Processes of soul Salvation pt2 (BECON)


There are two laws in the New Testament; the law of liberty/freedom and the perfect law of liberty. The law of liberty is the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that is engaged by walking after the spirit (Rom. 8:1-2). This law ministers Christ within a man, allowing him to express the life of Christ. It is until a man receives this law into his soul that he is really free from the law of sin and death, even though he might have already been quickened in his spirit at new birth. There are various other deliverances that accompany the new birth that the believer may enjoy before he reaches this point where he tastes of true liberty. This is really where the hidden law of the new man becomes effectual in the believer’s soul by reason of exercise. He who has engaged this spiritual law has now become spiritual.


Asides from this law is the “perfect law of liberty” that must be done also (Jam. 1:25). The commandment to “let patience have her perfect work” is higher than the law of Christ (Jam. 1:4). This higher law perfects the liberty that Christ has first given. It is only those who have already been made Christs in their souls that can express that level of meekness that is required to receive the word of soul salvation (Jam. 1:21). The engrafted word of God is the word that really delivers the salvation of the soul to a believer.


Satan is a father of lies unlike our God “with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (Jam. 1:17). The gift that our own Father gives is light. However, to attend to the light that He gives, we must be cautious to obey the commandment of being “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19). These actions that we are to refrain from are produced by humanly strengths and can not result in the righteousness of God (Jam. 1:20). God will take us through various levels of meekness for us to bear increasing levels of God’s word. He would not stop working within us until that meek nature has fully found expression. Clearly, the working of God is higher than the working of Christ.

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