Embracing the Conversation of the Lamb (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (February Edition)

Date: Saturday, 17th February, 2024


Transcript Summary


1. The ministrations that came this week (Writing the Vision Prayer Meeting - 12th to 14th February 2024) were very peculiar and aimed at strengthening us not to be weary in following the Lamb, just as our parents in the faith do. As the Lord leads us to follow pastures and the movement of waters, a time will come when we will journey like Joshua and Caleb who followed fully till they gained “another spirit” (Num. 14:24). The dividend of fully following the Lord in the Sanctuary (Holy Place) and the Most Holy is the birth of a nature that can enable us to follow the Father. The essence of following the Lord is to flock back to God and to birth a nature of lambs in our souls. 


2. The ministrations of the season can be seen as God piecing together the image of a Lamb. When we profit from the dealings the Lord brings to us, a time comes when we will migrate from the revelation before us to the ways and spirit of that revelation. As such, we would have gathered the jigsaw puzzle of salvation. This is where the early apostles got to and they possessed rare conversations, which are conversations that angels anticipate.


3. Angels saw a higher conversation of everlasting life in Jesus than what they had (‭‭1 Tim. ‭3‬:‭16‬). Angels being a kind of lambs, are drawn to the conversations of such men because they see it as what would lead to the closing of this age. Angels are desirous to see the world to come unveiled, unlike us whose soul still has some measures of lust that have not yet been deprogrammed through the life of Christ or the divine nature in the Father. 


4. In our day, God desires a heavenly conversation of everlasting life. All the labour of the Godhead in bringing great and majestic things is so that a conversation that was first seen in full measure in our Lord Jesus can be seen in us; those are conversations of lambs because the persons of the Godhead are Lambs. The Father is the chief Lamb and our Lord Jesus is the Lamb of God.


5. Whenever the will of God is done on earth as it is done in heaven, pleasure ascends from the earth and angels sight those conversations. The dealings that would make our souls lambish are in seasons where our names are made great. Our names are made great through the blessing. The great and majestic things being spoken of this season are those things that would alter our nature.


6. “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.” (‭‭Psa. ‭17‬:‭15). This is a satisfaction that is coming our way because of the times of refreshing that we are receiving. David had this rest (satisfaction) when he had a Christ formation. Many of the spirits that wrestled with him in the book of Psalms did so because he was dealing with iniquity, going against wickedness, and pressing into the everlasting life of that testament. The time of refreshing is what brings us into God’s righteousness. To awake with His likeness is to be a lamb.


7. “Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. [7] But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.” (Philip. 3:6-7). The righteousness of the law brought about a measure of formation but not like what the righteousness of faith and God will bring about. The seven churches in the book of Revelation were meant to overcome what was “gain” to them; that would have made them win Christ. Paul had to receive tidings of refreshing from the presence of God in order to have a sense which would make him wiser than his enemies.


8. The enemy hides in the terrain of "gain". The world is an offering to make men seek their own things. When the enemy came to tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread, the enemy was drawing Jesus' attention to Himself. However, our Lord Jesus had always lived in a way that He did all things without seeking His own interest but the Father's.


9. “And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?” (‭‭Luke‬ ‭2‬:‭49). After this period, Jesus was withdrawn for about 18 years where He would be seeking the things of someone who was not His biological Father (Joseph), and by doing so, He would be seeking His heavenly Father's business. For Jesus, the mind of gain was dealt with in His teenage days. To overcome the world is to overcome the offerings of gain that the world has to give. 


10. “Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.” (SOS 1:6). This scripture shows us the kind of person who would marry the Lamb. This is how the iniquity in us is dealt with. When John was asked about being the Christ, he answered that he was not the Christ (Jn. 1:20) — this was a lamb of that testament, who preferred someone else and sought the things of another. Along the line, he got weary as he expired a strength needed to do so till the end (Lk.7:20)


11. ‭‭‭“And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.” (Luke‬ ‭4‬:‭3‬). This is similar to what happened to Adam in Eden. Those temptations were offerings of gain for the soul. This temptation was a suggestion; it was a thought that was strange because in responding to it, one would not do the things that seek the pleasure of the Father – the Father would cease to be the focus if that thought was accepted. However, our Lord Jesus had been raised with a contrite sense, which is to seek the things of another (the Father). 


12. The strength of every temptation is the strength of painting “gain” to the soul in many ways. God wants a company of men to count the gains around legitimacies and privileges as losses – these men would desire to become the lambs of God after the New Testament. We would be unable to fault these gains if we are not beholding God's face in righteousness or judging righteously as Paul did.


13. “And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.” (Gal. 2:9). The heathen were part of those to whom the apostles had been sent (Matt. 28:19-20). The apostles giving Paul a right hand of fellowship was a feat and angels must have been comforted to see that conversation – that those who had the privilege of being in the forefront of a move of God on earth preferred someone who came after them. That was a soul-saving experience – a way of that knowledge must have become tangible to them because of that conversation. This practical experience must have helped Apostle Paul to have more respect for the other apostles. He must have realized that the apostles had more nature than he did. 


14. Those apostles won some warfare by taking the backseat in something that was a move of God on earth, just as we are currently handling a move of God in the body of Christ. We see an order in the house that is upon God’s servant, Reverend Kayode Oyegoke, in recognizing the graces of God on different ministers. God has raised the house such that ministers delightfully prefer one another. This is one of the things that has brought the house into an alignment in the spirit, which has resulted in the house enjoying the ministry of high-ranking ministering spirits. Those angels are ministering to men who would become better kinds of lambs – those who would have a better edition of everlasting life than they do.


15. These conversations should be ingrained in our minds and become our predominant thoughts. We should get to the place where everything that has become gain to us is counted as loss. The decision of those apostles preferring Paul did not stop them from taking their place as foundation stones of the city of God (Rev. 21:14). Angels want to see many of these conversations in our midst. 


16. Many opportunities to fulfill the obedience to gain depths in the spirit can pass us by if we do not have the sense of preferring ourselves. We should learn to prefer our brethren. This does not stop us from journeying to becoming sons of God, rather, it would hasten it. Our ability to exercise these judgements will cause us to add height and have an image in the spirit. If men would come into incorruptibility and tangible expressions of everlasting life this season, these are some of the conversations that would guarantee it. It is the secret of our Lord Jesus, the apostles and even our parents in the faith. It can also be our secret (Amen).


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