Restoration of the Soul (ER)

Programme: United Kingdom Easter Retreat 2024 (Day 2 Evening)

Date: Saturday, 30th March 2024

The shepherdic ministry of the New Testament is also the high priestly ministry of the New Testament. The high priest of the New Testament is a shepherd. Priesthood of the New Testament is demonstrated by shepherding. A shepherd is a priest of the New Testament and we know that our Lord Jesus is a High Priest of this New Testament. Therefore, our Lord Jesus is a High Shepherd or the Chief Shepherd of the New Testament. 


A shepherd is a builder, he is a restorer of the soul. What our Lord Jesus shepherds is the soul. Scriptures, particularly in the epistles, talk about the sheep; they refer more to the soul. The soul is what went astray because the spirit died. In technical terms, you do not shepherd the spirit. The spirit died and was resurrected; it is the soul that is being restored. 


Restoration of the soul is by the shepherdic ministry of the New Testament. The soul must be restored; it means that the soul was led astray. When the soul strayed, it was afflicted with diseases. This is why when you do not understand the architecture of the soul in the New Testament, you can not build because the soul is where the work is. The ability to discern the construct of the soul and know how to restore the soul is actually the heart of the New Testament ministry. 


Satan led the soul, he is also a shepherd. He is a negative shepherd, a fallen shepherd and a bishop. The office of a bishop is under that of a shepherd.  The bishopric is a work in the shepherd. We may carry the offices separately but they both exist in Jesus; the bishopric is in Jesus. Jesus is both a bishop and a shepherd. You can have men stand in both offices but it is not easy for a man to stand in both offices. You will need stature to stand in both. You need both offices to restore the soul. Jesus is both a bishop and shepherd. 


The soul is being restored in seasons of restoration. It is in the season of restoration that they gradually restore the soul. It is a gradual process. When you got born again, the spirit was raised from the dead but the soul is still a goat. The process of converting the soul is the process of healing the soul. The conversion process of the soul is via seasons. It takes a long time and that is why pastors are needed. It is not easy for your soul to be restored if you are alone. The soul needs power to be tamed. It is good to be associated in an assembly where the soul is being constantly fed. 


At new birth, your spirit is raised from the dead and your soul is gradually converted or restored by being fed with milk. When a soul is fed with milk, that soul goes through some seasons of conversion. That milk season is a season where they begin to gradually restore; the beginning of restoration is with the name of the Holy Ghost. 


The name of the Holy Ghost is a restoration tool. It is an instrument of restoration, it is like a balm of healing the soul. All the names of the Godhead that Jesus talked about in Acts 28:18-20 are all healing balms. They are all for restoration of the soul, beginning from the name of the Holy Ghost. The name of the Holy Ghost has a word and spirit attached to it. In that season of milk in the name of the Holy Ghost, they begin the restoration. They feed the soul to birth it to become a kid-sheep– the child of the Holy Ghost. 


An example of this is Stephen. Those men after seven years under apostolic doctrine in the power of the word and the spirit of the name of the Holy Ghost were healing and converting the souls; and after a while, the seven were raised. Those seven were men of honest and good report, full of the Holy Ghost (Acts 6:3). This means they carried the name and conversation of the Holy Ghost and they became a kind of a sheep. All God has in mind is to bring us into full sheepfold. All of the names of the Godhead have their own kind of flock or sheepfold. We have the flock of the Holy Ghost and we have the flock of Christ. Each flock has its own word and spirit. They are also for healing.


Acts 3:19

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord…”


You cannot be healed except you are converted. What you need for conversion is both word and spirit. They blot out your sins by conversion. You are converted by feeding. Feeding is hearing and doing. It is not just hearing alone. The complete cycle of feeding is that you hear and do after which you are converted and then healed. This process is what you call restoration. One of the things God is recovering is the sense of intentionality in doing. God really wants us to grow. Your sins are not blotted out if you do not do the work. The works are attached to the word. The purpose of the word is to give works. The word gives work to do. 


At times when you hear the word and do not have work to do, keep hearing. They are trying to prepare you for works. In the natural, when you join certain establishments, there is a training period; work is not given to you immediately. Similarly, in every season of the restoration in the names, there is a training period. In the name of the Holy Ghost,  there is a time when you are just observed. They observe you by your commitment to the word and after a while, they start to give you work. The works are the instructions of the spirit within the parameters and the boundary of that name meant for your conversion. In James 1:22, it says being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, not a doer of the word. So every word has its work. 


