Deliverance from the Walk of the Gentiles (BECON PM)

Programme: Believers’ Convection 2024 (Week 4_Day 4)

Date: Friday, 2nd August 2024



Transcript Summary

1. Some christians get angry when the program for the soul is exhumed because it seems as if one is saying they are not saved, but that is not what is being said. Actually, we are saved but not completely. A measure of salvation (of the spirit) can take one to heaven. But there is a bankruptcy concerning the wide program of salvation—people do not know what God does with souls, and people do not even understand the soul. This is why the devil fights seriously here, so that people should not have understanding and be locked out of the soul arena. 


2. The human spirit does not need too much help. God already did a lot for the spirit man. One’s spirit cannot commit sin, it will always refuse sin. The mystery is that although the spirit does not want to sin, it can still be overcome. The spirit can end up ending in sin because the spirit also is a man and not God. It means one can put off the life in the ghost (the human spirit). If it can no longer resist you, you can overwhelm it and kill it. We can kill our spirit.


3. The spirit is the real man but there is little knowledge about the soul. The soul is not easily known or seen. The soul custodes majorly the materials of understanding. The soul is meant firstly for the issue of communicating the within out. It is an instrument of understanding. What the soul responds to is breath; that is why the breath of the Almighty gives understanding (Job‬ ‭33‬:‭4‬). The soul reacts and generates by understanding. We can also agree that the soul eats by understanding. When the soul is fed below the activity of understanding, it would not do well; we would not see the power of the soul being maximised. When the soul is told to just believe and have faith without understanding, all the manifestation and power of the soul will not be seen. 


4. The soul is designed to fly by God into the world of breath. The soul is supposed to exist in the world of light. The soul does better when it is enlightened. This is why Satan attacks the soul with another understanding. He darkens the soul by another understanding so that it is engaged throughout its lifetime and does not question that engagement (Eph. 4:18). The soul cannot think outside the box of life that Satan has trapped it in. Satan went far and gave life (a wrong life) to the soul so souls can live below understanding. A soul can have a connection to God and yet live outside God’s understanding. A soul can do things towards God and do things below understanding. A soul can have faith to move mountains and may be bankrupt of God’s life (Mark 11:23). Life is not built on one’s belief without understanding. Life comes when the soul sees light.   


5. (Eph 1:15-17) One can have faith in the Lord Jesus and still not be wise in the spirit. If one is wise enough, one wouldn't need to ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation. The purpose of the Ephesians 1:17 prayer is not to continue to have that faith in the Lord Jesus but to overcome or bridge the alienation from God’s life that vanity has stored in the soul.


6. (Ephe 4:17-19) The Ephesian church, despite their faith in the Lord Jesus and love to all saints, was not yet free. This is why Paul asked them to henceforth not walk as other Gentiles walk. It means this church still had an inclination of mind like that of the Gentiles—their minds were still vain somewhere. So a Jewish church can be vain too. Jews are Jews in the flesh and not in the mind. The same devil working in Gentiles is using the same law to darken the minds of the Jews because the same (fleshly) life the Gentiles are seeking is what the Jews are also seeking. 


7. (Eph. 4:17)The vanity of the mind is as a result of spirit. This spirit is traceable to two places: the mind and the heart. Satan put spirit in the mind and in the heart, just like God will put the law in our mind and write it in our heart. That blindness of the heart is a spirit; it is something making men see or evaluate from their heart differently—it is called the power of Satan. So what Paul is doing is to convert this church to enter into the Kingdom. The kingdom of His dear son is the kingdom of Christ. We enter the kingdom of God from this kingdom (Colossians 1:12-13


8. (Colossians 1:10 )“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God…” Walking worthy of the Lord starts from Christ unto all pleasing. Walking worthy of the Lord is growing up as an holy temple of the Lord. The worthy walk is needed by every believer. 


9. The vain mind is the problem of the church. Vanity will contend with a soul through its ways. This is because laws are materials of ways. So people who are doubting and getting weary, and making evaluations, it is according to the vanity in the mind. So they take a scripture to prove a point to live life because of vanity resolve. Satan did something in the heart; he also made the mind vain— this is what informs how the unbeliever walks.


10. Romans 8 examines two sides: those who are carnally minded and those who refuse to change even after the law has been given. One can fight to be carnally minded, even after one has seen it. One can refuse to be spiritual. This is a different death. Such a person is not subject to the law of God. (‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭5‬) The whole book of Romans is a shed of the power of God to seize the power of Satan so that men can discontinue from walking in the power of Satan. Some will not cease; they will fight. They are different from someone who has not seen the light at all. Such a one is carnally minded and not ignorantly minded. Such a one is not ignorant when he has heard and known the truth and refuses it.


