Inheriting God by Obeying the Measures of Life (BECON PM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention Prayer Meeting (Week 4_Day 6) 

 Date: Saturday, July 29th 2023


                                               Transcript Summary


1. The course of the water that prophet Ezekiel was told to enter is eastward (Ezek. 47:2), and everything about the water is line (Ezek. 47:3). No one can measure the water without the line. Line means doctrine. This means without doctrine, there would be no wisdom to measure God’s things. 


2. “And when the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, he measured a thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the waters were to the ankles. [4] Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through the waters; the waters were to the knees. Again he measured a thousand, and brought me through; the waters were to the loins. [5] Afterward he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not pass over: for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed over…” (Ezekiel 47:3-5). Prophet Ezekiel got into the waters by a walk because the angel was measuring his walk in doctrine. That water is a life that is in God; it is a water flowing out of God or the core of the temple. The temple is not a manifestation of God Himself; it is a temple that God built to capacity so that water can flow out of it. Water should flow to the east out of everyone whom God has raised. This tells us that the most potent coordinate of any temple that the Lord has fully finished is eastward. The eastern gate is not easily opened; it can only be prepared until the temple is anointed to function. When the most holy is anointed (Dan. 9:24), we would begin to see wonders (of life) flowing out. 


3. The main job of the water is quickening. It is a water of life, so it keeps giving life. In Ezekiel 47:10, fish speaks of a harvest of life and law. Fishes are doctrines; they are lines in the waters. The sea speaks of souls. A season will come when fish will begin to multiply in the sea. As such, we will be able to tell a soul by how much fish the soul has. The prosperity of the soul is based on how many laws can live in it. We are in the season that God will begin to put life into our seas. We should not assume that we have enough life in our waters. Some of our waters are still bitter and they need healing. We will receive healing when life enters into our waters for the laws of God to thrive. This means when life enters our hearts, we would have many laws of God living in them. 


4. The prophecy of Ezekiel culminated in the temple. The vision ended in the restoration of Israel and the building of a superior temple that God was raising on earth. He saw the future of Israel. The temple that will be built is currently under construction. The temple will first be built before the city. Then after building the city, Israel will be restored to its new creation state.


5. When God gives us the opportunity to walk, we should walk properly. God has a reward in mind when He knows that we are walking. This means the things we are doing in the place we have been granted access to walk in have a reward (Rev. 22:12). We must not joke with our reward. Anytime we walk in doctrine, we inherit the measure that stays in us. What we have used our feet to measure then becomes our inward stature. This means that we grow according to what we have used our feet to measure. What our feet have taken is what we have. If our feet have not gone to a place, we can never possess it. Feet also talks about establishment and blessing. When Ezekiel was given a walk of obedience/measure, he did it and they kept measuring his feet. 


6. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (Isaiah 52:7). It is clear in this verse that it is the feet, not the hands, that speak of beauty. In Revelation 10, there was a mighty angel with one foot on the sea and the other on the land. Each foot was a measure. This means a foot is significant in the realm of the spirit. When a wrong foot comes upon people, they are gone. Similarly, people prosper and move forward when beautiful feet come upon them. In the face of hopelessness when there is no breakthrough into the next level, we need the beautiful feet to interpret destiny to mankind. One who has beautiful feet is one who has walked with God and can proclaim and deliver blessings to Zion. This means feet are powerful. 


7. There was a measure of Satan that fell on spirits (angels) when he corrupted what was initially in them. Satan tampered with what was initially in those angels and they fell. There are feet in a man’s soul. The soul of a man should be the place where God can put His feet. Feet speak of walk; this is where God measures walk. When God is walking in a man, He is measuring him up and moving him forward. God should not just dwell in us; He should also walk in us (2 Corin. 6:16). When God is walking, He is taking out our measures that are not His; this is because Satan has measured a wrong measure to us by his own walk. It is the ministry of the High Priest to remove things that are not pertaining to God in our souls. It is not easy to take out iniquity from souls; this is why we need people who have beautiful feet to reconcile iniquity. Our Lord Jesus has beautiful feet because He walked to heaven and beyond all heavens (Heb. 4:14). So He is coming down to put His feet where he who fell (Satan) has walked in. He will heal the parched ground in our souls and cause us to prosper. We should be looking for how God will measure up Himself inside us. 


8. “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭16). We need stature to become God's people. When a man walks with God, there are impossibilities like death that would be dealt with. Healing gifts cannot heal the death that the adversary perpetuated because it was done in men by walk. Death is a transaction of a fallen throne walking in men; it has caused the desolation of many generations. This is because anywhere the adversary puts his feet, he measures it with death. Death is an embodiment of a spirit called death. It used to be a truth in Satan (then Lucifer), but it was corrupted. This means a man needs wisdom to defeat the adversary. Wisdom is life and truth. There is the need for wisdom to be standing in a man as a bar of life – one that fountains out as life. 


9. God is not afraid of darkness because what will take down dark cities are men He has raised with dangerous feet.  This is not done by aggressive Christianity but by measures of life acquired in our souls. The things fighting men are fallen measures of the adversary, so we also need measures of life. Life is equivalent to how you walk. This means life is proportional to the measure of feet. The measure of a man's walk is the measure of his life. Doctrine really means a storage of life that has become an inheritance. When doctrine is laid in people, it has become a lifestyle. The word doctrine is from the word doctor; this talks about the giving of the spirit that makes a doctrine. Grace is also involved in measure; it is the first gift of measure. When grace comes, it translates itself into powers for a man to cooperate with, in order to inherit it. When grace visits a man, blessing has come. 


10. God wants to give us something that will become our own. There is a path to every inheritance. "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant." (Psa. 25:14). Secrets are archives; they are things kept that we cannot access. This means the things of God do not come cheap; we can only access them by our walk. We all have our paths for life that cannot be taken away once received. God is distributing paths for inheritance, but He has to first disinherit us of wrong measures to give us His own inheritance. What we are meant to lose is a negative measure; this is because what is standing between us and the ultimate purpose and blessing of God is a negative measure. 


11. “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” (‭‭Genesis‬ ‭17‬:‭1‬). There are measures in this dealing of everlasting visitation (as a covenant) that can make a man give birth to a child at 100 years old. This is beyond just believing or confession; it happened through the activities of measures. There are things Satan has measured in men against such manifestations. God led Abraham through a path and gave him measures that did not depart. The body was dead naturally and could not give birth again at that old age, but God quickened it and he gave birth (Rom. 4:17). The body of Abraham still lasted for many years after God quickened it; that was why he could give birth to more children after Sarah's death. This means the quickening was abiding. 


12. The Lord wants us to walk with Him more in order to erase death. The reason we have not seen the wonders of Christianity is that many have not even attained the life of Christ for generations. We only had that privilege in the first century, but the doctrine got lost. Evil spirits took lines or measures away after the first-century church. This is why we should walk in the things God is giving to us this season. Angels are bringing things for us to make a path for Jesus to come and bless us. It is not enough to have grace; we should turn grace to truth, and then truth becomes life. This is how truth becomes our inheritance. Truth is a stored grace. It is not the initial grace; it is a grace that has been used or borne fruit. This means grace can be used from the storehouse.


13. When God is giving us grace, He is impregnating us with truth. We should allow the gestation period to fulfill its course so that truth can fully mature. We should carry the baby (truth) in the womb (soul) till it is birthed. We should not kill our grace; our grace should turn to truth.


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