Being begotten of God by the Testimony of Jesus (SOS)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Programme: School of the Spirit (SOS)

Date: Thursday, 26th May 2022

Ministering: Reverend Kayode Oyegoke



(Rev 1:1-11) Cups are containers of testimony. The testament is a blessing; hence, it is called the cup of blessing (1Cor. 10:16). The wine that is contained in the cup cannot be given without the cup. The intent of the Father is to give the cup a shape because the shape of the cup also matters. The testimony flows like a liquid but the cup shapes it. The cup gives the testimony room to express itself. There is a form in the heart of God that the testament should take and it is the cup that would allow the testament to take the form that God intends.

The testimony is a blessing that needs to be carried and expressed. The testimony needs to find a vessel that can appropriately embody the testimony and live it out. The Lord Jesus wants to give His life to men as a portion for us to live by, and His life must be our inheritance (Psa. 16:5). The Lord wants to raise keepers of His lot and inheritance.

Therefore, we are privileged to have Jesus as our High priest in our generation; no one is like Him. He loves the Father and was made perfect because He obeyed the Father. He is also touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He is not like Elijah in operation. He was never tempted to use the Elijah operation (Luke 9:55). 

The testimony is patented to Jesus. Two things that are worthy of note in the book of Revelation are the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. These make up the main reason for the book (Rev. 1:11, 19:10, 22:7-9). There are two degrees to keeping the sayings of the prophecy of the book (Rev. 22:7-9). Books are archives or storage places for information. They are means by which information is held. Our genes are our books. God put books inside us and the way to find us out is to look into our genes.

The book in Revelation 22 speaks, not of a physical book, but of someone who is to be obeyed. The very information of Jesus, His things and composition are in His book. The things God gave Jesus, which He inherited, held and could no longer part with, are all in a book. The workings of the soul are deeper than the information of the flesh. We pick information from the Holy Spirit and His leading, from seeing Jesus and from hearing ministers of the gospel. As we hear ministers of the gospel, the godly virtues, composition and work that Jesus has already done in their soul would be imparted on us (2 Tim. 3:10).

God created man with a lot of data in mind. This can be seen in the ministry or contribution of Logos as a person to the formation of man. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). The Bible describes Jesus as the light that lights every man (John 1:8-9). This implies that Jesus is involved in creation and the formation of every man. This means that every conception is by the knowledge of the Father. No baby arrives in this world outside God’s jurisdiction, even if the parents committed fornication to bring the child forth.

God is able to trace every of His children even to the basest places such as homes of idol worshippers or even children born out of wedlock. God is not afraid of the places any child goes; He has the power to call them back. The Word, Logos, is involved in the origin of every man. Logos is responsible for designing our fingerprints and other things that deal with putting data in every man. The hardware of man is determined by the Holy Ghost while the Father is the architect of man. The Godhead are aware of every child that has ever been conceived including those who were aborted before birth or those who shortly lived.

Understanding the process of creation and formation is encrypted in the Word and it can be revealed. Understanding would make us see the invisible so that we do not need to go to heaven physically before believing things that are revealed through the scriptures. We can believe them because God's Word says it. As we stay under the Word, we would receive understanding of things and, as we stay under spiritual authorities, Satan will not corrupt our waters.

There are two ways to keep the testimony. The first way to keep the testimony is to keep the testament while it is not yet done, that is, learning to have the testimony. This first stage is the receiving of the wisdom and direction of the testimony that will make a person become a first-hand keeper of the testimony. This involves learning the testimony in order for it to become one's inheritance. It is after owning it that a person would begin to keep it by use and obedience, that is, keeping it as a nature.

Even though the angel told John that they were both servants, they were not at the same level (Rev. 19:10). The angel was already keeping what John was on His way to keeping. John was not just freshly receiving the testimony but was on his way to keeping it for it to become a nature; he had not finished the process of keeping the testimony. The angel, on the other hand, already had the testimony. The angel did not have to learn it; he awoke into the consciousness of it. Thus, the angel is a keeper and a doer of the testimony.