The word of the Holy Ghost has the work of the spirit. The Holy Ghost has His work, it is a measurement of Jesus in the Holy Ghost which when you do it, will make you start becoming a child of the Holy Ghost, having the seal and name of the Holy Ghost. We still need Holy Ghost churches, we need ghosted churches. 


A church that does not have fire enough is not ghosted enough. Holy Ghost churches should be people who love God. Passion and desire for God is wrought with milk at the level of the Holy Ghost. We are in a season of restoration where God wants to restore all the names and He is starting with the name of the Holy Ghost. Even though you are in the season where They want to give the name of the Father, They will give you the name at your level of work. They know where you are. So the Holy Ghost will step down commandments to you at your level. Even though we are hearing everlasting life, if you are still at the level of milk, the everlasting word that comes will be converted into milk for you to do because you need to get the name of the Holy Ghost. 


After you become a kid-sheep, you then become a sheep that can be led by Christ. It is not easy to take the doctrine of Christ. God monitors the progress. He wants us to grow from milk conversation to Christ conversation. You must grow from church to church because in a church, there are churches. It is not easy to be a pastor of the New Testament but pastoring in itself has a way of saving the soul if you do it the way it should be done. In a church, there are churches (e.g. church of the Holy Ghost, church of Christ) and you must be able to give meals at each level. 


Acts 3:19

“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord…”


It is not difficult for our sins to be blotted. Satan makes it look difficult. We must learn to stay under the atmosphere of the word. People by reason of sitting under the ministry of the word have changed and got healed. People with terrible addictions and infirmities dropped them by reason of staying under the word. After a while, the Holy Ghost will begin to personally instruct you. They begin to give you commandments that will begin to convert the soul with the intention of blotting your sins.


Tongues and Interpretations (1)


“Works. Names. I am showing you, I am showing you the trajectory. I am showing you the process. I am showing you the ropes. I am showing you the ladder even to salvation. Even to salvation I am showing you the process of raising a sheep of God. I am showing you the process of raising even a lamb, even from the cradle to the throne. I am showing you, I am showing you. I am showing you with great utmost skill. Even how to carefully undo the works of Satan, even from level to level. I am showing you how I raise my sheep from church to church. For you see, I am a shepherd. For you see, I am a skillful shepherd. I am a skillful shepherd who wants to save you, who wants to save you from where you are. From where you are, I want to save you. I want to raise you as a temple, even as a habitation of my God. 


Even I want to make you thronic. I want to bring you even to the fullness of the name of my God and I am showing you the process of conversion; even from the name of the Holy Ghost, from the name of the Holy Ghost, even to receive the word and the spirit of the Holy Ghost, even the name that is in the Holy Ghost. I have even the word and even the spirit which is in Christ, even to raise a man of peace, a man that can be received into the season of conversion, even the season of being restored even into the fullness of destiny, even a man who has been predestined to be conformed to the Image of the Son. 


I am showing you because I want to raise men, men who can be crowned even with the crown of life, even the same as men like Paul and John came into, they received crowns of righteousness. They received crowns even of everlasting righteousness. I want to crown you,  I want to crown you. I want to make you my building, I want to make you my habitation. I want to live in men. I want to live in men. I am showing you my name; receive My name, all My name, all the names until you come to the new name. Receive even the receiving, receiving the receiving, even the process of conversion, saith the Spirit of God.”


(Message Continues…)


Jesus is always sent at different seasons of restoration (Acts 3:20-21). They sent Jesus at the time of milk. What the apostles were teaching was an apostolic dimension of milk. They called it apostles doctrine. They sent Jesus at each season of the name. The name of the Holy Ghost is sent to restore the soul, and make the soul one that can be led by Christ. Jesus will be sent through a higher level of conversion. Conversion must not end until you become a house of rest. You keep getting converted from season to season. All things God which the soul was depleted of will be restored. The soul was vandalized. The Spirit of hell are thieves who steal, kill and destroy. That is the full cycle of vandalizing the soul. 


