Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)
Programme: Anamnesis 2022 Day 1 Evening Session
Date: Wednesday, 7th December 2022
Speaker 1: Pastor Emeka Egwuchukwu
“Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.” (1 Tim. 4:15). We will profit this season if we are able to give ourselves wholly to the realms that are opening up to us. The realm we are currently in is the realm of the unknown, where doubt may exist sometimes. There is a time of profiting in this season, but one who does not give himself wholly would be unable to profit in this season.
“The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; And his kingdom ruleth over all. [20] Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, That do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. [21] Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; Ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. [22] Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: Bless the LORD, O my soul.” (Ps. 103:19-22). Heavens here are not just locations but personalities. In describing the heavens, persons (natures) were defined. In other words, a person can be on earth but be a carrier of a heaven; everything that is in such a person is the constitution of that heaven.
Psalm 103:19-22 is a description of the present heavens and the present earth. “O my soul”, which is the living soul, is the earth of the present heavens. The only person that had been raised up to the stature of the living soul except for Adam and the Lord Jesus was John the Baptist (Matt. 11:11). John was not born a living soul, but was raised to that state. However, men in the present earth are not of the living soul stature, rather, they are dust.
“Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (Matt. 11:11). This does not infer that any born again child of God is greater than John because one must rise. It is possible to be born again but may never rise. To rise to greatness is for one’s soul to be changed. Greatness here is not referring to the natural, as there is nothing great about the flower of the grass or the glories of this world. There is nothing great about what natural men brag about!
The spirit of one who is born again is Christ. However, Psalm 103:22 is referring to the soul and not the spirit. Thus, it is the soul that has to rise to the point where it can bless the Lord. All the creatures that were mentioned in Psalm 103 bless the Lord according to their capacity, that is, according to what has been given to them. As such, souls must rise to become heavenly to be able to bless the Lord.
For a soul that has not risen, blessing the Lord would be like blessing an idol. This is because we bless the Lord according to our perception or revelation. This means the content of our soul must be such that can bless the Lord. As such, a soul that has not acquired life and become a living soul cannot bless the Lord.
“Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; Thou art clothed with honour and Majesty…” (Psalm 104:1). “O my soul” in Psalm 104 is different from “O my soul” in Psalm 103. Psalm 103 is describing the arrangement of the heavens from the cherubs to “O my soul”, but Psalm 104 is referring to “O my soul” which is the least in the Kingdom – a realm higher than the heavens. If our Lord is made higher than the heavens (Heb. 7:26), it means that we are also going up.
“For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens…” (Hebrews 7:26). Angels are holy, but the holiness of our High Priest is higher. There is an order of holiness; there is a holiness that is of the present but there is also a holiness (separation) that is purely of God.
“Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus…” (Heb. 3:1). This holiness here is to partake of the heavenly calling. The Lord is an Apostle of the new order. He is an Apostle of God, a sent One to reveal what has never been revealed – God. He was sent to unveil heavens – not just the heavens that is, but that which is to come – and He is also the High Priest.
We need this dual operation of the Apostle and High Priest in order for us to come to glory. Jesus has been sent by the Father to bring many souls to glory (Heb. 2:10). It is not easy to bring one soul to glory because souls do not want glories that are of God. Our greatest problem is vain glory. To deliver a soul from vain glory and bring him to the glory that is of God, the work of an Apostle is required.
Apostles are angels, so, our Lord Jesus is an Angel of God; He is an Angel higher than the angels in Psalm 103. Angel means messenger. Our Lord Jesus is a messenger of the New Testament, a messenger of the tabernacle (Heb. 8:2). Jesus is a messenger of the heaven of God. We are waiting for Jesus to appear in this meeting; we are trusting God that He would cause our Lord Jesus to appear in this meeting, for His appearance is our change.
“For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens…” (Heb. 7:26). To be separate from sinners is to be separated from wherever sin can reach. Sin makes us harmful, but a man that is free from sin is harmless. The ability of our High Priest to be separate from sinners shows how pure He is. His holiness is such that He is undefiled. There is a level of holiness one can get to and still be defiled, but the holiness of the High Priest is such that He cannot be defiled. Our High Priest cannot be defiled either in thoughts or words.
Our High Priest is also made higher than the heavens. “O my soul” in Psalm 104 is a soul that has ascended with the High Priest. The High Priest wants to make us the “O my soul” of the new heavens, but that is the least in that realm.
“Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: Who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain…” (Ps. 104:2). The book of Psalms is not poetic, rather, it is prophetic. What is laid in the book of Psalms are hidden doctrines, ordinances (not just of the present), but of that which is to come.
“Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind…” (Ps. 104:3). Waters are simply doctrine. So, Jesus has His doctrines, His ordinances and laws. As such, it is unable to ascend without encountering these waters. We cannot actually finish His doctrine, for it is a teaching, a learning that we would have to swim through. One cannot swim through these waters on his own; one has to be called; something has to take one up. What has been given to take us up is the doctrine of everlasting life and the doctrine of Eternal Life.
“Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind…” (Psalm 104:3). There are cherubims that are not angels, as some are beasts. They are called living creatures and they surround the throne (Ezek. 1:5). They are tied to the throne because their spirit is in the wheel. They are beasts of burden that bear God. However, God’s realm is still higher than theirs. God does not ride upon their heads, He rides upon their wings and their wings are higher than their heads.
In the midst of the throne is another beast. One who is not a beast cannot be in the circle and around the throne, for the throne is a beastly throne. The Lamb is the highest beast – He is the beast of God. To be a beast is to be one who can allow God. The Lamb has no life of His own, for His life is the Father. There is nothing of the Lamb that is of His own. When He was found in the midst of the throne, He was described as a Lamb that had been slain (Rev. 5:6). That is the only creature that has allowed God at all points; He always said yes to God. Your ability to ascend is dependent on your ability to say yes to God.
The essence of doctrine is to enable a soul to say yes to God. One peculiar thing about the bride is that the bride had to eat the flesh of the Lamb. What they were configuring the bride to be is a beast. The bride is exactly like the Lamb because she ate the Lamb. That is the marriage feast of the Lamb!
“For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” (Matt. 24:28). This is a season of eating, for that is the only way one can be made higher than the heavens. The more beastly one is, the higher one would become. We are to war with a beast and to be victorious against him, we must be beastly.
Transcript Summary
1. (Psalm 103:19-22). "O my soul” is the living soul that is the earth of the present heavens. The only person who had been raised up to the stature of the living soul, except for Adam and the Lord Jesus, was John the Baptist (Matt. 11:11). John was not born a living soul, but was raised to that state. However, men in the present earth are not of the living soul stature, rather, they are dust. It is possible to be born again but never rise. To rise to greatness is for one’s soul to be changed into the image of God.
2. The Lord is an Apostle of the new order. He is an Apostle of God, a sent One to reveal what has never been revealed – God. He was sent to unveil heavens – not just the present heavens that is, but even that which is to come – and He is also the High Priest. We need this dual operation of the Apostle and High Priest in order for us to come to glory.
3. (Hebrews 2:10). Jesus has been sent by the Father to bring many souls to glory. It is not easy to bring one soul to glory because souls do not want glories that are of God. Our greatest problem is vain glory. To deliver a soul from vain glory and bring him to the glory that is of God, the work of an Apostle is required.
4. (Hebrews 7:26). To be separate from sinners is to be separated from wherever sin can reach. Sin makes us harmful, but a man that is free from sin is harmless. The ability of our High Priest to be separate from sinners shows how pure He is. His holiness is such that He is undefiled. There is a level of holiness one can get to and still be defiled, but the holiness of the High Priest is such that He cannot be defiled. Our High Priest cannot be defiled either in thoughts or words.
5. (Psalm 104:3). Waters are simply doctrine. So, Jesus has His doctrines, His ordinances and laws. As such, it is impossible to ascend to God without encountering these waters. We cannot actually finish His doctrine, for it is a teaching, a learning that we would have to swim through. One cannot swim through these waters on his own; one has to be called – something has to take one up. What has been given to take us up is the doctrine of everlasting life and Eternal Life.
6. The Lamb is the highest beast – He is the beast of God. To be a beast is to be one who can allow God. The Lamb has no life of His own, for His life is the Father. There is nothing of the Lamb that is of His own. When He was found in the midst of the throne, He was described as a Lamb that had been slain (Rev. 5:6). That is the only creature that has allowed God at all points; He always said yes to God. Your ability to ascend to God is dependent on your ability to say yes to God.
Kate Richard - 2 years ago