Attaining Eternal Salvation through Obedience (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (February Edition)

Date: Saturday, 17th February, 2024


Transcript Summary


1. The reason we pursue things that pass away with the whole of our hearts is because the inheritance is not yet tangible to us. Jesus came to the earth and became all that He is because of us. What will make Logos come to earth is something that is of strong desire in God. It is the will of God that every man becomes what Jesus became.


2. The reason we are passionate about some things is because we are not seeing them as we should. The doctrine of Christ should change our value system. A person with an enlightened understanding should not be passionate about anything here on earth. The world can be so real and tangible but it is still a lie. Satan has affected our sight; he blinded our eyes from what is tangible.


3. There are things in the milk of the word that we ought to cooperate with. There is an addition that comes from the milk and we will not access this addition until we begin to obey what is being committed to us. It is by using the milk that one begins to learn the leading of the Spirit.


4. What God is looking for is an image. The whole of heaven is concerned with building and this building requires substances which come to us as spirits. These spirits are spoken because the things of God are fired by words. God will bring materials and the Holy Ghost will speak Christ properties to us because He wants to build Christ in us.


5. There is no building without doing (obedience). Our Lord Jesus became what He became because He was doing what the Father was revealing to Him. Doing the will of the Father is becoming what the Father wants us to become. The will of the Father is the life that is in God which every man must partake of (Matt. 7:21). This refers to inheriting the life that is in the Father, after doing the demands of that life which are given to us as revelation comes to us. 


6. It is in Christ that the world is exposed and washed from our souls. When we do Christ very well, something tangible will happen to us which will make us forsake corruptible things and turn our backs on them.


7. The sinful nature goes away when a man has been built. However, Christ's revelation will only build us when we obey it. The demands of Christ are in the secret places, and it is as we do the demands that we change. Change does not occur when we do not obey. Obedience to the life that is in Christ is done in preparation for the life that is in God.


8. Sin is spiritual; this is why the solution to sin has to be spiritual too. Christ is a spiritual man, and those who obey Him are becoming free from the law of sin and death because they are engaging another law. There is no condemnation to those who walk not after the flesh, not those who preach or hear (Rom. 8:1). It is doers that will inherit life and be blessed. It is when we do that we change. 


9. There are two things in Christ: life and fire. When we obey the law of the Spirit of life in Christ, we live and gain life. But the end of Christ is charity, which is the fire zone. It takes the Holy Ghost to administer the fire of charity. As we are obeying charity, we are being excited to break into another realm. A man of charity has a new passion to break into God.


10. The life of the Gentiles is the life that Satan sold to us (Eph. 4:17). Darkened understanding is what makes us refer to reality as an illusion and vice versa. We cry for things that perish because they are real, tangible and valuable to us. Satan has painted a standard to man that makes us feel worthless when we do not attain them. This is why a lot of people live and die without knowing what they were created to attain. What man is meant to attain on earth is the life that is in God. 


11. God wants us to cooperate with the lines in the revelations that are coming to us. When we do the lines, they form building blocks in our souls. This was how our Lord Jesus acquired all of God; after He was made Christ, He did a higher revelation and demands were brought to Him until He became the Son of God.


12. When we do Christ, our value system will change, such that we become framed to see, submit to and admit everlasting righteousness when it comes. Everlasting righteousness comes to alter the image or nature in our souls. To become like God is to become a little child. A lot of materials must be given to make a little child, and we do not become unless we obey.


13. As the knowledge of everlasting life is being ministered to us, there are works to do. Jesus Christ attained what He attained by doing works. That was why He said, “This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent” (John 6:29). The sent One is the work of God, and believing in Him is yielding to His revelations. The first work we must do is "Christ" and the second is the "Son of God". The work is the work of becoming the image of God; it is not preaching or evangelism.


14. The same work that was given to Jesus is given to every man to do (John 17:4). According to Hebrews 5:8-9, all that obey Him will inherit eternal salvation. What we are meant to obey are the works done in Him. The Author of eternal salvation became a Lamb. Therefore, to inherit eternal salvation is to become a lamb. We need to understand that God is looking for an eternal lamb, which is what our Lord Jesus became by obedience. 


15. God is demanding that men should live out the life inside Him. God is the smallest Lamb; He is smaller than our Lord Jesus. This is why greatness in the realm of the spirit is to be small. It is from Christ that we begin to learn how to be small. A measure of meekness and lowliness is attained through the learning of Christ.


16. Satan taught us his life and that makes man value pride and elevation. God is bringing the life that is in Him and He wants us to learn and live it. The will of God is that every one of us become lambs. The will of the Father is a lamb. God is a lamb and our Lord Jesus is a lamb. As we are becoming more lambish, we are glorifying and pleasing God. This is true worship and this cannot be done without testimony or the revelation of the life that is in Christ Jesus.


17. A lot of grace has come to enable us to do and acquire nature. Therefore, we are in a season wherein we should not harden our hearts. When we harden our hearts, we cannot change state. The voice of the Lord is what will communicate what to do. When we do His commandments, we will become. The season of change is the season of glory and there is no change without works.


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