Living by the Wisdom from Above (WTV)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Date: Saturday, 19th October, 2024


Transcript Summary


1. The emphasis since the global Believers’ Convention has been the emphasis of the Son of God coming to give us an understanding (1 John 5:20). To a large extent, some in our midst can say “we know” because we are seeing the activity of the Son and what He is doing in our lives. The Son is bringing an understanding that is of the Only True God. The reason the Son is coming to bring this understanding is because we are supposed to inherit the properties of the Only True God. 


2. Why the Son of God “is come” is so that we can do God. When understanding comes, we are given the ability to do/obey. We cannot do what we do not understand. The reason for understanding is so that we can “do”. It is in doing that we inherit and become. The reason we are hearing about the promise is because there is something for man to inherit. Without inheriting it, we are nothing. The mandate upon man is that he becomes something in God, which is to inherit Eternal Life, everlasting life, become like God, and inherit all of God.


3. The Colossian church was to be weaned from milk into meat, which is the learning of Christ (Col. 1:9). Paul was praying that they would be filled with all wisdom, which is all of the wisdom of Christ, not the wisdom of God. This is because there are levels of wisdom in our journey; our journey is characterised by wisdom. When God was raising His Son, He was raising Him in wisdom (Luke 2:40). The reason for wisdom is because the enemy we are fighting against is a wisdom being, although his wisdom is perverted and twisted. It is with this wisdom that he comes against every man. So, we also have to be full of wisdom. 


4. A man will not bring forth fruit until he walks worthy, and he cannot walk worthy until spiritual understanding comes (Col. 1:10). Fruitfulness comes from understanding, and understanding is what produces a worthy walk. There is a wisdom present at every level of our development. A child of the Holy Ghost is a child of wisdom at a level. When the Holy Ghost teaches you with milk, you become wise. In the early church, they looked out for seven men who were full of the wisdom that is in the Holy Ghost at the level of milk, so they could be set over some things in the church because wisdom is profitable to direct (Acts 6:3). This is not the wisdom of the world that is impure, but that which the Spirit teaches (1 Corin. 2:13).


5. God feasts us with wisdom at every level because, at every level, we collide with inverted wisdom. Demons, spirits, principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world have levels of wisdom. There are spirits that do not want you to become a child in the time of milk. There is wisdom in Christ to fight spirits that want to stop us from inheriting Christ (1 Cor. 1:23-24). All these spirits are arranged against our inheritance, not our increase in the natural. They use the natural to distract us from the inheritance, but we must be wise.


6. All wisdom is for all pleasing. When spiritual understanding comes, the fruit that we will bear is that “Christ is formed,” and this is pleasing to God. When Christ is formed in a man, such a man becomes a godly man. The Son of God is coming with wisdom that is beyond creation. There is what is right in this realm that the Son of God is bringing. He is bringing the understanding of the things that make up the true God. His thoughts and ways are not that of creation; they are bringing the thoughts of the Creator. A man must have taken and used (obeyed) the thoughts of Christ to become a man in whom Christ is formed, so that he can relate with the Son that is coming.


7. The Holy Ghost has been given to us to guide us into Eternal things, but before He can guide us into Eternal things, He will teach us all things, which are everlasting substances (John 16:13). God is eternal and everlasting, but we will first be guided into all things, which are the truth of everlasting life. In this realm, you do not understand what is right, as it is beyond creation. He is not bringing the substances of creation but things and judgement of the Creator, which are very high (Isa. 55:9). The truth that framed Him are the things of God, which the Holy Ghost will bring. 


8. (1 Cor. 2:6-7). In this realm of the Son of God, there is also the wisdom—the hidden wisdom—which the princes of this world do not know. Satan is the god and originator of this world, so the wisdom of this world is the wisdom of Satan—perverted wisdom. One who will break free from this wisdom is one who will take the hidden wisdom. God’s hidden wisdom is the way out of the wisdom of the world and of the princes of the world.


