God’s Project of Building Man (ER)

Programme: United Kingdom Easter Retreat 2024 

Date: Friday, 29th March 2024


2 Corinthians 6:16

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”


You cannot claim what the Corinthian church is called (The Temple of the Living God) unless you have journeyed in God like they did. It is not everybody that is the temple of God; it is a future promise to you when you get born again. You can be the temple of God. It is a great promise, greater than anything in the universe. No institution of the world can give you God. They have tried looking for Him and could not, so they tagged Him as non-existent, but He has found us. If as a Christian you die being a temple of the living God, you are made. Being the temple of the living God is not the end though; we ought to become the temple of the only True God. There are dimensions to God that some people will enter. These things being spoken of are not a joke.


2 Corinthians 6:17-18

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, [18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”


“Be ye separate” is a promise, not just a commandment. The Lord promised that He wants you to be separate and He will make you separate. When a commandment is obeyed, it becomes a nature. Anything that is obeyed, becomes a nature, and when it has been crowned, it becomes a promise. Natures are promises.


“I will dwell in them” is the promise. That is the crown promise of promises — the lead promise. On your way to the highest promise, you will come into promises. The final promise is “I will be your God and you will be My people”. This is a compound promise. The word ‘separate’ is an entity of promise itself. People who are separate are people who have received the promise of separation. 


After you are separated, there is yet a higher separation. I can come out from among them and become separate, then God will move me to a higher separation. The unclean things to not be touched are not things we know, they are things of the natural man. When you are able to avoid and touch not the unclean, then God will receive you. You can see the leading to God — ‘be separate’, ‘touch not the unclean’, then ‘He will receive you to be a father unto you’, then ‘you will be His sons’. The end is “I will dwell in them, I will walk in them, I will be their God and they shall be My people”. 


There are three promises there — ‘saith the Lord’, ‘saith the Lord Almighty’, and ‘saith God’. What They say is different, so Who are you hearing? “Saith the Lord” is more than a prophecy. The real saying of ‘the Lord’ is to be. 


The radioactive element shed their lives. Once those elements are exposed, they will begin to shed radiation. When those rays go out, half of the rays go and the size of the elements becomes smaller. When it has given all of the rays, one will not see the solid element again; they have escaped from the solid state into gas. 


“Saith God” means “I (God) want to empty Myself and you will not see Me again. I (God) have gone into a state where I become deposited in you”. “The Lord” means “Separate One”. “The Lord Almighty” is the One who has no part with the unclean thing. “God” is the One that has no agreement with idols. Idols are some kind of gods, so He hates idols. When you have God, you have the promise of life. The Lord, the Lord Almighty and God are all lives of God at different levels. These things are promises. 


2 Corinthians 7:1

“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”


The things we are saying here are affecting the constellation (the environment) here; it is affecting evil spirits. God's intent is to raise a building into Himself and at the same time raise a building capable enough to handle “the London spirit”. There is enough in the provision of the New Testament for any nation, no matter the pattern/design of the nation. Nations are different but God's weaponry is far superior to the machinations of evil spirits. 


Someone cannot be your enemy if he does not know you. You are capable of being an enemy of God when you have known the secret of God. Satan was able to hurt God because he was in the nucleus council of God. He was not an ignorant spirit. Satan has capacity to hurt God and he did hurt God because through Satan, many angels died spiritually and left God. We do not know their number. Angels are extremely innumerable, they are not small in number. Every person has a demon attacking them, so you can understand their number. Some have tormented our generations; they know our history and understand us very well. They know how to tempt us, and they know our weaknesses. They are in degrees — lower ones and higher ones. 


These fallen angels are foes because they were a building of God at different levels. There are buildings among the angels which are the Lord's building, the Lord Almighty's building and God's building. All angels are a framework of God’s pattern of making an edifice. There is no way you can be built by God without revelation. Each of the angels are sensitive to revelation, evil spirits likewise. Revelation is spiritual understanding. God created and formed angels by the spirit of understanding. That is why they are very sensitive to understanding. After the devil fell and some angels fell with him, they still trade with understanding, but they give another kind of understanding. 


