Being Born of God by the Incorruptible Seed (WTV)

The Lord has been faithful to us in the place of understanding. It has been given unto us to understand the mystery of Christ, of the Father and of God (Col. 2:2). We must believe this until it informs our every conversation. Christianity is a calling to come, know and understand mysteries.

Christianity is not for healing and meeting of needs; such things have been before Jesus came. The issues that currently trouble us are not the essence of Christ’s coming. There is a provision to solve the problems that the fall brought to the earth but Christianity was designed for a purpose greater than all those. Christianity is designed to meet the need of God.

God is not wasting His time by communicating these hard things to us. His intention is for us to understand them; understanding them is our lot. There is no inheritance for the saints outside light (Col. 1:12). Therefore, when light is coming, inheritance is being given.

The problem we are facing is the problem of capacity. The capacity we had used to receive God's word in previous times cannot measure up to the weight of things that are coming to us now. Everyone needs an increase in capacity and we need to pray for ourselves on this note because it is not an issue of the length of time but of capacity. 

Also, we must wrestle thoughts of defilement. This season is a season of great warfare. Whoever is not fighting well is giving allowance to darkness. This is not a position we should find ourselves in so we can receive the light that is coming to us.

The Lord has designed it that men would embody His nature. It is His will that we would see Jesus in men and we must not blind our hearts to that reality. God gives gifts and He gives it in men.

Understanding is being opened upon us like a vista (1John 5:20). Apostle John in the scripture said “the Son of God is come to give us an understanding”. The giving of this understanding/ coming is not when He was on earth in the days of His flesh. There are different dimensions of the Lord's coming, which can be referred to as the manifestation of the Lord and it is not every believer that is privy to it. 

Manifestation comes to man at points, in the journey towards God. There are manifestations of the Lord that the world cannot receive; they don't have the privilege of that dimension of His coming. His coming is not a physical appearance. This manner of coming is one that He does only to the church, not the world.

This coming is to a saint that has overcome the world by the faith that is in Christ. There is a manifestation that would not appear to us until an overcoming has been done. Understanding is precious. Without understanding, we cannot access anything of God. The doorway into accessing God as a person is understanding. 

Spiritual activities like fasting, praying cannot grant us access to the core things of God's nature, though those aspects of spiritual activities have their place. When we do these activities, our desires must be upgraded to only be expectant of things of understanding of His nature in return; we must not expect the carnal in return.

Sight into the things of God is by Mercy. The things of God are at various levels and degrees, and they are accessed by understanding. The scripture reveals to us that the saint must understand the mystery of Christ, the father and God in that order (Col 2:2).

Christ is of God; He is a level of God. Wisdom and knowledge are treasures in Christ (Col. 2:3). Nothing is considered a treasure if it is not of God. Whatever is outside God is not a treasure because it is corruptible. There is an understanding that holds Christ, that the saint needs to have and has to be given. It's not received by understanding of carnal learning; Christ is a mystery we are yet to understand. Christ cannot be understood fully until we meet the Father.

Christ's understanding through its commandment brought about a fashioning of birth. A saint won't be begotten without understanding. Obedience fashions us; what fashioned us wrongly was obedience to the laws of Satan. To be born we need understanding.

The Lord is opening upon us the vista of the understanding of the Father so that we might likewise be born of this mystery. It is possible to be begotten, and this is done by understanding and obedience. When the cycle of understanding and obedience is finished we would be begotten of that level of Word.

Understanding is being added and we are required to respond in obedience.  A higher judgement for conversation is being given. What God wants to have is fathers. These fathers are God's children. The reason for the understanding of fatherhood is so that God can have His kinds, such company would no longer judge like a young man but as a Father. The judgement of a father is higher than that of the young men. The fathers are raised with high judgement of compassion higher than the young man. There is a judgement of saving all the participants of the situation. This judgement is salvation kind. The ultimate Father thinks salvation for all mankind both the oppressed and the oppressor; that manner of thoughts is salvation which He desires to bless His own with.

The position the Lord took to destroy the works of the devil is the position of a father (1 John 3:8). It only takes a father to see the works of the adversary, the perverted father, well; that's why we need the understanding that is being manifested. We need to be born again a couple of times, these births are  births of doctrine. Scripture says the strength of sin is the law, the law is a body of knowledge, sin is a knowledge sin is a doctrine; it is beyond actions. When sin is just seen as actions we won't gain the wisdom to overcome it. As we gain understanding, doctrine is being formed for the destruction of the works of sin. Sin has a birthing process of different degrees, anyone that can hate God has been begotten a number of times in Satan. A man might be moral and corporate social responsibility inclined but hates God. That's an evil soul. Such people pursue how to preserve the earth but hate God, that's not ordinary. Sin wants to give birth and it does that by doctrine. Satan taught angels a perverted doctrine, and he is also teaching men; Adam learnt sin.

Doctrine is needed to be born. There is a birthing of Christ which is achieved by the doctrine of Christ. There is the birthing degree of the father (which is incorruption), and God (incorruptible). This process is to save the soul to the uttermost. The light is dawning and understanding is increasing. We must be humble to know that light unveils in degrees and so we must progress as it increases.

The scripture says that He who has the incorruptible seed does not sin. We have not gotten there, but we would get there. The scripture doesn't give licence to sin (Rom 6:1), rather the intent of God is to take us to the point where we can't sin. That's the function of the incorruptible seed. What makes us sin is a corruptible seed. Any soul that commits sin does not have incorruptible seed. Sin is not about actions in essence; sin is in thoughts. No man can take thoughts above the birthing process he has undertaken.

The incorruptible seed teaches the soul how to keep oneself, it is only God that has the ability to keep. Creation can't keep herself, (angels, men don't have the power of keeping), only God has the attribute of keeping (1John 5:18-19). Understanding has to come for one to be able to keep himself. When God births us after His own level of understanding, such a one cannot sin and also such a one would possess the ability to keep himself from sin. We must desire to get to this state (Job 1:22). We must give ourselves to doctrine.

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