Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)
Date: Saturday, 19th October, 2024
Transcript Summary
1. “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; [21] In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord…” (Eph. 2:20-21). God has been raising this holy temple for decades, and those who have become a holy temple are being raised further to become a habitation for God in the spirit. In this season, we are being raised to behold the Lamb. However, it takes some equipping and a level of growth to behold the Lamb.
2. We must become a holy temple in the Lord in order to have the equipment that will make us behold the Lamb. A holy temple is a soul that has been built by the minister of the Sanctuary to be a sheep in a fold. When the process is completed, such a one would be admitted to the flock of God. The flock of God feeds on the conversation of the Lamb.
3. One way that the Lord builds a holy temple is by the instructions of the epistles. Instructions can easily slip, but if we are being renewed in the spirit of our minds, we will be diligent in keeping instructions. We become a holy temple by keeping the instructions in the epistles—which are required for our building, growth, and separation from our former estates. When a believer has completed that process, the Lord will make a covenant with him.
4. Charity (which comes as a result of the formation of Christ in us) straightens our relationship with men, saints and brethren; that is where we fetch life and become at peace with God. When a believer has this building (of charity) that produces the grace of faith, he comes into the covenant of life and peace. A believer who has gotten here is one who has been jealous about keeping instructions. It takes diligence to follow instructions.
5. “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” (Col. 3:17). This conversation will cause thanksgiving to arise in men. There are persons around us who ought to give thanks to God by reason of our response to instructions that govern our relationship with them. There are many people who should have given thanks to God for us, for daring to keep commandments for long periods till our obedience can be used to convict others. There are many people who have not been convicted of carnality and wrong natures because we have not excelled in keeping instructions. When we obey, something would be formed in us which is also found in the Holy temple of the Lord—the mind of Christ, which is needed to behold the Lamb.
6. “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. [16] For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:15-16). This kind of man has built the capacity to mind spiritual things by keeping instructions, and especially instructions around relationships. When the mind of Christ is built in a man, such a man is able to mind the things of the Lord. This also means when we have the mind of Christ (having its precepts and lines), we will be able to hack into the mind of the Lord. It is in such seasons when we relate with the mind of the Lord that we would begin to see the conversation of the Lamb.
7. (Num. 25:12-13). If we have the first covenant, we should be able to behold the Lamb and come to a place where we have an everlasting priesthood. What brings you to this point is the activity of the mind of Christ, which would make you rise above the world in men—or the opportunities from the world—and react the way God expects men to react to the world and its things. When a believer reacts to the world as mere men, it is a proof that the mind of Christ has not yet been formed in him. As such, he lacks the law of the Spirit of Life. It also shows that such a person touches the world and its things without using the commandments that govern one’s relationship with them.
8. How mindful you are about your relationship with men, brethren, and dignitaries, speaks of the works that are present in you. One thing our Lord Jesus also got right between the ages 12–30 was His relationship with dignitaries. There are some commandments we are not yet mindful of, and to that degree, we have not been built in the Sanctuary and the tabernacle.
9. Man’s soul is made a true worshipper through its response to instructions and how full his mind is with instructions. Our minds should be full of instructions. As we continually keep them, we become more established and yield more fruits. Our Lord Jesus kept instructions until a work was found in Him, and God remembered it. When God remembers such a work, it is a response of earth to heaven. It is when that work is found in a man that God will come to make an everlasting covenant with such a one.
10. (Proverbs 4:13). Instruction is life; we cannot get life without it. The infirmity of our flesh makes instructions slip from us in different seasons, but when we are able to consistently keep instructions, we will be referred to as being diligent. Therefore, we should show the same diligence that brought us to a place where we had the labour of love, so that we can now relate with better and enduring substances and have a work in us. The word and law are an inheritance that a man must have for God to have a covenant with him.
11. It is by virtue of what we are hearing that we will be able to resist the devil; it is by keeping faith with these instructions that we will be able to receive what Jesus did—glory and honour. This is the reason God is bringing the grace of salvation, which would give us a stand. By the time the grace is vested, believers who have kept faith with it would be able to journey to the place where they will have the Father’s name on their forehead.
12. The devil did not just flee from Jesus; he would also flee from us because we would have the constitution of the Lamb and would have become the offspring of another world. Therefore, we need to humble ourselves under this administration of grace and under the speakings of the Son of God. There is another growth that we would come into which would enable us to become a habitation for God. The Lord will find an abode in us. The precepts and lines coming to us are a result of the technicalities of the building that would house God.