Living by the Life the Son of God is Giving (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (September Edition)

Date: Saturday, 21st July, 2024


Transcript Summary


1. (1 John 3:8). One of the strengths and boasts of the adversary is that he has works that can destroy a man. Satan's boast to God about Job was a very brave one; he was confident that man would give anything in exchange for his life (Job 1:8-12). Satan had taken time to reculture man and make him believe that his life is what it is not. He had given a life that man would joyfully keep and safeguard.


2. Satan did a work in man that had become established in the soul overtime; this is what made man susceptible to destruction. As such, the best man can get out of the life Satan gave to him is destruction. But “the Son of God is come” for one purpose—that everyone who is dead would have life (John 10:10)


3. The boast of Satan is that we would remain under the grip of destruction. But no matter how complicated the works of the devil are in your life, all you need is the appearance of the Son of God. Once the Son of God appears, all the works of the devil, no matter their shade, will be destroyed. But we also ought to come with hearts that will allow the Son of God to work. 


4. What the Son of God has come to do is a serious matter; that is why He will persist and ensure that the works of the devil within us are destroyed. Jesus wants to sit on our matter as a refiner and purifier (Mal. 3:3), but the only thing that can limit the work of the Son of God in our lives is our inability to cooperate with what He is doing in us. 


5. One of the things the enemy has done overtime was to sit in the place of our humanity. When something has become flesh and blood, it has become intertwined with our nature—which means it has become a house and a spirit. For instance, nobody needs grace to keep malice because it runs by default; it is already intertwined and engraved with our nature. 


6. (Gal. 1:15-16). When the Son of God appears, one of the things He is going to do is to deal with the flesh and blood that Satan has worked in us and bring another flesh and blood, which is His own flesh and His own blood. When He does this, keeping peace will become normal to you, and walking in love will no longer be something that someone needs to preach and excite you into doing. They will become normal responses for you. The essence of the appearance of the Son of God is to bring His own flesh and blood to us. When He comes, He will give us a ministry, which is understanding. 


7. “Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not…” (2 Cor. 4:1). This ministry is the understanding that the Son of God has brought in order to help us deny wrong things. The work of the ministry is the work of change, and the work of change that the Son of God wants to do is to transform us from flesh to spirit. God wants to alter our natures and He has brought an understanding for the work of change and reconciliation to begin inside of us. 


8. As a result of the ministry that the Son of God has brought, we will receive the ability to denounce hidden things of dishonesty (2 Cor. 4:2). These hidden things of dishonesty are not obvious sins. When this ministry begins to work, it will begin to search out those things. What the Son of God wants to do is to present a people who will be holy and blameless before God (Col. 1:21-22).


9. We should have a sincere hunger and passion for life. That “the Son of God is come” can be a bit abstract because the Son of God coming is an atmosphere, understanding and another dispensing of life coming over us. How we know the Son of God is come is that the things that are normal to us would begin to be checked. 


10. The Son of God is come over us as a company; so everywhere we go, that consciousness must be with us. The purpose of this coming is to change our lives. The way you used to live before must change. The Son of God is come that we may have His own kind of life (John 10:10). There is a way He lives, founts and orders His life. There is a manner of life which is His own life that we are meant to take because He is come. 


11. A season has come over us and it is a great season in which we should not take the work of the adversary lightly anymore. Satan did a careful work in man to become flesh (Gen. 6:5). A life was engraved in man and he became one with that life. When the Son of God is come, He is meant to change our flesh. Therefore, He will give us an heart of flesh. 


12. Giving us the heart of flesh means giving us the heart of God to ‘eat’, such that we would masticate it (internalize it). It is a life that would fount from the life of God. Anyone that is eating the flesh of the Son is eating into His life and becoming as Him. 


13. The Son of God is come for one purpose, that the people might have life and live according to the life the Son is giving. One of the things that will help us in this season is not to refuse He that is speaking (Heb. 12:25). If one refuses Him, another thing will be birthed out of one’s life.


14. If one refuses Him that is speaking, one will see the revelation of another life which is called wrath. The Son of God is here to help us. He is seated as a refiner of fire and fuller’s soap to purify us, to the end that our offering — our way/manner of life — can be offered unto the Lord in righteousness.



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