Being Cultured by the Doctrine of Christ (SOS)

Programme: School of The Spirit (SOS)

Date: Thursday, 2nd February 2023


Transcript Summary


1. The Lord is strongly in our midst and He has a purpose He wants to fulfill. The fear of the Lord must be upon us. This is a time for us to be sober and sensitive to keeping the laws of God’s presence; it is time for us to begin to obey the revelations we have been learning. The reason for all the learnings is to bring us to a point where we will begin to build with all we have been learning. Obedience is the only thing that can make our profiting appear to all.


2. When a man is given to learning the doctrines of God in church, the world will say that such has been brainwashed. Satan is spreading his perverted doctrines to men in the form of ideologies, enlightenment and civilisation. Satan packages death in an attractive way so that every man will be willing to accept it. The end of Satan’s doctrines is to corrupt men and bring them under evil spirits. Evil spirits have been fighting the Church so that she does not stay on true doctrine. Evil spirits make sure that even though a man is born again, he never hears the doctrine that will raise him as a son.


3. There is no growth or change of a soul without doctrine. We are taught knowledge and made to understand doctrine (Isa. 28:9). To make a man, doctrine must be laid like building blocks. Doctrine is what we must obey to be saved in our souls and it is fetched from knowledge.


4. There is a way a man will walk on earth and will acquire the name of the Lord. There is a name that Satan gave to every man (by reason of teaching men unrighteousness) and this name must be changed, as we are led by the Lord. The name given to men by Satan came as a result of the unrighteousness that men were raised with. We decipher what the doctrine of God is by checking its end because true doctrine makes us become like our Lord Jesus.


5. Jesus was not just preaching what God told Him but what He was also engaging in — obedience. Jesus was teaching His Father’s doctrine and was also obeying it. Thus, He was raised as a result till the point where all the things of the Father became His (John 16:15). All things of the Father are doctrines that the Father taught Him. It is these things that will make for the fall of Satan and his princes.


6. Knowledge or revelation will increase in our midst, but God is emphasizing that it is time to engage what we have been learning. We need to fall spirits, but we must be raised to do so, as spiritual children (immature believers) cannot fall spirits. This is because children are tools in the hands of evil spirits. As such, we must engage doctrine in order to acquire stature as it is being brought to us precept upon precept.


7. The Lord was weaved by doctrine, just as Satan was weaved with doctrine before he corrupted himself. As such, it is doctrine (of righteousness) against doctrine (of unrighteousness). The reason Satan is after Nigeria is because a tide of righteousness is rising that will stop him from bringing his doctrines to the nation. Righteousness is a force that exalts a people (Prov. 14:34). In Nigeria, men can still learn and practice righteousness. This is an exaltation and when we grow by what we are learning, we will be able to pull down evil spirits; we will be able to check the incursion of wrong doctrines that want to bring people to destruction.


8. God is looking for men who will bear His name. These are men He will bring meals to and instruct them thereby. Christ, the everlasting Son and the eternal Son are the meals we must feed on. We eat the flesh of Jesus by eating the laws that configured Him. As we are taught, we should obey! Grace is coming upon our community for obedience. God has promised that He will feast us but we must have ears to hear. We will hear until we can do and we will keep doing until we become. The essence of obeying commandments is to become and by becoming, we give glory to God.


9. We should allow the manifestation of the fullness of Christ in our flesh. God wants to put Himself inside us so that our flesh will show or reveal Him. Our flesh is currently showing all manner of unrighteousness, but God will feed us with Himself so that our flesh will reflect Him. God will raise us in stature and character of the spirit, and not of the earth. One whose soul has become spirit should behave like our Lord Jesus.


10. The more we feed, the more grace we receive to become men of character. It is not honourable to betray our brethren. God will preserve our flesh so that we can have enough time to take all the lives in God and manifest Him in our mortal flesh. Satan attacks us by making us accuse people that God is using to bring His doctrine to us. By doing so, he cuts us off from journeying and ascending in the spirit. True doctrine is what will make us ascend in the spirit. Heaven is waiting for us and it is only one that has become Christ that can call for heavens.

Ayomide Olalere Avatar
Ayomide Olalere - 1 year ago
Thank you Mummy🙏. Thank you Egfm transcript team.. This is a whole lot labor. God is your strength...

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