The angel that spoke with John belongs to the realm of angels that manifest excellent strength (Psa. 103:20). Other angels are not in the same level of strength as this class of angels which do commandments. These angels are not doing the testimony to resist sin the way learners of the testimony do; rather, they do the commandments because it is their nature. The commandment is what runs them. 

The angel who spoke with John said that He has the testimony of Jesus and He keeps it (Rev. 19:10). He keeps things concerning Jesus. The angel embodies the testimony more than John; he has used the testimony to live so much that he has more exercise than John. An unskilful man would be unable to use the testimony to overcome the adversary. The devil turned and perverted the testimony that was his. The dragon made war with the remnants to stop them from keeping the testimony and commandments of God (Rev. 12:17). One cannot keep the commandments of God without the testimony of Jesus. One cannot have the testimony without keeping the commandments. The commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus are inseparable. 

Jesus in heaven is the Jesus of the testimony of God. He is not Christ alone; He went higher than Christ to become the Son of God. He grew into the estate of the Son of God even though He was not born that way. If He was the Son of God at birth, He would not have to run away from the decree of Herod. The testimony of Jesus attracted the dragon. The dragon was able to do everything he did because he used to have the testament. 

An unveiling of the testament would unveil the enemy. When believers are eating at the table of the Lord, they are undoing Satan and his works. Satan hates the table of the Lord. He does not want believers to come to that table because it is at the table that the saints can have power to overcome the enemy. It is not for nothing that God prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies (Psa. 23:5). What we are eating at the table is the fortification to deal with the enemy. God is with us at the table and that is why the enemy cannot hurt us. 

The enemies hate us because we are eating at the table; hence, it is always their desire to attack us. By listening to the Word, a great blow is dealt to the devil and his spirits. The hearing of the Word can solve generational problems. The problems of the earth are as a result of the table of Satan and the solution to these problems cannot be gotten from the divinations of mere men. We have to wait on the potency of God's Word at all levels. Ancient problems cannot go away except we come to the table of the Lord and of God. 

There are certain things that have not been dealt with on earth because many have not engaged with the truth of God. When there is no engagement with the truth, some natures will linger on.  There is no hide out for all natures that are against God. The truth will take all contrary natures down. Being exposed to this measure of light, like we are, is meant to deal with agelong issues and strongholds. God seeks a generation that would engage with Him without fear and would not draw back until all the enemies of the people of God have been made footstools. 

At the time we begin to receive the testimony we are not yet free from the comings of Satan. Satan would still come to us. The reason he is coming is that he wants us to deny the testament. The testimony can still be removed in a soul that has received it. If it cannot be removed, Satan would not come to tempt him. After Jesus received the testimony, Satan still came to tempt Him to see whether He would remove the laws of God done in Him, but Jesus held on to the testimony.

If the testimony does not come, the dragon would not come. Satan cannot do anything to the testimony but he wants to destroy the carrier or vessel of the testimony. He wants to hinder the testimony from having full place and fulfilling its cycle in the vessel. If the birth process is not complete, then the system is not fortified. The birth and installation process in a man must be completed.

A soul can hear the testimony and not inherit it. The remnants of the seed are the younger brothers or brethren of the man-child that was born. The man-child was born and sat on the throne. The soul that Satan is warring with on earth is not greater than the one who is already on the throne. As long as the dragon can still war with a man, he has not yet overcome. On the other hand, the man on the throne has finished his own warfare. Thus, the dragon cannot war with a soul that is already on the throne.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 12:17). The testament of Jesus should form God's commandments. The commandment is the testament. The testimony is the law of God. The law of God within Him is what He gives to us. God would not give us His very covenant at first. All the agreements or natures in God cannot be given first. 

Nature is not given to an unwilling soul; the soul must be willing to do all the commandments that God metes out to be done. Will is very powerful. Satan was given a nature but his will changed this nature. The dragon was fallen by some men who finished the testament and waited for God to gird them up to the throne. These people overcame the devil and were patient to be rewarded (Heb. 10:36). Even in the realm of patience, Satan still wars with believers to make them fall. The man-child in the womb already overcame the dragon but the dragon was still warring with him so that he will not to be caught up to the throne. 

