Believers’ Convention 2024 (Day 6 Morning Session - Rev. Olabode Busuyi)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention 2024 (Day 6 - Morning Session)

Date: Friday, 23rd August, 2024

Minister: Rev. Olabode Busuyi




Transcript Excerpt

There is a need for us at this time to discern where we are and pay closer attention to the things of so great salvation which the Lord has spoken (Heb. 2:3). That salvation which was spoken is being manifest now and the word of that salvation are regarded as very slippery, so that when one loses touch of them, such a person can be denied (Heb. 2:1). ‭‭These words are words of promise which when lost can make one deny the promise. Those who asked the Lord about the promise of the coming were not devils; they were believers who had journeyed along the way but had lost touch with the word of the promise.

The enemy raises false prophets that present wrong Christs (1 John 2:22). These prophets are not yet liars, as they only contend with Christ. The real antichrist is not him that denies Christ, but he that denies the Father and the Son. Anyone who denies the message of Christ is lower than a liar. The liar is one who wants to ensure that men do not escape hell and death—its power, grip and dominion—which is the reason for the manifestation of the Son.

The beginning chapters of the Bible did not contain works of the flesh; it was the bringing in of Satanic work that cracked down the souls of men. The living soul is a very strong or high expression of spirits. The living soul is a spirit, but it is the lowest form of spirit because the living soul can still relate with God. Anything lower than the living soul cannot relate with God because God is a Spirit. 

The reason for the manifestation of the Son is to bring many sons, not just for Himself but for us all. The same way we have seen the church of the living God, we would also see the church of the True God which is the church of the sons of God. Though it is a high estate, it is not unattainable. We are having Christ men among us already by reason of raising the building of Christ over some time. It is no longer strange for some to say Christ is formed in them, unlike in previous seasons where it appeared unattainable.

A man who denies the Son by denying that Jesus is the Son of God, and that the Son of God is come, will not have access to the fellowship of the Father and the Son. If there is a fellowship, then there is promise of being fellows or partakers of the life of that fellowship (1 John 1:3). The fellowship that Apostle John was referring to in 1 John 1:3 is not one that every believer enters at the New Birth. For John to say, “we know that the son of God is come”, it means that there are many of them that are already attaining to the stature of that manifestation. There would be men on earth like us who would make the pronouncement, “we know”, showing us that it refers to a group of people. 

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…” (Ephesian 1:3). What God is addressing here cannot be accessed without the revelation of the Father. The Father is the revelation of the person of God as regards inheritance. “And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead…” (Rom. 1:4). That resurrection is a building that was added to Jesus when He was raised back to life. There is a building that Jesus should attain that God kept in the time of His death. 

A certain power was wrought in Jesus in the time of resurrection. (Eph. 1:19-20). The activity of Jesus being dead and coming back to life is known by all, but what God wrought is not known by all. Apostle Paul was talking about ‘what’, which refers to a manner of the work. The Father is a worker. He is the One who wroughts, carefully puts together and fashions a process that brings about a change that is irreversible. God did not only raise Him ‘from’ the dead, He also raised Him ‘of’ the dead. These are both declarations of the works that the Father doeth (John 5:17). There are works that are works of the Father that have to do with raising the Son. There is a work that the Father worked in raising Christ, but there is a work that the Father doeth in raising the Son.

If Peter had only said that Jesus was Christ without mentioning Son of the living God, he would not have referenced the work that transpired between the Father and the Son (Matt. 16:16). Thus, that revelation would not show the eternal building: the building in God that makes God God over creation. When Peter called Jesus the Son of the Living God, he moved to the realm of God, specifically the base of God. He was saying Jesus is not just a messiah, but that He is part of God. 

God is called God of the living and not God of the dead. There are angels who are everlasting, but they are not living. They do not share in the living life of the Father. The living God is the true God (Jer. 10:10). Other creations are also everlasting, but they do not have the life of the everlasting. The life of the living God and the true God is not shared with angels. They are only creatures of everlasting but the life of the everlasting is not in them and that is why they do not have everlasting life. It is when you have the building of the living and the building of the true that you can claim to have everlasting life. You cannot have a life without its own building; you cannot have a life without the works of that life. 

All the lives in the Father are all promises. “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” (2 Cor. 1:20). Amen means done and finished and it reflects that the work may start without finishing. Satan was harassing the churches in the book of Revelation with foundations of the living because he does not want all the promises to be laid hold on; the Son has all the promises. Promises here are the promises of life and the Son is a pile of promises. A person can fail of a promise especially when he/she is going towards God or towards the end (Heb. 4:1). In the true God are levels of promises because there are many crowns in the realm of the ‘true’. One of the identities of the Son is that He is crowned with many crowns (Rev. 19:12).