Every five fold ministry must be shepherdic in nature. They must be priestly. They must have covenants. The house of the priest is what keeps knowledge. The work of the five-fold ministry is to do the work of a shepherd. Evangelists of the New Testament are shepherds. The soul is being built by shepherding. You cannot put your head under any shepherd, because as shepherds can make, they can also kill. One of the greatest things God can do in your life is to locate these kinds of shepherds in your life. 


Jeremiah 3:15

“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."


If you stay under the wrong atmosphere, it can spoil your life for a long time. It can take years to be washed from wrong feeding. Shepherds must shepherd His heart– His heart is to make a house of rest. Kenneth Hagin was a shepherd of Jesus. At every level of name, there is a shepherd after “My heart”. There are shepherds the Holy Ghost has preserved that still keep the heart right. Shepherds give knowledge and understanding. There is understanding that comes from knowledge. They will give knowledge and understand (Job 32:8). They will also give precepts and lines. We should thank God for our shepherds and make it a priority to pray for them. If Reverend Kayode Oyegoke keeps making progress in the spirit, we are made. It is easier to follow than to lead. It is easier to follow instructions. 


Jeremiah 3:16

“And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more."


The land is our allocation in God. You will not be increased without a shepherd. That increase is what we call the restoration of the soul. 


1 Peter 2:21

“For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps…”


Jesus Christ was the Chief Shepherd. What he did was to pioneer a pattern for salvation. What he did was a pattern for salvation. The steps are recovered by His name. Those names open his steps. His steps are His works and they are available. That is why we need doctrine. We cannot compromise with doctrine because we cannot get accurate steps or knowledge outside accurate knowledge. We need all the knowledge. Love is a measurement. There are measurements of  love in the spirit.  You need accurate knowledge to understand what they are.  His steps are his works and his works bring restoration to the soul. A soul that is being restored is a built-up soul. 


1 Peter 2:23-24

‭‭“Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: [24] who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed."


These are works in the spirit. They are obediences of the Chief Shepherd. The purpose of shepherding is to live unto righteousness. A continuous process of reconciliation is that we live. This is more than the body. What is in Jesus is complete healing for man: spirit, soul and body. Healings are hidden in the names. The Shepherd has all the balms to heal the soul. Jesus can heal any soul that believes in Him. How you believe in Him is by feeding. You can be in a church and you are not feeding. At times, you need to be very child-like to be fed. 


Restoration is by journeying. If there is no opening of doctrine, the soul cannot be saved. What opens doctrine is shepherdic. They look for pasture, stay with the flock and build them with it. The bishop is the oversight that interprets the shepherdic life to the flock. The shepherd leads the flock. The bishop is the builder, the shepherd leads the flock. A bishop must be under the shepherd. Jesus understands this order. The bishop needs shepherds for food to feed the flock. 


The two allocations of bishop and shepherd are for the saving of the soul. The bishop comes out of the shepherd. The bishop is also an under shepherd. He is a shepherd of the flock. The shepherd is a shepherd that journeys ahead of the flock. When he finds pasture, he comes back to lead the sheep. That is the order in the spirit. 


‭‭Psalm 103:1 

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: And all that is within me, bless his holy name."


What blesses the Lord are works. The soul can not bless the Lord without being fed.  What blesses the Lord are souls. An empty or desolate soul can not bless the Lord. It takes a restored soul to bless the Lord. The house of God must have souls in different capacities of blessing. A time will  come when after being built, you will have many things blessing the Lord. The names you have earned in your works of reconciliation will begin to bless the Lord. Works that you have inherited will begin to bless the Lord. This is not talking about sin. There are the things that  have been restored by the bishop and shepherd of our soul. When we say “The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want” talks about entering into rest. It is to be complete and entire, lacking nothing. 


James 1:2

“‭‭My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations…”


These are elements of salvation. They try your faith to produce patience. The purpose of the trial of faith is to develop the character of patience. That is why we have to go through a long season of waiting at times. God wants to make you solid against your challenge. When you are going through a trial, God will not quickly take you out of it so you can develop patience. When going through a trial, ask God for patience so you do not abort the discipline of faith before you handle the promises. Promises are promises of life. You come into life by faith and patience. The purpose of being subjected to any trial is to give you life. Patience is the strength of holding on until you lay hold on life.  Faith opens the door but patience keeps the door open. 


James 1:3‬

“Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."


