Prospering under the Economy of the Son of God (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (September Edition)

Date: Saturday, 21st September, 2024



Transcript Summary

1. This season is an advent; it is not a visitation. It is a new economy. We have prospered under the economy of Christ; this is the economy of the Son of God. We are under a different economy. It is possible to do well under the economy of Christ and not do well under the economy of the Son of God because it is an advent, just like when the Holy Ghost came; it was not a visitation but an advent. He came and never returned.


2. One might think, “What does “the Son of God is come mean?” Apostle John was not mincing words when he said the Son of God is come. He saw Jesus physically, so Jesus was not a stranger to him in a measure. Therefore, when John said, “And we know that the Son of God is come…” (1 John 5:20), he was not talking about when Jesus lived upon the face of the earth. 


3. John knew the Lord. He had lived under different economies of Jesus and he came to a place where He knew and realized that the Son of God is come. He was able to, by the mercies of God, follow the trajectory of the ministry of Jesus for the Church and was able to archive it for us so that we do not lose our bearing in the spirit. As we change economy in the spirit, we should be able to track our progression. The economies of God were penned down in scripture so that we can follow the trajectory. There is a manner of person that we need to become for us to maximize this advent of the Son of God; which talks about how we should conduct ourselves in such a season as this.


4. “The Son of God is come” means different things to people depending on the level they are. The Lord has wisdom on how to compress His coming to us. We would be presumptuous to think that because the Son of God is come, we know how to relate with His coming automatically. We should know that we do not have everything we need to really welcome His coming. The Jesus we knew before is not the same as the Son of God that is come. It is presumptuous iniquity to box Jesus into one mode. We do not know Him as we ought to know. It is the same Jesus that was speaking in Revelation 2 and 3 that is come. There is a manner of life and conversation we need to trap whilst we are under the economy of the Son of God. 


5. “Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.” (Acts 3:26). It is a season of blessing; Jesus has come to bless us. The blessing is that Jesus will turn us. There is a mindset one can have that Jesus comes for a certain few, but we should know under the economy of the Son of God that there is capacity for Jesus to heal everyone of us. We should have excitement in our spirits that He has come to meet everyone at the point of their needs. His coming is to end the works of the enemy in us. 


6. “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,” (Jude 1:24). Jesus comes to fulfill the full mandate of the Father. The Father is looking for an habitation where He would go no more out and it is duty of the High Priest, the Minister of the Sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, to see it come to pass. Jesus is determined that the house would be raised. We should have the excitement that we are about to be completely delivered. Upon Mount Zion which is the Sanctuary, there shall be deliverance. 


7. “But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.” (Obad. 1:17). Saviours are those that have been delivered and are able to save others. We would be as saved as our Savior. Those are the transactions that will occur in the economy of the Son of God. Being on Zion is an economy in the spirit, and there is a lifestyle required. 


8. “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels [23] To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect… “(Heb. 12:22-25). God is about to write us in heaven. Jesus will be speaking to us on Zion. The actual operation of the Son of God is in the Most Holy, but so that He would raise us, He comes to the veil. The veil is the heaven over the Holy Place. He stays in the Holy Place to bring people up into the Most Holy. Jesus was able to gain capacity to do this because of His obedience to the Father.


9. Jesus has never left the right hand as the Father commanded Him (Psa. 110:1), but because of the nature of His ministry now, He can fulfill that, as well as obey the demand of being sent to the Church because He is now omniscient and omnipresent, just like His Father. After resurrection, Jesus appeared to 500 people at the same time (1 Cor. 15:6). This is to show that He will be at the right hand of the Father obeying the Father for us and at the same time be at the veil of the Holy Place, standing before us to harvest us into the Holiest of All. This is the economy over us. The Son of God is in our heavens, and His mandate is to bring in many sons just like Himself.


10. “See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven [26] Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven…” (Heb. 12:25 -29).  Jesus will not only shake the earth but also heaven. We are on Zion. Due to the new radiation of glory, things that offend previously have heightened.


11. “Let brotherly love continue.” (Heb. 13:1). This scripture describes the manner of person we ought to be in order to prosper in the economy of the Son of God. This scripture speaks of our conduct in marriage and so on. There is a manner of person that we must be: it is a manner of person that would prosper under the ministry of the Son of God. We must do everything instructed for us to prosper under this economy. What is at stake is entrance into the Most Holy Place and into glory. The Lord intends to harvest a people into the economy of the Son of God. Once that happens, the ravaging of this earth will stop because He will roll away the earth.


12. It is easy to despise the season of “the Son of God is come” because it is an advent and it is happening in our time. As such, one of the things that would happen in these days is offense.


13. “But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' soap…” (Mal. 3:2). It is in this day of the Lord that many people would be offended. And what would cause offense are the things in men that the Lord has come to judge. The Son of God has come to expire things in us that we have allegiance to. We must not be offended. Offense is all over the place because the light is shining against certain flesh that we have been comfortable with for a while. They have survived the economy of Christ but it must not survive the economy of the Son of God. The blessing of His coming is that He will separate us from our iniquity. All the things that cause us to be offensive to life will be eradicated from our souls. That is the ministry of the Sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle. 


14. The Son of God has come to purify us to uttermost; He will sit as a refiner of silver (Mal. 3:2). No matter the heat we are going through, the Son of God is sitting and watching over our lives. Jesus is called a competent Saviour and we cannot get spoilt in His hands. We only need to believe. To not believe is to be offended. We should believe so that we will not come out of the fire prematurely and undone—such that we will not be fit for the Master’s use. We should ask the Lord on how to profit under this economy. We should ask the Lord to make us prosper with the investments of heaven.


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