‘The Son of God is come’ refers to a Son that captures all the promises. That is why the first epistle of John shows children becoming fathers and fathers becoming children again. Every time the promise of a life is to be shown, we have to become a child for entrance to that learning. The pattern is from children to young men to fathers, then fathers become children again.

We are a people of promises and the Son of God is the house of promises. Denying the Son is to deny the promises of life. The commitment of God or the job of the Father is in raising the Son. The Son here is not just the Son of the living but the Son who has all the promises, the One who now is and who is to come. ‘Which is to come’, even if revealed today, is still to come to us. If you have not accessed the way of the promise, to you it is to come. It would not come to you until you access the whole path.

The building of the true tabernacle is the building of the Son (Heb. 8:2). The sanctuary is not His primary place of ministry, His primary place of ministry is in the tabernacle. In the sanctuary, there is still a measure of seeing there because there is a supply of light. The realm of the unseen starts from the true tabernacle, from the holiest; that is why no one else has access to it but the high priest (2 Cor. 4:18). The eternal house starts from the everlasting to the eternal, that is the building of God (2 Cor. 5:1). God's building is eternal and everlasting (Deut. 33:27).

“He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.” (Luke 6:48). The wise man dug a rock and laid the foundation on a rock. He has moved into the realm of God's sons. This man has brought the foundation of God into his foundation. The rock is Christ and he laid the foundation on the rock.

When Peter said “thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God(Matt. 16:16), Jesus responded and said “upon this rock(Matt. 16:18). This shows that Christ and the living God have become the foundation. That is why He is the minister of the true tabernacle — the building that is to be erected on the foundation of the living. The Church that would defeat hell must welcome the living as its foundation. The living God or the living realm of God's Son is the realm where every death is exposed. The eyes of God are upon everything called dead because He wants to make all to live. No matter how long we have been in the sanctuary, some things in us would not live unto God.

The living God demands that all should respond, that is why He is the Father of the living. It is in the nature of the Father of life to make sure that all the cells within us respond, because if He does not do this in us, we cannot be quickened. That is why He is also called the God of the quick. His appearing is to sever the quick and the dead because He wants to turn all His children that have lived before Him into quick men (2 Tim. 4:1).


The place of training the priest is the sanctuary. However, it is possible to draw back from there. That was where the Hebrew Church was when Paul said that they must not draw back (Heb. 3:12; 10:38). In this place, there is a demand on purging them so that they can be scrutinized (Heb. 12:3). That scrutiny can bring up all these reactions from the soul. The living is not done in us except we come to the point of receiving a law of the living. The Father cannot get us to be living without the Spirit of the living. That is the place in Ezekiel where He says I would put My Spirit within you (Eze. 36:27). 


My Spirit is My law or My flesh; My body. The body that would carry the true God must have been constructed by the law of the living God. So when the Father of the living is staying in us by His eyes and light, He actually wants to give His laws. If you are Christ’s and you are going to receive Christ life, you must have Christ Spirit. The way They own you and I is to put Their Spirit within us. Their Spirit is Their law. 


Romans 8:9 says, “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his”. Similarly, if any man has not the Spirit of the living God, he is not of the Father. The way the Father reckons that a soul is living is for that soul to live and live until he receives His spirit (Eze. 36:27). 


The realm of the true God is the realm of receiving the testimony of the true God. The law is the light of the living while testimony is the light of the true. The law is light, while the testimony is also a light (Isa. 8:20). But one thing about the law is that the law is what frames or what describes our body. The living soul is a body. Before God gave life to that soul, he framed the body that can carry the life. He would not breathe if He has not framed. 


What priests hold is the law, because when you get a law, you can get to the commandment of the law. What is found in the mouth of the high priest is the law; they move from the law and do commandments. The power to do commandment is dependent on the frame, and that is why the scripture says that new wine is not put in an old wine skin (Matt. 9:17). We need priests that have the law of the Spirit or the law of the everlasting covenant in their mouth.


The frame of a knowledge is its law. An eagle is not a pigeon because when it was made, God put the laws of eagle inside it, even before it had the eagle life. This is responsible for making sure that even when the eagle life depreciates, it can grow again. The law that makes its flesh is renewable (Isa. 40:30-31).


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