One will wonder why people are held by these powers when they cross to the revelation of God. It is understanding that is binding men because man is a being of understanding. It is only animals that are not beings of understanding. This relates to how God communicates to entities. God cannot communicate to animals, He can command them. God commanded the ravens to feed Elijah. Ravens are stingy birds but they took a piece of bread to the prophet Elijah everyday; that is a miracle. God did not reach the understanding of this animal because it does not have one. Animals have a limited soul and their soul goes down to the soil and never rises. It is only man that is a spirit with a superior soul.


You are not an animal. The Lord cannot teach chimpanzees the spirit of wisdom and revelation; they are different from man. They are just flesh and soul, but you are spirit with a different soul. A soul that can interact with the unseen dimension where God dwells is a soul that has been blessed to find an interaction in the realm of understanding. What makes you different from animals is that you have the capacity to receive the inspiration of the Almighty. The inspiration of the Almighty gives understanding (Job 32:8). On the sixth day, God finished with everything in creation except for man. He created them and blessed them; the dominion over the fish of the sea is a result of the superiority of his soul. 


Genesis 1:20-26

“[24] And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. [25] And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. [26]And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”


God blessed man on the sixth day differently. He did not hand over dominion to other animals so the blessings are different. Blessing is the ability to receive from God (Matt. 16:17). You are not blessed enough if God blesses you the way He blessed the fishes of the sea. There is a variation with blood. The blood that runs in man is very high; it is different from that of an animal, so man is not an animal. He is an alien species among the creatures on earth; he can transact with heaven and that is why God made a heaven for man on earth. 


Genesis 1:28

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.


God rested on the seventh day, then another day, God came again. This is the 8th day, the octave. There was something that happened on the 8th day. God built the body for the man in chapter one. God put the spirit and soul in the body, but the man did not wake up because the function of the man had to be defined. God gave him breath in his soul. His spirit had life but the soul had no life. He needed breath in the soul to tell what function the soul had to be. He called it the living soul, meaning a soul of God—a soul that can relate to God. Adam was a man with a soul that can serve God; he was raised with a promise. This was the thing Satan destroyed 2000 years after. 


In Genesis 6, man was no longer a living soul; God saw him as flesh. Since then, man's level of understanding changed— all that he looks for are not more than what a crocodile will look for. Another breath became functional in a soul that was not originally looking for food. Ministry is defined around these things - clothing, food and housing, and these are what nations seek. As sophisticated as the UK is, they cannot seek beyond their breath. It means the answer is not in astronomical advancements; that does not change the breath. You can go to the moon and stars and be seeking the same thing. 


A living soul seeks the above, so Satan drew the attention of the soul to the body. Immediately Adam’s eyes were opened, he began to sew fig leaves. We have been lied to about the Bible. Do not undermine the Bible, do not look down on scriptures. When we read the Bible, we see things that are contradictory and it is there for a purpose. The Bible is designed in such a way that when your heart is wrong, you see wrongly. The Bible is covering itself. It is an evasive book. The Bible is a book of spirit, spirit wrote it. The Bible is a collection of books and they all align. Different authors by revelation wrote one thought. 


Tongues and Interpretation (1)


“Pursue, Peruse, follow, follow, I am showing you, I am showing you oh man, I am showing you your destiny, I am showing you your present, I am showing you your future, I am showing you the pages of your life as it is written and hidden in scriptures. For a man cannot find his life outside the pages of the scriptures. For a fool says in his heart that there is no God. For a fool lacks capacity to see that which is hidden in the scriptures of truth. A fool is that who cannot see that which is written in God’s heart concerning him. But I am showing you that which you must spend your life to attain unto. I am showing you that which you must spend your life to obtain in the days of your flesh. I am showing you how to become spiritual and come into the fullness of destiny. There is destiny hidden in scriptures. Your destiny is hidden in scriptures. Pay attention to precepts, pay attention to lines, pay attention to knowledge, pay attention to doctrine, pay attention to your building, for you cannot be built up if you neglect the things written in scriptures. I am showing you the pathway to building. It is in paying attention to the laws of God. That is how you make a good success of your life—when you pay attention to that which is written in the scriptures of truth, for to raise a generation. I want to raise a people that are spiritual, that are not just spiritual but are highly spirit. Men that can attain unto the fullness of the life of God even in the days of their flesh. That is why I gathered you oh man. That is why I brought you here. 


