Engaging the Ministry of the Son of God (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (September Edition)

Date: Saturday, 21st September, 2024



Transcript Summary


1. “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord…” (Acts 3:18-19). There are two major times in the spirit. These two times are dedicated to remove the effects of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from humanity. When Adam ate of that tree, the devil came and a door was open to humanity. He ate it with the hope of attaining into godhood but he did not know that his descendants would be reduced to dust. These times are times of the workings of the Lord to undo the works of the devil amidst men. 


2. The two times referred above are “the times of refreshing” and “the times of restitution”. The times of refreshing is the time of removing souls from the first deliverance that a soul will experience under the lordship of Satan. It is the ministry of the Holy Ghost who began the work of quickening our spirits. The ministry of refreshing is the ministry of the Holy Ghost.


3. At the New Birth, the Holy Ghost quickened us and our spirits became Christ but our souls had no inclination to what had happened to our spirits. Unfortunately, a lot of believers do not come into the first refreshing till they die. Many leave without coming to any time of the Lord. That is why we are greatly favoured and blessed to have an Apostle (Rev. Kayode Oyegoke) who has been able to bring down these times to our generation, through the scriptures of the apostles and prophets.


4. People like John experienced these times. As long as the earth remains, there will be seedtime and harvest time (Gen. 8:22). These times are God’s allocation in the calendar of redemption to recover men from the effect of sin and death that entered into the earth (Rom. 5:12). The death that passed upon all men tells us that the fallen cherub (Satan) ‘is come’ into the earth. We may not be able to see him physically, but we can see the effects of his coming. 


5. Satan wrecked man from living soul to flesh and then to dust that he can trample upon. But to recover man, another Person had to come. The first person who came for that purpose is the Holy Ghost and His coming was an advent. An advent is the arrival of a Special Person upon the earth.


6. Jesus is seated in the heavens, at the right hand of the Majesty on high, and He is still there. Also, the Holy Ghost was sent to the earth on the day of Pentecost. That same Holy Ghost is the jasper light upon God. Yet, they both have ministries, not to angels, but to men. When the Holy Ghost came, He quickened our spirits and gave the milk of the word called the Apostles’ doctrine. This doctrine is meant to generate life.


7. The essence of the milk allocation is not the miracles but the life. Therefore, the essence of the coming of the Holy Ghost is to give life. That life is contained in doctrine; it is life because doctrine is involved. As such, the apostles’ doctrine is a doctrine that is meant to produce a life. The angel of the Lord told Peter to preach the word of this life (Acts 5:20). This tells us that there was a life that was revealed to the Apostles, and they manifested that life. They were not apostles of signs and wonders. 


8. Signs and wonders are peculiar to evangelistic ministries, but the main work of an apostle is to establish life, to apostle life and break grounds in a place where there was no life before or where death earlier reigned. The Holy Ghost was sent to plant life; the peak of this life is what moves the believer to the first phase of the ministry of the Holy Ghost.


9. The infilling of the Holy Ghost is a partial work of the Holy Ghost. The actual ministry of the Holy Ghost is to unveil Christ. The Holy Ghost assumes the responsibility of the Spirit of truth when He takes the things of Christ and shows them unto us. When Christ is being unveiled to us, it is the Holy Ghost who is actually doing His work. The Holy Ghost is the apostle of the Godhead. He is the only One who can break through. He is the forerunner of the Godhead and His forerunner work is to teach men Christ. The beginning of Christ is love.


10. The tabernacle is not horizontal, it is vertical. This means it towers into the heavens. The Holy Ghost is the One who has the keys to the tabernacle. If the Holy Ghost does not open the tabernacle, Jesus would not be able to function and God would be locked out. The Holy Ghost knows what to do to make believers conform to that door. One of the prerequisites of being qualified for this ministry is to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and love towards all the saints. We may not have the lingua or the grammar, but these two things must be present for the Holy Ghost to open the door to Christ.


11. The coming of the Holy Ghost into the Church is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Rather, it is in the office of the ministry to make Christ known, and the essence of this ministry is to unveil Him. To carry out this ministry, the Holy Ghost assumes the office of the Spirit of truth. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation is the Spirit of the presence of the Father (Ephesians 1:15-17). This is the beginning of the first times. The first times that the Holy Ghost will bring upon every believer is to bring men into the administration of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. 


12. There was once a belief that the spirit of wisdom and revelation is for pastors. However, the actual people who are meant to carry the spirit of wisdom and revelation are the saints. We know this because the book of Ephesians was written to the saints. However, these saints must have faith in the Lord Jesus and love towards the saints. If these things are not there, there will be no access to that ministry and we would ever be learning but not growing spiritually.


