Giving heed to the process of Salvation (BECON)

Gatherings of saints like this are places where strength is supplied (Heb. 10:25). In such gatherings, the move of the Spirit of God works mightily in His saints. There is a preparation for the tidings of God’s day that has already begun in our midst. The sound of ‘help’ has been resounding in the spirit. This cry for help is similar to the yearn of a baby that has lost his strength from much crying. There is a new dimension of grace that the Lord is pouring forth in this Convention.


God is rearranging things and we must be willing to follow through with such reconfigurations. He is raising His own sons through the tidings of His Day in order to show forth His glory. The plot of the devil is to keep men down in the realm of love for vanity (Psa. 24:3-4). The level of vanity that Satan displayed is a very high one. He thought in his heart that he could go beyond a position God placed him. This is not to shun a desire for progress in the spirit; rather, that one must be cautious of motives that drive such desires in order to ensure that the soul/heart is not lifted up above measure.


Every lifting that comes to man is not for man, but for God’s glory. God must be seen in the lives of those that hear Him through us. Jesus practiced this and made sure He did things according to the will of God; not relying on His own perception. The Spirit bore witness to this sort of obedience at Jordan (Matt. 3:16-17).


Many men walk with Jesus without knowing Him. The men on the way to Emmaus transacted with the spiritual things that Jesus had to share without actually discerning Him (Luke 14:13-31). This lack of discernment limited how much they could receive from Him. We must endeavour not to assume that we already know. The things God reveals to us today are foundations for what He is going to do next. Bearing this in mind, we must be consistent in continuing to do His demands even when we are yet to see results or yet to know what He is about to do next.


Satan lacked purity of heart despite that he was an angel of God’s presence. This imperfect heart was what led to his disloyalty. God is in search of pure and loyal hearts (Psa. 24:3). He thoroughly sees our hearts and is able to discern our ways. God is seriously warning us ahead of the next phase of His dealings with us. We should draw closer to the point where our lives show the conversation of Christ undiluted. One way we set our affections on things above (Col 3:1-2) is by counting all things we have acquired/achieved as dung (Phil. 3:8).


The life that God demands of us is a sacrificial one. Jesus lived an example of this kind of sacrificial life. We should desist from measuring spiritual things from human dimensions if we desire to live up to God’s expectation. Moses made an attempt to save the children of Israel by leveraging his humanly ability (Exo. 2:11-12). He had to be sent to the backside of the wilderness for his orientation to be changed. It took his interaction with a Saviour to learn how to save.


High mindedness would stop us from doing the will of God. Offense is inevitable whenever a man undertakes an assignment God did not authorize him to. Offense is a barrier in accomplishing the will of God. Joseph had let go of offense in his heart by the time his brothers returned to him in Egypt; and because of this, the lives of his brethren were preserved. The Lord has called us to preserve lives.


As believers, we should be cautious not to despise those whom God has placed over us. We should not join those who speak evil of those who have journeyed ahead. We should give heed to the things we have heard because they are slippery, and lest we become such loose vagabonds who speak evil (Heb. 2:1). If men are not cautious, they can pick up death and think they have gotten light. Adam was enticed by the light of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; yet he received death instead. We must not fall victim of such deeds. We must appreciate the things God has blessed us with by staying under authority.


The dealings of God over our lives take us through a process that refines us and make us strong enough for where the Lord is taking us to. We should be patient to successfully go through such processes.

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