It is not a happenstance or mistake that you are here. Forget the circumstances that let you come here. It is an orchestration of the throne to show you your destiny. Even to show you the pathway. Even to show you line upon line, even the different wrongs of the ladder. How to come up to God. Come up to God. I am showing it to you. I am showing you your destiny, for you are meant to be spirit. You are meant to be a spirit, you are meant to come into a living spirit., even a spirit that can abide in the true estate of God, and can come into the only true. That is your estate. Do not decline this offer. It is an offer I am making to you. It is a proposition oh man, Accept it, embrace it, for this is your destiny.”


(Message continues)


The problem with man is that he thinks he is just a product of biology. Biology is supposed to be driven by revelation. You cannot interpret biology maximally by fetching knowledge from bios. Bios is a waste product, so you cannot study what is not real. What is not real is what you see, but what you do not see is where the real information is and it can only be obtained by revelation. You cannot take your biology away from God, He made it after a purpose — a pattern. So, you cannot take the outward man from the spiritual. Spiritual understanding should govern your outward man. 


When Jesus told Peter, “Flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you” (Matt. 16:17), it is because Satan has identified man as what can be seen physically. There is an unseen dimension of man that operates far beyond our physical house (our body). Anything that moves and has life, has flesh and blood; that is what makes them living. That is how Genesis declared it. A tree does not move; it is on a spot, it does not leave that place it is planted; that is why it cannot run when it is about to be cut down. A tree is helpless at assault. So, you see the government protecting trees, but a man cannot be declared an endangered species because he is more blessed; he has the faculty to sense danger and escape. Your faculty is blessed by God; that is what is called blessing. 


When I have houses and money, I am not really blessed as a man, but as a living thing. To be really blessed (as a man) is to receive what all living things cannot receive and connect what they cannot connect. It means there is something God gave to you. You will never see an animal standing erect, walking like man; all were made to face the ground. As beautiful as the monkey is, he still has a tail and hides in trees, but man does not do this.


Although we have different nations, different understanding, different patterns of ways we all have the same blood. Put the blood of a black man in a white man, it would work. The skin may be different but we are all one blood. But Satan, our foe, is against our spirit, soul and body. In Eden, he killed the spirit, then God quickly drove man outside Eden. Satan then began to plot his way to take the soul away from being living to flesh. It took some time to be able to break man’s configuration from living soul to flesh. The earth does not belong to flesh. As long as you are flesh, you do not own the earth. God gave the earth to living souls. If you are flesh, you will abuse the earth — you will plunder it, you would not take care of it. The earth belongs to living souls. 


Psalm 115:16

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.”


These children of men are not babies but sons of men. “The children” means men that can easily run the program called man,that God originally designed— a pliable man, a meek man. The meek of the earth is who God gave the earth to. Scientists do not fully know the earth; they know it in some ways. One cannot know earth except by revelation. God had to communicate things to Adam to govern the earth. How did God communicate to Adam? The way Jesus was revealed to Peter, “Flesh and blood hath not revealed this to you but my father in heaven” (Matt. 16:17). This is how God communicates to people primarily. God can talk to you in different ways but if God has not opened your understanding, He has not spoken to you at all. 


Blessing starts when your understanding is opened. Curse comes when your understanding is shut down. The view of another life outside God’s life is a curse. You are not a human being if you do not know the life of God. It does not matter how much intelligence you have, it is just human intelligence. Geniuses are human intelligence that is of the brain and mind, but man is deeper than the brain. Brains cannot know spirit. Man should be able to learn about the spiritual without going into the realm of the spirit. God can communicate to you while you are alive and you can see the invisible and know it.


