him. He knew exactly how to drive his dominion and succeeded in doing that.


However, Daniel said a stone was cut without a hand (Dan. 2:34). Iron is supposed to break a stone. But this stone is not earthly; it is from the highest. The stone grounded the image of iron into powder (Dan. 2:34). The stone then began to grow and fill the earth. We are in the days of this stone. This stone refers to the manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth that will impose upon the rest of dominions -- arresting, scattering, and taking them away -- so as to institute Himself.


“But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.” (Dan. 10:21). The angel said he wanted to show Daniel the answer to the things he asked for, which is the answer to the deliverance of his people. There is a "Michael that is one of the chief princes" (Dan. 10:13) but the "Michael" in the scripture above was described as Daniel's prince. He is not an angel. This Michael is a man– the King of the Jews.


Daniel was a Judean he was a Jew. Jesus was also Judean; He was a Jew (Matt. 2:1-2). The description of Jesus as "King of the Jews" by the wise men was accurate. When Jesus was born, He was King of the Jews. He was not the King of Israel. Samaritans are Israel. The Jewish are Judeans: Benjamin and Judah. The wise men saw the star of Jesus in the east and were able to read that Jesus is not just a Jewish king but the King of the Jews.


The angel told Daniel that in the days of this Prince (the Messiah), this Prince is the only one that will hold with him in the things he is saying (Dan. 10:21). Because God has not given it to anyone else other than Jesus. Jesus talked about the desolation spoken of by Daniel (Matt. 24:15). Jesus downloaded everything that would happen to the Jews. So, He is indeed the King of the Jews.


The highest persons on earth are the Jews. They are higher than Israel because of worship. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman "...salvation is of the Jews" (John 4:22). So, a king of the Jews is a different king on earth. He is not like the rest of the kings. He is a king of worshippers; they who worship God. But the spirit that withstood the angel that was coming from heaven to Daniel was against worship. Because when there is worship, there is deliverance.


"But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions." (Obad. 1:17). Deliverance cannot be separated from worship. Jesus told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His people go, so they can come to the wilderness and worship Him (Exo. 5:1). The word "Jewish" means those who worship God in Jerusalem or those who worship God according to the pattern of the tabernacle. Samaritans are those who go up to the mountain to worship. But the order of worship changed during the time of Moses from going up to the mountain to the vision God gave Moses on how worship should be done. God downloaded to Moses how the house of worship should look like. But when the King of the Jews came, the Jews refused Him.


"He came unto His own, and His own received Him not." (John 1:11).  If the Jews were to properly receive Jesus, they would take Him to the temple. If He is a king, they will put Him in the Holy of Holies. He would sit there and begin to teach them (the Jews), because He has the key on how to develop Jewish people. To a degree, Jesus lived a Jewish life on earth. A ruler of the Jews saw Him and read Him. The Jews were meant to know how to live the Jewish life but Jesus was hindered. The Messiah could not live long, not because He didn't want to but because He had to die for the people.


The word "Michael" means "like God". It is not a name God designed for angels; it is God's name and anybody can bear it. Gabriel means strength of God. These beings are actually men– they are men of the other world (Dan. 9:21). The man (image) in them is the name. So, their name is an image. God gave the angels an image and a likeness; but one amongst them bears God's name so highly.


"Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." (John 5:25). This is not just physical resurrection. Physical resurrection is nothing compared to soul resurrection. Soul is the man. The outward man is a house.


"And there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast: The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." (John 12:20-21, 24). The Gentiles desired to see Jesus but Jesus said to them that they cannot see Him now; He is for the Jews. He needed to die for them before He could come to them. If He comes to them without dying, He would be alone and when is alone, He would be small. But when He is no longer alone but has become many, He would be for many nations. From one kernel of corn, three or four fruits can be gotten from the stem. And inside the fruit are many kernels. So, one kernel of corn can give birth to two thousand or a whole farm. So, Jesus designed Himself as a corn. He came as a corn. There are three things about corn: the outer shell, the food and the corn. The shell is Christ, the food is everlasting life while the corn is Eternal Life– thirty-fold, sixty-fold and hundred-fold.


Eternal life is fullness. It is not an ordinary life. When the image of God will come to its fullness, Jesus would have the capacity to raise the dead. The ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ is to raise dead souls that have become dusty. When Jesus is exposed to men, there is no man He cannot handle.  So, Jesus cried "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me." (John 12:32). A minister can make up his mind not to lift Jesus up. Ministers are supposed to lift Jesus up the way Moses lifted the serpent (John 3:14). We should pray for a "Moses", one who would have the courage to obey God to lift up Jesus. Moses was the meekest man on earth (Num. 12:3). It can only take the meek to lift Jesus. To lift Jesus is in the hands of men.


"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:14-15). This scripture means Jesus will be made known highly and greatly. It is to make He who is the image of God known. The word "likeness" means image. The image of God should be made known greatly. The great Prince is not yet known. We are in the season of Him being raised up.



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