9. There is no glory without the wisdom of God (1 Cor. 2:7). This means that without it, we cannot inherit Eternal Life because it is a glorious life. The Son of God has come to give us an understanding that we will walk in and obey. This understanding is the understanding of the laws that framed God, and this is because God is law-weaved. The understanding of truth and the laws that are in God is what the Son of God will bring. 


10. Jesus glorified God by inheriting what God wants man to inherit; He allowed God to build Him up until He inherited all of God (John 17:4). He gave Himself to inheriting all of God, which is the will of God for man. The will of God is that every man should inherit everlasting life and Eternal Life. This must be our preoccupation, and we must show that we are serious about this. However, the devil uses things to distract us. The things he uses are his offering as against what God is offering to man. Both legitimate and illegitimate offerings are what the devil offers to rob us of life. His offerings will make a man misbehave and take steps that he is not supposed to take.


11. In this season, we need to walk as one who is wise. The spiritual understanding in Christ is given so that we can walk circumspectly, not as fools (Eph. 5:15). Circumspect walking is a wise walking; this means being careful, cautious, and discreet. It is to consider the consequences of your actions before you take them. There are some actions that can take a person off course. Where we are going is to inherit God, and we can go off course if we take a wrong step. We must understand God’s will and what He has destined for us (John 6:40). Satan will come with his wisdom—which is foolishness—to derail us from the will of God. 


12. Those who compare themselves with themselves are foolish people (2 Corin. 10:12). Doing this can rob you of your path and make you go in another direction. If you can win this battle of not comparing yourself with another person, you have won a battle of life. A lot of things come into play for you not to compare yourself. You should appreciate the way God leads you into things and be content with it. Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim. 6:6).  Doing this will deliver you from the snare of the fowler. 


13. Be content with what God gives you per time. We will walk wrongly when we try to get things that are not in God's allocation for us. Your ability to wait, not be covetous or envious, and be patient are tied to your provision. Salvation comes with every provision that comes your way; that is what makes it easy to release such a provision. If we get things by our strength, we would be reluctant to let them go. These are the things we ought to learn even from the time of milk, as part of the teachings of the wisdom of the Holy Ghost.


14. We should be able to esteem the promise of everlasting life over attaining or owning anything on earth. That is what is called dying daily—dying to the offerings of Satan and holding on to the offerings of God. There are men who hear the message of milk to everlasting life and do not change. Change is costly—it will cost you your ego and your pride. Many of us are particularly concerned about how people see us. When we focus on that, we will walk foolishly because we will take wrong steps to impress people. Rather than doing this, we should be more particular about how we are seen in the realm of the spirit than how men see us.


15. The understanding that the Son of God is bringing will kill those things that Satan has put in us. Those things we call our formations and things we idolise about ourselves will be taken away until we become nothing. We cannot be humble if we do not become nothing. Christ is humble; He is also not contentious and should not be preached out of contention.


16. We should walk circumspectly, not as fools (Prov. 1:5). A wise man is one who is pure, peaceable, and easily intreated (Jam. 3:17). This is the wisdom for this season. A wise person has used the truth to purify his soul. These are the manners of ‘walk’ that are expected of us. The Holy Ghost will guide us into all these things. 


17. Circumstances will come our way that will provoke us to be brash, but the Holy Ghost will come with another counsel to be gentle or merciful. Our words are capable of discouraging a person for many days, so even when someone is wrong, we must go about correcting the person the right way. There is a way we can communicate the right thing to a person and they will be blessed. Sometimes, the way we correct a person can cause them to be hardened. We also need to be humble to accept corrections. We are all in the process of being made.


18. We will escape the snare of the devil when we allow ourselves to be led by God. This waiting is for salvation. We need humility to do nothing when God is leading us. When God is leading us, we do not need our strength because God does not need it. We should allow Him to take us (lead us) so that our souls can be preserved.






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