Disputers of this word will come into scripture and be confused because it is a different book. It is a book for spiritual development to raise the soul back and bless it with understanding. You will have conflict if your understanding has not been helped to understand scripture. What the devil did was that he broke man down completely. So the Bible was written to help us. Adam did not need the Bible; he was hearing God soundly and clearly. The Bible came to earth much later because man was gone. They had to look for a medium with which to communicate understanding to man back and protect it. 


If understanding is the means by which God communicates to man, know there are many spirits in existence. We have lost fortification to judge spirits, that is why we now need the written scripture to provide help so that we would not fall to wrong spirits. It is not everyone that can prove spirits. God said you should prove them. You need some age to prove spirit. Adam knew that Satan was a wrong spirit, he was not ignorant. Adam's soul was higher than that of many preachers nowadays.


What God has done for us in Christ is a lot. Man fell into ruins and God came and said “I will build man back and nothing can stop Me”. The world is celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I will give you a sign, destroy this temple in three days I will raise it up” (John 2:19). So the purpose of Easter is to build back. The Jews were angry because they thought He was talking about their physical temple. They were ignorant about what He was saying. They never knew He was talking about His body. 


There are foes who would want to get you down; you have to be angry with these spirits. God wants to call your building. God has ordained that your building be called through preaching. The purpose of preaching in church is not to bless you like the fishes of the sea. God wants to give you real blessing. Blessed are they that thirst and hunger (Matt. 5:6).


If you are given money and you are not hungry, you are not blessed. Because of the work done in our souls, we should desire spiritual hunger over millions or billions of dollars. Our response to money shows how far we have gone astray. Seeking is not praying, it is what you are living for. To seek is a lifestyle. 


The purpose of this ministry is for the Lord to change our entire constitution and re-evaluate us. Your timeline in your body or in your flesh is for spiritual hunger after righteousness, for they shall be filled (Matt. 5:6). Those who are called blessed are those that are poor in heart. No animal can be hungry for spiritual things. We can never find such. Dogs know why they bark. When thrown meat, they will follow the meat. You can understand why God would call the Gentiles dogs, because they live for food and clothing. If that is your limitation, that is your level. Solomon said he checked the estate of men and it is not different from a beast.


Jesus is wiser than Solomon. Take no thought for your clothing, take no thought for your life. Do you want to be built up? Change thought patterns. Take no thought for who to marry. It is all included. Adam was not looking for a wife; he was not thinking it at all, it was God thinking it for him. God brought different animals because he wanted to look for a companion for him. It means the thing you are not thinking of, He is thinking of them. “All these things your Father knows that ye have need of them, why take ye thought of all these things o ye of little faith” (Matt. 6:32). He knows your need. 


There is a plan right now over your head. Someone is thinking. God can take zillions of people’s problems and is resolving it at once. It is Satan who lies to you that He does not care. God careth much for you. If I as a father careth for you, how much more our Heavenly Father who brings the supplies. If God cares, who is  the devil that can stop His care? 


The devil is a very close friend. We hear him more than we hear God. We are here to seek what God wants. God can not lie to us. It is not the cloth we need. We have a need and we do not know our need. The things that encumber us are the source of our blindness. The things our hearts are busy about are weapons against us to attack our understanding. Jesus never gave people food and He taught them for three days. Jesus said he could not leave them fainting, He made them eat what is needful. It does not mean He is not caring. No! He knows the principles. The people followed Him because of bread, but He moved them up to something. Jesus said “Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood, ye have no life in you, because I am the living bread that came down from heaven. My flesh is meat indeed, my blood is drink” (John 6:55). It is His flesh and blood that we are supposed to be eating. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4). Flesh and blood is what we are supposed to be eating. 


