Programme: Anamnesis 2024 (Day 2 - Evening Session)

Theme: The Son; The Way

Date: Thursday, 12th December 2024

Minister: Pastor Tosin Gabriel

Topic: The Essence of the Covenant of the Way of the Son



Transcript Summary


1.    The only escape from darkness for us in these times is to be partakers and recipients of His name. We are in the last days and the warfare is taking a new turn; it is moving to a new level in the spirit. Thus, anyone who is in the flesh or on the earth would be overtaken because the adversary is coming. The Father has purposed that in this last time, He will share His name with men and that is our great inheritance.


2.    The essence of the fatherhood of God is so that He can give an inheritance to men. God chose to be a Father because there is inheritance at stake. For the sake of this inheritance, the Father has sent His Son again. The Son of God is come does not mean that the Son of God came, rather, it is an announcement to let us know that we have, amidst us, the ministry of the Son of God and there is a purpose for that.


3.     There is that which the Son of God has come to do – He is opening the way to the Father and God. The Son of God is the Way; He is not walking in the way, He is the actual Way. He is the way to His Father and His God. Thus, one cannot know His Father without knowing the Son. In the same way, one cannot know God without the Son being known. The Father has raised the Son for us as the way to Himself. The Son of God is the way to our inheritance and God is our inheritance and reward. 


4.    The Son, being the way, is a building. The Son was built up to heaven and has become the ladder. (John 1:51). Ascension will occur and people will be built up from the earth. Ascension in the New Testament is to be built up. When Jesus resurrected from the dead, He was carried to heaven. He was taken up bodily to heaven. However, for ascension, the soul must be built up. These angels ascending and descending are not necessarily spirits, but servants who will be built up firstly and then descend, which means that they will bear witness.


5.    (John 6:55). Anamnesis is a feast of the flesh and blood of the Son of God. There was a lot of labour done on the law, covenant, testament, testimony and the word of prophecy. All these things are contents of the flesh and the blood of the Son of God. Eating the flesh of the Son of God does not refer to His physical body but His spiritual building. His body or flesh is His building; it is the content of His soul.


6.     The flesh and blood of our Lord Jesus are the contents of His soul and partaking of them is partaking of His soul. Such a person is eating and sharing his soul state with Him. Though we would take the communion physically this year, it is an entrance to partaking of His soul, as blood is a life in the soul. All of these are the contents of His soul. To partake of Jesus’ flesh is to partake of His building, as Jesus has building in His soul.


7.     (1 Cor. 15:50). There is another flesh and blood that Satan has. Satan is a fallen cherub and he understood certain ordinances, so he perverted what God intended to build in man so that men could partake of his flesh and blood. Satan has flesh and blood. Flesh is an investment of Satan in men’s life; it is a way but blood is a highway. The war that mankind has been fighting for years is the war of flesh, but the war is moving into the war of blood.


8.     (Heb. 10:19-20). The flesh of the Son of God is the new and living way. This means His flesh is a way. The revelation of our Lord Jesus that Peter could capture is the revelation of the building of His flesh (Matt. 16:16-17). The flesh and blood of Jesus are both buildings. Jesus is now much more than Christ, the Son of the living God. He is the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Son of the true God, and the Son of the only true God. Jesus has so much building inside of Him now. But at the time Peter received the revelation, the building of our Lord Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God.


9.    Charity is the end of the commandment, out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned (1 Tim. 1:5). A more excellent way is comparing charity with the gift of Christ. There are ways in Christ: faith and hope, but charity is a more excellent way (1 Cor 13:13). After partaking of His flesh, we receive more building, which is partaking of His blood.


10.  We will inherit the flesh and blood of the Son of God inside our soul. To have the flesh of the Son of God is to become spiritual until we become living. The first man God formed was not spiritual but a living soul (1 Cor. 15:45). The intent of spirituality is because man descended; his configuration was broken until he became flesh (Gen. 6:3). Thus, another program was needed to turn man from flesh to spirit.


11.  We must come to a point where we have dominion over flesh. Satan’s first investment in man must be done away with. Not too long from now, many homes will become living homes and not just spiritual ones. God wants to raise living soul homes. It is unlikely that Adam had conflict with Eve, even after falling to sin. There was no argument, no conflict, because there was no flesh in them. 


12. (Ezekiel 36:27). The spirit here is the law and not the Holy Spirit. This is where the real breakthrough is – when He gives His law which is to further build our states from living souls to abiding souls. When we are just living souls, Satan is not intimidated because he was once a living being and he knows there is still darkness in such a man. 


13.  (1 John 1:1, 3-4). These men had joy in part because they were living, but their joy cannot be full until they are true. What God has in mind is that we should be true. To be true, we have to be built again by partaking of the blood because the blood is true. When Jesus Christ was on earth, He said He is the True Vine (John 15:1). As the True Vine, He had been built to a place where He was already a full partaker of the Father in His body and in His blood.


14.  Covenant is initiated by the giving of the law. (Heb. 8:10). There must be an agreement between the mind and the heart. As people who are moving to the realm of living or true, there are certain laws the Son will put in our minds that we have to agree with. Sometimes, we do not agree with all the laws and this is because the heart has not agreed with the law. The law can be put in our mind but for it to get to the heart, agreement must be involved.


15.  There are some things that we have not agreed with the Lord on, even though we are hearing them. This means that the covenant has not yet been enacted in our hearts. When words are spoken during meetings, we must agree with them first and then it becomes a standard we have to serve. Many times, laws are put in our minds but we still serve other laws in our hearts.


16.  (Job 22:21-22). Many times, the law can be put in the mind and yet not be in the heart because there is no agreement with it. What makes us disagree with the law are certain ways in our hearts. Way is of the heart. The instruction to wives to submit to their own husbands is a law (Eph. 5:22) but one might not agree with it. In cutting covenant, agreement must be involved. God is empowering us to win the warfare of the blood so that we will not just be living souls but incorruptible souls.


17.  The essence of the way is to raise incorruptible souls, undefiled souls and unfading souls (1 Pet. 1:4). One cannot be true without being incorruptible, undefiled and unfading. A living man still has tendencies to turn back. There are still tendencies for turning back, even in one who has put flesh under. One who is moving from living to true will begin to see variations between himself and the person of our Lord Jesus.


18. (1 John 1:5). This is a ministration of the blood. In this season, we must ensure not to fellowship with those who do not hold this doctrine (2 John 1:10). The writings of John were writings of the realm of the true. It is in the true realm that we will begin to know the false. The true light will reveal one who is not a true brethren. 


19.  There is something Lucifer told those angels that made them follow him despite their having light. This means that when the hour of temptation comes, Satan knows what he can tell one; he knows what he can tell shepherds under shepherds. Thus, the only way one can be saved is to yield to the true light which will make one selfless. Anything that promotes you or gives you advantage above your brethren is from the dragon. The only way we can escape the dragon is to enter the way and receive the fellowship of the way.


20.  In this season, we must not just follow the way, but enter the way. We must allow the way to be built and established inside our souls. As we press into this new year, we should not look for anything that will give us an advantage over our brethren, rather, we should be selfless. The tempter is coming and the only way we can escape is to be selfless and not put ourselves first.


21.  We are entering the season of high temptation and that is why the way is coming to us (Matt. 11:29). One who wants to do well in the journey will have to keep these two things: meekness and lowliness. Learning the way is learning meekness and lowliness. We should always see ourselves as insufficient as that is the secret of being made true. 





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