13. The Son of God is truly come, but the Holy Ghost is still in the midst of this coming. Therefore, the coming of the Son of God ought to be a continuation of the commandments that we came into during the season of the Holy Ghost. The coming of the Son of God is the unification of the Holy Ghost and the Son of God, both as ministers.


14. In the season of love, there are things that will give way. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was designed against faith and love. Through it, man was broken down and now lacks the power to have faith and love.


15. We are in a time, but this time does not suspend the other times. The latter rain and the former rain will come in one month (Joel 2:23). That means that, in one season, the Holy Ghost will be doing His ministry to those who are behind and the Son of God will be doing His ministry to those who are ahead. Then the Holy Ghost will go to the people who have gone ahead, and strengthen them to make them qualified for the Son of God. 


16. When Jesus said, “let brotherly love continue” (Heb. 13:1), He was telling us not to forget about the first times. We are to take the first times and join it to the current time because it is very necessary. Therefore, we will never outgrow love. It is time to love, lay down our lives again and renew the covenant of love again. We have to consciously decide not to miss these times. 


17. Our prosperity in the realm of the spirit is determined by our work of love. Our prosperity in the season of the first times was by love, therefore, our prosperity in this new time will be to heighten our love commandments. The Son of God that is come is also a Spirit. He is called the quickening spirit, and He has seven faculties (or spirits) by which He will give understanding.


18. How we will qualify for the ministry of the Son of God that is come is to make sure that we excel in the times of the Holy Ghost that climaxes into charity. We have to master the conversation of peace until we become kings. This is because the veil of the Holy Place will not admit us if we are not yet kings of righteousness, masters of peace, and masters of charity. We must have done them repeatedly until we gain mastery. The realm of the Son of God that is come is another realm of congealed charity. Therefore, charity must continue (Heb. 13:1). This is what we must do. 


19. “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned…” (1 Tim. 1:5). Before charity, we previously loved the saints with a love that was not pure. Now, this is a time to work on our love. Our love should be one without ulterior motives or strings attached. Most times, we may need to look to those who have gone ahead for us to know how to walk in love. All our pastors are our epistles to read; their lives are already a standard. Those standards are things that signify that “The Son of God is come”. We must therefore learn to watch them and observe their conversations because that is the key for entrance. 


20. (Ephesians 1:3-4). To be holy is to do righteousness. The doing of righteousness is the key to holiness, but the end of holiness is that we must be in love. There is a junction or an arrival point we must be at to meet the Lord. If we miss the destination, we will miss the Lord. That point is called love. We must be holy and without blame before Him — this is Presence. 


21. We are on a journey so that we will arrive at the right terminal for the Son of God to take us when He is come. This is not the time to romance offences. Rather, we must be quick to forgive and move on because the Son of God is come. We must learn skills of righteousness by apologising to ourselves on our brother’s behalf.


22. We should keep quiet when we ought to. When we ought to talk, we should talk in love. When we make mistakes, we should be quick to admit them and keep journeying. There is no time any longer because this coming of the Son is the one that will elapse until rapture. If we do not stay in love, the rain of the coming of the Son will not touch us. We must arrive in Him in love.


23. Christ will not come to the realm of faith or hope; He only comes to charity, which means we must come to charity. The veil that divides the Holy place and the Most Holy place is charity. We must arrive there, else God has to keep working on us. If we do not arrive there, it means the Son of God would not be able to see us, neither would we be within His reach.


24. The Son of God is made higher than heavens and separate from sinners (those who are not in charity). He that sanctifies and they that are sanctified all became one by charity (Heb. 2:11). There is a love that is in Christ that must arrive in us. It is that love that attracted us towards the Lamb, to the Son of God.


25. Charity gives us the ability and maturity to understand the fellowship of the Son of God. It is a tool of maturity. We may not know how to preach or sing but we must all stay in charity for the Son of God to come and meet us. The Son of God will follow those who are worthy of Him to their homes and then, we will begin to see the ministration of the Son of God in homes and businesses. The only way to attract this ministry is charity.


26. If we are not in charity, we will be offended in the days of His coming. This is because that season will come with intense purification (Mal. 3:1-2). In the process of being purified, if we are not mature in charity, we can shut down by leaving the community. A person who is offended cannot participate in the ministry of the Son of God because offence is a stink in the realm of the spirit.


27. When the Son of God is come, He will check our relationships. We have to consider one another and provoke ourselves to love and not to anger (Heb. 10:24). There is a way Satan can use our infirmities to provoke our brothers to be discouraged. But we should learn to use these as acts of love, to provoke ourselves to entrance. 


28. To provoke is to excite. We can excite our brothers by showing examples of charity: by keeping quiet or letting go of our rights. These are the people who will hear the voice of the Son of God.


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