Revelation 1:1-3

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: [2] Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. [3] Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”


Revelation 1:9 

“I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”


The word of God and the testimony of Jesus are the things stolen from us. We ought to live for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. God gives us flesh and blood in order to connect a higher one. God gave us a powerful ‘bios’ to connect a biology in the realm of the spirit. Our outward man is a study for the things of the invisible. Things that we see are related to the things of the invisible (Heb. 11:3). Our natural speaks of the invisible. 


After man fell, Satan moved in quickly and gave man flesh to eat and blood to drink. He served man the flesh of seeking after what to eat and drink, but Jesus taught man to take no thought for his life (Matt. 6:25). Apart from eating this flesh or blood, one needs to first eat it in the thoughts before it finds expression outwardly. Our pattern of feeding was hijacked by someone who proposed and designed what we should eat after. What we eat after is what we look for; what we look for is what we seek after; and what we seek after is what we become.


Bread refers to lifestyle. We ate the wrong flesh from someone’s (the devil) evil thought against us. He provided it as a means of living for us. He sold it to us and bound us in darkness such that man kept eating from his table, thereby becoming carnal. We fell in thoughts. We ate of the wrong flesh. Wrong flesh is also a wrong word. We ate into falsehood and something that is not God. Man was designed to live by the word of God (Matt. 4:4). The bread that man ought not to live by is a word from someone. It is not the physical bread but the created thought that started the pattern of living and it is traceable to something deep. One cannot outrightly stop man from eating bread because the chase after bread alone is backed up by a power to perpetually bound man, making him a seeker of that life.  


John 6:53 

“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.”


John 6:55 

“For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.”


Meat in this scripture refers to flesh. Jesus' blood is indeed a drink and both constitute life in man. Jesus has given us a hint that flesh and blood are of the same parent, but flesh is different from blood. Flesh is the house of blood. So man ought to eat the housing and drink the life. The housing is life and the drink is also life, so there are two lives. One life hides in the other. Another way to say it, is that the life of the flesh is the blood. There is something the blood is to the flesh. If one drinks the blood alone, such a one does not have the flesh as the blood will not have a place of expression. Also, if one takes the flesh without the blood, such a one does not fully have the life to promote itself. The blood interprets. The blood is the life of the flesh; life of the life — word and testimony. 


Everything in the Bible is about flesh and blood; word and testimony. Word of God in this context does not only refer to what God is speaking, it means the body of God. Satan gave his own body and blood to man. This is why a man would live for 100 to 200 hundred years without feeling guilty about not actually living, because a strong law has bound him. This is as a result of a wrong flesh and blood. This is the reason that the preaching of this sort is needed to take man from the devil. 


Revelation 12:10-11 

“And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. [11] And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”


The wrong flesh and blood was brought to death. They overcame by the same word of God and the testimony. Blood is testimony because the testament is found inside the blood, We need both the word and the testimony; they are used to overcome the devil by the life such a one carries.  The scripture above does not refer to the overcomers quoting scriptures, they were built. One cannot enter into His rest without being built; such a one will not understand the mode of operation of God without being built. 


One needs the capacity to transact rest. If a man comes short, such a one will not enter. If the Lord brings such a man in, he will come out because it is a high project. The purpose of the building is to enter into His rest. When a man enters into His rest, such will do the rest project. Not everyone can enter rest but those who have the framework for it. Men who see their capacities such that they continually work against the laws of keeping a sabbath cannot come into rest. It is difficult for a child to sit still when instructed. Many Christians desire to be busy for God, but God is refusing their zealous activities, requesting that they simply wait.


Immediately a man gets born again, he has things he wants to do for God without receiving instructions about it. Man was programmed to fail because he has an adversary who has programmed him to fail. When a man comes to God, he is gradually beaten down and made separate, then he can be received (2 Cor. 6:17). Receiving a man is for such a one to come and rest, otherwise he would disturb the sabbath. The most difficult thing is not to do anything. Man cannot ‘take no thought’. Man needs the capacity to shut down thoughts. He needs to develop something inside and come into a place where thoughts crumble. Charles Price in some of his works said no one has been able to come to the state of living the life of taking no thought except mercy finds such a one. Learning to rest is not an ordinary life.