11. (Ephesians 4:18) A time will come that hearts will no longer be ignorant. Ignorance is an attitude that the blindness in them generates. The work itself is not ignorance. The work itself is blindness. It is blindness that causes ignorance. It is the heart that should know life and understand what life is. When the heart is alienated from life, then the understanding will be darkened. Satan didn’t leave any portion unworked on. He put a spirit in the mind and heart, just to blind the heart. Blindness in the heart is not an ordinary thing. 


12. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, a spirit entered into their mind and heart to make them see. That thing we see is a law at work. God shut down that law even though their spirit was dead.The tree does not just have death, it has a law of death that was sent into their hearts. They began to see themselves naked— that was the law working. If they were left like that for a while without God shutting it, they would have become so bad and gone very far. It was that law that Satan awoke in Cain. God gave them a life outside Eden. The life fell but God began to teach life. He was a teacher of life through presence. God was teaching both Abel and Cain, but Cain was asking questions. Cain was not a sheep. He was having a rethink.


13. Cain and Abel were not ignorant of Satan. They were Adams just like their father and mother were Adams. Adam knew Satan. Jesus Christ as the last Adam said “Satan get thee behind me”. So Cain and Abel knew about the devil. They knew that he tempted their mother before their father. The story must have been told to them and they must have been warned to keep themselves from Satan. If not, John would not have said that Cain was of the evil one. The devil was there and they knew about him. We need to culture our children against the devil because every child knows the devil by interacting with his things.


14. The church in Ephesians were told to stop walking as other Gentiles walked. This is because of what had been supplied to them: the spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:17 - 18). The purpose of the two spirits or eyes or spirits is to remove a law. These spirits are to teach the law of life in Christ Jesus. There is no way a law can be brought to the heart without the help of the eye of the menorah. What was given to the church is the flames or the light. It is light to darkness. 


15. What Satan used to keep darkness in the heart is the capacity of an angel. He used the angelic frame or how they see that has been perverted to darken them from the realities of truth in the unseen realm, so that they will not see life accurately. They will misjudge concerning life and take life wrongly. Satan did a lot of things in the heart to take life. Man is not just having faith in the life of vanity; man does not believe in vanity, man knows vanity. This is because he acts before believing. It is spontaneous, so what Satan did was a work of knowing. The blind writing is a work of knowing. Any knowing is power.


16. What is called ‘life’ which is vanity is accepted in the church and many preach it. Many don’t see the spiritual as life. What is life to them is vanity. Many don’t see good jobs as vanity. Some parents will do anything to have their children be in highly rated schools. There is something about that thing in the heart. Some would ask if God Almighty would not want their children to go to such schools. There is something in the heart which is related to how such a one wants his child to turn out. Such parents do not care too much for their children to look like Christ. They know that following Christ will restrict them in their decision making. We must not let darkness drive our passion. This is not to say that we should just go ahead and put our kids in bad schools and not good schools. 


17. So many Jews did not have faith but a centurion had faith (Matt. 8:10). Satan positions us in the face of shame to see our reaction, but when we respond fearlessly, that is faith. God will take care of us. We must be impossible in the face of reproach. We should not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ (Rom. 1:16). The adversary paints the gospel as a shame game. 


18. Satan has elevated lies; he has elevated hay as life. He has elevated grass that withereth and stubble as something. We should look into vanity and see it as nothing. Why should we worry about what would pass away? Why should we bother too much about grass life? We are seeing pearls of high value that the price does not show immediately; it takes some time for it to show. It is time that will tell of the things we are transacting with and speaking of.


19. The whole world will beg for what we have. We should not stop preaching; we should not stop living. As long as our eyes are open, that is the greatest gift that can be given to us. We should see the value in the preaching of the gospel because to open eyes is a rare thing. Eyes are expensive. Not everyone's eyes are opened. So we must not trade our eyes for vanity. One day, we will thank God that we have this challenge on earth. A man that has never been challenged is a dead man. If Satan allows one to enjoy all through, one will be flesh and stinking.


20. Nobody is fortunate on earth. Everybody on earth is in trouble; we are poor, miserable and wretched. Those who are said to be fortunate only have more grass (or flesh) than us. We should not trade our eyes. There is no rich or poor flesh. No one is fortunate on earth as long as such is under the devil. All flesh is grass (1 Pet. 1:24). There is no glorious flesh. 


21. All presidents are not privileged and at times, the higher you go in this world, the more in bondage and unfortunate you become. Some claim we are mediocres. An accurate resolve of life is to see life from the point of God's value (Luke 12:15). No matter what, do not let anyone take this life from you. Any ministry that does not make flesh spirit is not worth following after. You have a God and he does not make mistakes


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