Coming into the Realm of Running into Glory (BECON PM)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention Prayer Meeting (Week 2_Day 1)

Date: Monday, 10th July 2023 

Minister: Reverend (Mrs.) Helen Oyegoke

                                                          Transcript Excerpt


1. The Lord wants to do a quick work in us if we yield to and obey the teachings that are coming to us. This is not a season for talk; we must do and obey commandments. The realm we are pressing into is so real and tangible that our enemies, who are the enemies of God, would make war with us. As such, we need to make resolutions to be wise in order to overcome the enemy this season. 


2. Our enemies will fight us with high wisdom; this means those who are foolish will lose the battle because it is a war of wisdom. The enemy we are fighting was a glorious Cherub that was full of wisdom but later corrupted himself (Ezek. 28:12-17); this is why we also need to interact with the God-ordained hidden wisdom in order to defeat him and come into the realm of glory (1 Corin. 2:6-7). We need the wisdom of God to fight the corrupted wisdom of the enemy.  


3. (Ezek. 28:17). Lucifer lifted his heart against God because of his beauty. Beauty is not necessarily external; it is also an inward possession of brightness. Satan has done a bad work in man; this is what makes man easily lift himself with the things that God has blessed him with. We must discern the end of every thought that comes to lift our hearts. Thoughts that lift the heart are subtle, and one would be disqualified from glory if one yields to them. However, it would take the hidden wisdom to attack those thoughts. 


4. God has been bringing substances of glory to us in order to concretize the thoughts of glory in us. We are being invited into a realm we cannot see, but we must believe. We must stay away from every sin that can hinder us from attaining glory (Rom. 3:23); this is why we must cooperate with God on how to remove our sins. 


5. Wisdom would communicate to us what to do when we have been able to fetch instructions from the word of God. Men in churches have been deceived so much that they engage in religious activities but do not know the commandments to do. Our conscience can only be informed by the knowledge of the truth. God will purge us of things that the enemy has put inside us to disqualify us from glory. Satan was lifted up in his heart, so he will come in subtle ways to lift men; but in all meekness and humility, we must be able to discern and not agree to be lifted. 


6. We are not to be defined by the graces God gives us to serve, rather, we are to be defined by the work God is doing within us. In the realm of the spirit, we are not defined by the anointings we carry; they define us by the work of obedience in our souls. This means we can be deceived by the brightness and anointing that the Lord has put on us. We can develop wings when the Lord is using us, but we must be wise to be meek and lowly so that we can come into what the Lord is giving to us this season. 


7. (Isa. 66:2).  The Lord will only commit Himself to the meek and lowly at heart. This is because meek and lowly men are the ones that would be qualified for the things that eyes have not seen – things which have been prepared for those who love God (‭‭1 Corin.‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬)‭. These things are real; without them, there is no salvation and glory. God would beautify the meek with salvation (Ps. 149:4).


8. (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The intent of scripture is to enable us to engage in good works. Without the understanding of scripture, we cannot be reproved. This is what will enable us to engage and be furnished in good works. We are in a season where we must be ready for the scripture to reproof, correct and instruct us; this is how our change will come. When our eyes are enlightened by the coming of revelation, we should be instructed and corrected in order to see our shortcomings (ambitions, arrangements, ego etc) and have the desire to measure up to do what is right according to God's commandments. 


9. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15). If we love Jesus, we would do His commandments. It is very easy to profess our love for Jesus and even preach Him to people,  but we know lovers by their obedience to charity; this is what makes them qualify for the next allocation (everlasting life). The commandments do not come easy; many even cry as a result of the instructions of charity. To come to glory is not cheap; we must first be willing to obey the law of charity because it alters our person in a measure. 


10. (‭‭1 Corin. ‭2‬:‭13). Our preparation towards "Believers' Convention 2023" is by hearing and obeying what the Lord is saying. The reason for these sayings is so that we can align and be altered by them in order to have entrance into life. It takes a man who has been altered to enter into glory, like our Lord who is the Lord of glory (Philipp. 2:5-9). The Lord will heighten our ability to hear and obey His sayings so that things that need to drop will drop. 


11. The things that constitute weights in our walk can be legitimate. They are things that preoccupy our thoughts, instead of constantly meditating on things of glory. This is why the Spirit of God has to lead us away from them. Social media is a weight that can take all our time. The amount of time we spend on social media content can be better spent on scriptures. We ought to be careful and wise to avoid weights that easily beset us.  


12. “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us…” (‭‭Heb. ‭12‬:‭1‬). These witnesses are not jokers; they want us to run the race. But we cannot run the race with weights or sins in us; they stop and beset us. Some sins are peculiar to us, but we need more light for them to be revealed. Those sins prevent us from running the race because we have to be light to run the race of glory. This is why the Lord wants us to lay aside those sins. We have to lay aside sins if we would enter into glory. 


13. Becoming little in our own eyes is a wisdom that will help us escape many sins. Glory must mean life to us, much more than what a good job means to a carnal man. Being despised by men is an arrangement of Satan to stop us from journeying into glory. Satan has painted all kinds of images to the hearts of men, and this is what dictates how many of us relate to this present life. Until understanding comes, we would not be able to discern those wrong images. 


14. God must strengthen and enlighten us in order to count earthly things as dung (Philipp. 3:8). The Lord has promised to help us so that we can outrun our enemies. What God calls sin in the season of everlasting life is different from what we have known it to be. The standard has been raised because of the level of revelation coming to us. 


15. Glory is real; it is more real than anything that is real to us. We need more light in order to be desperate for our sins to be removed because they make us come short of glory. We need wisdom to overcome our enemies who perpetuate sin. What we are being defeated by are sins that we are ignorant of. We need God to make us wiser than our enemies (Ps. 119:98). 



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