Our overcoming is not full until the promise is given. Therefore, our patience must be full for us to receive the promise. There is a promise for everlasting life. Immediately we overcome the dragon and finish the works, we would have everlasting life but we will need to wait again, keep ourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of God (Jude 1:21). The man-child was kept in the womb. The womb of the woman represents the love of God.

There is a love of God unto Eternal Life. There is a love of God that gives all things everlasting (John 3:35). The Father needs to love the Son again. It is in this love that the Son will be kept. There is a love around the Son for the purpose of waiting to enter Eternal Life. The womb of the woman is a place of safety. It is in the woman that the man, who ought to be born, will be kept safe. Anyone who has everlasting life keeps himself. He is not someone learning love freshly; rather, he has gained mastery on how to keep himself (1John 5:18).

It is in this realm that Jude instructs a man to keep himself and look for the mercy of God unto Eternal Life (Jude 1:21). The love of God is the everlasting abode, while the mercy of God is an eternal abode. The love of God is mercy. Another word for this love is the grace of God. When God is giving an everlasting abode, He is expecting us to reach out to something higher which is mercy. God will communicate Eternal Life to us by the blessing of mercy. We must ask for Him to have mercy on us. It is when He begins to have mercy that Eternal Life is coming to us. Eternal Life will not come without mercy. 

Mercy is higher than love. When mercy drops, it is called grace. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16). This is the everlasting throne. Everlasting life is a throne where the soul comes to obtain mercy. When we have mercy, we would find grace to help in the time of need. The grace to help is to remove our sins because what the sanctuary brethren needs is the forgiveness of sins (Heb. 5:1). These sins are what cause us to be needy. 

When we are not in everlasting life our needs have not been met. Our need is that we do not have or own a father. There is a dimension of fatherhood that we are not exposed to at new birth. It will take growth, our willingness and our cooperation to receive that dimension of fatherhood that is spoken of in Hebrews 12. God, at new birth, is not yet our father. The true commitment of fatherhood is not being shed at new birth. At the new birth, He cannot deal with our souls as He does with those in Hebrews 12. Anyone that does not experience this operation of fatherhood is referred to as a bastard in this realm. 

At the new birth, we partake of a dimension of fatherhood; thus, we are not orphans. The milk of the Word opens us to a dimension of fatherhood and this is not disputable. However, many of those who have experienced the new birth are still being nurtured by Satan, even in the church (1 John 3:10). Everyone who is born again is a child of God but the attitude of God for the formation of nature is greater than what is experienced atthe new birth. 

The intention of God for the commandments He gives us is for them to break our allegiance with Satan so that we would stop being children of the devil. In the spirit, Satan is claiming many children of God because they still have his formation within them. After the new birth, we ought to seek things above and chase the heights of God (Col. 3:1-3). Any child that is not seeking the kingdom and its righteousness is being fathered by Satan. We must be careful of what we are seeking. We must not allow Satan to birth us. Satan lingers around the Church to still father people and hinder them from doing God's commandments. 

God wants us to do His commandments so that we can destroy Satan's genes that are in us. We must do all, not some, of God’s commandments in order to destroy all the grounds of Satan in us. Until we fully obey all commandments, God cannot testify that we are His sons. There are two parties involved in the birth process: God and the man himself. God does not do the birth process alone; we must also be involved in the birthing process. God commits His seed to the soul and makes grace available for the commandments of the seed to be done. Man also commits himself by agreeing to carry out the tenet of the seed (1 John 3:10)

Birth does not merely happen; we have to choose and we choose by how we live.  We must agree with God to be His people (2 Cor. 6:16). God does not want man to carry a nature that He does not like. Man must love the nature that God wants to give him. What Satan gives us as nature is what we love and this is why we wrestle with God's commandments that can take it out. God is going to perfect our willingness and resistance against the devil. 

There must be no ground in us that cannot yield to God. Hence, Eternal life must permeate all our being. We must not intercept the judgment of God. We must not dialogue with God for Satan's nature to remain. God has to give us hatred for the nature of Satan. We must not be angry with the judgements of God. We must choose to be submissive to His dictates.