The project of God is for man to receive His building. When Adam fell, he could not stay in rest anymore, because he did not have what it takes to stay there. One needs the capacity to take the engineering of faith that can rest. Labor is to obey the word. Obedience is to labor and do the word. When such a one does the word, such gets built up and then gets the capacity to enter into His rest. Rest means the life of priests—where one gains the priestly life. One can have the word and not have the testimony. Also, one can have the ark and not have the testimony. It is called the Ark of the Testament or the Ark of Covenant. 


Revelation 19:10 

“And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”


Service is majorly the word. When one is doing the word, such a one is serving. Every house should prophesy. In the vision of Ezekiel in the valley, he prophesied and the body came together. Though the body was formed, it was lifeless, so the Lord told the prophet to prophesy to the wind for breath (Ezek. 37: 1-10). When a man has become built, such a one would be spoken to. 


Adam was on the floor and could not function until breath was given to him. God wants to define us through testimony. The ark is different from the testimony; it is the body that can house the testament. Prophecy means the life of the brethren. It is a spirit life that the dragon does not understand. When a person has the testament, such a one must live it and have it. The testament drives the house. 


The earth wondered at the anti-christ in Revelations 13, then the false prophet rose and spake concerning the beast. They made an image, then the false prophet called life into the image so it would live and speak. One can be a house but not know how to speak. Prophecy is the programming of the house. You should have the two. One should not just be built but should prophesy. Without living out the prophecy, one would not expire the dragon. The building of God is a terrific project for the life that God wants to give to man. It is the body of covenant that can overcome Satan. 


Jesus was called the High Priest and the Apostle. He was also called the Bishop and the Shepherd of our soul (1 Pet. 2:25). Bishop means caretaker, house maker and the carer. Shepherd refers to the person who leads. As a bishop, He is a builder and as a shepherd, He is a leader. This tells of the use of the rod and the staff. The rod is used to build the house while the staff is used to lead the people. A shepherd is the giver of testament. Such a one going out to find pasture is to have testament. Satan will vehemently fight the restoration of the building. We ought to check ourselves to ensure we are being built and doing something about our building. The next job of the building is to live out and carry the testimony. 


When a man eats the bread, such a one has flesh; he has a building. When a man drinks blood, such a one has the life of the brethren which makes such a prophet. Prophets are those whom God leads in a way which would break them from the hand of the devil. It is only a shepherd that can lead you through for pasture. Jesus does not just build us but leads us. The life of the brethren is following the Lamb (Rev. 14:4). This is the blood of the Lamb; leading and doing the life of the Lamb, which one cannot do except such is built. 


The purpose of the house is to function in the path of the Lamb. If we are not built, we will stop following the Lamb. The Lamb is the leader in the journey of rest. The Lamb wants to teach us how to rest and it is the embodiment of the life which He carries. He will not just give us His stature but also give us His life. The skillful journey of the Lamb which the devil cannot understand is all residing in the blood of the Lamb. 


Blood is the life of the flesh. Blood is the life of the house. In this meeting, we will be built and we will get blood. We would have the capacity to overcome things. We will be born with a new capacity to take life. 


God called where to put His tabernacle “This is my rest”, and later called one “My everlasting rest” after the covenant. Rest starts when one is a building and it becomes permanent when life is understood. Blood is important. 


Blood is important. We should eat blood again. There are 2 cups in the blood; Christ and the God-kind of blood. We cannot just take the blood of God at once. The blood of God is what makes the brethren. The testimony of Jesus is in the blood of God. The first cup prepares us for the source. During Christ teaching, when Christ is being built in us, we are also taking His cup and learning covenant, as we have the capacity to learn Christ and drink of His blood. The next is for the capacity to be built up as the house of God and there is a love feast where one partakes of the blood of the Lamb. When we are eating, we eat the testimony too. 


In Revelation 10, John was given a little book to eat and he was told to prophesy. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of testimony. To really prophecy is to exhale and declare the life of God.  


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