Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)
Date: Saturday, 19th October, 2024
Transcript Summary
1. The Son has come to give us an understanding so that we may know things (1 John 5:20), even things we might not have taken notice of. Such things might have been in scriptures or said in some earlier messages, but the coming of the Son brings understanding to us. Thus, certain messages will be heaved in such a way that their understanding will begin to dawn on us. When understanding comes to us, it brings us into a reality which we would previously not have given attendance to.
2. (John 1:29). John the Baptist’s sight of Jesus was different from the way other men saw Him. John did not have prior knowledge of who Jesus was, as God had long separated them. Whatever John was saying to Jesus was revealed to him; it was not a knowledge of Jesus as his cousin.
3. The sin of the world is heavy such that only the Lamb of God can take it away. The sin of the world is not the same as what men have understood as sin. What an average believer calls sin is not the sin of the world, as they typically refer to works of the flesh that are manifest as sin (Gal. 5:19). There is flesh, but it also has its works.
4. (John 6:51). Flesh is the bread of Satan, and the works of the flesh come from it. The Lamb carries life which constitutes His own flesh and blood. This means it is flesh (of the Lamb) against flesh (of Satan) and blood (of the Lamb) against blood (of Satan). The world also has life and what can be given in exchange for this life of the world (in the soul) is the flesh of Jesus.
5. A man can gain all the life of the devil; that is what it means to gain the whole world (Matt. 16:26). The antichrist gained the whole world such that the power and authority of the dragon were given to him. This is because he attained all the life of the dragon. That antichrist is the lamb of sin. Both the false prophet and the antichrist were journeying together, but the antichrist arrived first.
6. (Rev. 13:11). When the antichrist speaks, the dragon will come out. The antichrist is a man of sin; he gained the outer court, holy place, and most holy place of Satan, which is the ‘666’ (Rev. 13:18). Such a man does not need gold, for he has something more than gold. However, we should behold the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the whole world.
7. The bread of God is the Lamb of God. This means the Lamb has to be eaten and His blood has to be drunk. One cannot eat His flesh without drinking His blood. The bread of God is a person, and that person is the Lamb of God.
8. (John 6:33). John the Baptist described the Lamb with a very high sight. One must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Lamb to have life. We must not leave out any part of God; we must eat all of Him. Those who followed the Lamb “whithersoever He goeth” (Rev. 14:4) did so by eating. The understanding of the Lamb will come to us, and each layer of His understanding is a bread that we must eat. We do not only eat by hearing but also by doing (Matt. 7:24; James 1:22). Knowledge comes by hearing, but lines will come by obedience. One who hears the word and keeps it is one that loves the Lord (John 14:21).
9. (Rev. 21:2-3). For the tabernacle of God to be with men, some men must become the tabernacle. The Lamb will firstly come amongst us to take the life of the world from us. It is the Lamb among them who will lead them to fountains of living waters (Rev. 7:17). The Lamb can be among us and not everyone will receive Him. This is because of the world in us (John 1:10-11).
10. The Lamb will be among us to reveal Himself in our conversation (manner of life) with one another. In our conversation, there will be a revelation of the Lamb among us that will bring about a conversation which we have to archive. The Lamb in our midst wants to see that conversation between brothers, spouses, families. The coming of the Lamb amidst us is dealing with the world in us.
11. We are meant to get to a place where we serve the Lamb day and night (Rev. 7:15). One who has conflicts with his brother, sister or spouse is fighting with the Lamb. This is because what we do to the least of the brethren has been done to the Lord (Matt. 25:40). We cannot discern the Lamb amidst us ordinarily; this is because we need an understanding of Him amongst us as a conversation.
12. The tabernacle of God is men (Rev. 21:3). However, men who will become this tabernacle must have matured by using the conversation of the Lamb. They must have used it so well that they have become temples. There is a Lamb among us and with us, but there is also the Lamb ‘in’ us. Those in the holy city have the Lamb ‘in’ them. When the city was described, it was said that there was no temple (Rev. 21:22). This means the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Holy Place and Most Holy Place, which Men embodied. When such men come into one, it is the activity of the Lamb ‘with’ them.
13. God is showing us conversations that we must do, and we do it by eating His flesh and drinking His blood. When a man finishes this, what he will have is the Lamb in him. The antichrist first gained this world, then the dragon gave him authority, power and his seat. The person who will carry the authority and power of God is the Lamb who sat on the throne. Everything that is in God is in the Lamb.
14. The Lamb first comes to take away sin (John 1:29), and He then comes to give salvation (John 1:36; Heb. 9:28). May we follow the Lamb as He reveals Himself among us, with us, and in us. The Lamb will come to dwell with us and we would see standards of life and separations. As we see it, we must do it. When this happens, then the Lamb would dwell inside of us. That is glory!