We have to receive the judgement of God to be able to discern Satan's. Satan's power is very seductive. He spoke to certain seraphims and they withdrew their service from God. They desired a higher estate than where God placed them. Satan gave them a wrong hope. On the other hand, some of the seraphims in heaven did not allow Satan to seduce them because they pledged their allegiance to God alone.

We must hold the ancient landmarks that are on our inside. The angels who fell forsook the ancient landmark to believe the new landmark that Satan made. If we keep the ancient landmark, God would bless us and keep us. The onus and choice lie on us to choose to be born of God. Adam chose. 

One of the best trainings to start us with in the kingdom is the training of loving our brother. When we are trained and exercised in loving our brother, we are being prepared for higher commandments. As the Lord teaches us to not react to the shortcomings of our brother, we are preparing ourselves for a higher level. Satan has an intention behind tempting us to not love our brother. He knows that not loving our brother alters our nature negatively and makes us unable to do the next level.

Overcoming the disputes that always arise between brethren requires growth. We must grow to rise above the misunderstanding that always besets our relationship with one another. We must train ourselves with forgiveness and must not be vengeful. We must not settle with the beef of Satan but must eat at the table of the Lord instead. We must eat the meat of the Lord with singleness of heart in order to deal with offense and anger within us. The meat of the table of the Lord will heal the soul of all offense. 

God would help us so that we would not be committed to the devil. Satan and his angels are not far from us. At the table of the Lord, there are both good and negative angels present. The evil angels are present to tempt or speak another doctrine to deceive the hearts of many from the truth. We must reject their thoughts to the end.

There are persecutions that come with the word. Dealings would come upon those that choose to walk in Love. God has given grace for us to do His will. Anytime we do righteousness, we are keeping the testimony and making it our inheritance. We must receive strength to do God's will. Jesus would make us perfect to be able to do His will (Heb. 13:20-21). The blood of the everlasting covenant would be available to us and the ministry of the blood in fellowship would be abundant towards us. Through the blood, we would gain all the things we are supposed to gain: wisdom, judgement, enlightenment and light which come from the nature and sprinkling of the blood. 

When the blood of the everlasting covenant is being given, we are about to make covenant. We must not only have the testimony; we must also use the testimony to make the covenant. Because of what the Lord has done, it is now easier to become a child of God. Resources to be born of God are being made available and have made it easier to be born of God. We have the blood of the High priest, the Spirit of the High priest and the Father of the High priest who is the judge of all. If it is going to be difficult and unattainable, He would not call us to the project. 

God is calling us into a task of grace for us to be His sons. Therefore, we must not say that we are weak but must declare that we are strong instead (Joel 3:10). We are not trusting in ourselves; hence, we must give thanks and be grateful to God.



1. The Lord Jesus wants to give His life (His testimony) to men as a portion for us to live by, and His life must be our inheritance (Psa. 16:5). 

2. Books are archives or storage places for information. They are means by which information is held. Our genes are our books. God put books inside us and the way to find us out is to look into our genes. 

3. The very information of Jesus, His things and composition are in His book. The things God gave Jesus, which He inherited, held and could no longer part with, are all in a book. 

4. One cannot keep the commandments of God without the testimony of Jesus. The commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus are inseparable.  

5. The testimony of Jesus attracted the dragon. The dragon was able to do everything he did because he used to have the testament.  

6. When believers are eating at the table of the Lord, they are undoing Satan and his works. 

7. Satan cannot do anything to the testimony but he wants to destroy the carrier or vessel of the testimony. He wants to hinder the testimony from having full place and fulfilling its cycle in the vessel. 

8. Nature is not given to an unwilling soul; the soul must be willing to do all the commandments that God metes out to be done. 

9. There is a promise for everlasting life. Our overcoming is not full until the promise is given. Therefore, our patience must be full for us to receive the promise.

10. Immediately we overcome the dragon and finish the works, we would have everlasting life but we will need to wait again, keep ourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of God unto Eternal Life (Jude 1:21).

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