There is a perfect work of patience. There is the word of patience. We need the word of patience. The purpose of perfect work is that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. A true shepherd does not spare sin. As a pastor, you can draw back from  a soul but the Lord can appear to you not to give up. A shepherd is jealous and fights for the flock. It is a David that fights for the flock. Davids are principal shepherds. God wants shepherds to fight for sheep even when they do not like it because the shepherds are answerable to God. To not want (Psalm 23:1) is to be a house of rest. The end of shepherding is that you are entire, wanting nothing. 


Psalm 103: 2

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all his benefits…”


All the benefits are revelations and understanding.


Psalm 68:19-20

“Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. [20]  He that is our God is the God of salvation; And unto GOD the Lord belong the issues from death."


Benefit is understanding. Anything that can not convert your soul is not a benefit. Daily loading is feeding. The God of salvation is a chief shepherd and a restorer of the soul. How you escape from death is by being loaded with benefits. To God the Lord belongs escape. We need shepherds to escape from death. Satan knows how to trap the soul. Many of us have a siege around our soul. It is a trap. A soul can be trapped for 20 years and he is not journeying. It means that death is a prison for the soul not to come into the blessing of the Lord. A soul that is imprisoned cannot bless the Lord. 


‭‭Psalm 103:2-3 

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all his benefits: [3] Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases…”


Healing is not just for the body, but also for the body. Healing is accessed by shepherding. The bishop is the builder of the frame or house of the soul. It takes both the bishop and shepherd to forgive all diseases. It is not just for the physical body but for the soul. Healing of the soul is accessed by shepherding. You can not have a complete house without the building and the testimony. The bishop builds the house, the shepherd leads the house to come into the spirit of prophecy. You need both word and spirit to become a full temple. Just like the ark of the testament, there is an ark and there is the testament inside. They need to heal the soul and forgive the soul. They will heal the soul of iniquities  and forgive the soul of all diseases. It takes both the bishopric and shepherdic ministry to heal the soul. 


Psalm 103:4-5

“Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; [5] Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.”


Destruction is the crowning of evil. There is a spirit from the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:11 called Apollyon or Abaddon: it is the spirit of destruction. When you finish the works of evil, you are crowned with destruction. This is where Satan is taking mankind; it is to make you a temple of destruction. That is what Paul called the mystery of ‘iniquity doth already work’. There is already that which is working and they are gradually moving mankind. That is why the everlasting gospel is coming to all these territories. They have to stop the intersection of evil works because men are gradually moving towards destruction but Jesus can redeem one from destruction. 


God can redeem one from LGBTQ. The feeling of homosexuality is a work of a wicked spirit and one can be redeemed. You just need the Bishop and Shepherd of your soul. All of the names in the Godhead; the name of the Holy Ghost, name of the Son, name of the Father, are all tools of recovery of the soul. The name of the Father can recover your soul from destruction. “Who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies” these are everlasting crowns. So for them to crown you, it means you have done works of the everlasting God. 


Tongues and Interpretations (2)


“For you have come to a season of restoration, you have come to the season of healing of the soul, even a season where I will pierce and I will destroy even the works of the destroyer; even every work of the destroyer that has prospered in the soul, I will hewn down. I will bring down even by my shepherdic and my bishopric grace over the house. Oh I will increase even this grace, even for to restore you, even for to restore you, even as I have gathered you from different nations, even from many places where you have scattered, I will restore you. I will restore you even an habitation of my God. I will restore you a spiritual house that can offer spiritual sacrifices unto God acceptable through Jesus Christ our Lord. Yes you will be my habitation, yes yes it is an oath I have made with your company, even with your generation, that you will carry the name of your God; you will carry the name of your God, even the name of my God. Fear not little flock, fear not little flock, fear not little flock, for yours is salvation, even the salvation of your God.”


(Message Continues…)


So, loving kindness, tender mercies are crowns; everlasting crowns that are given when you do works. Everlasting works will get you crowns of glory. These are glory crowns.. 


Psalm 103:5

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.”


When they satisfy your mouth, it is because they satisfy your soul. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. Your mouth only reflects what is in your soul. These are good things of salvation. There are good things and there are good things of good. They are the gospel of peace and the gospel of salvation: they are good things and they are for the restoration of the soul.


The eagle is a type of an everlasting creature. There are systems that God hid there that demonstrate a nature in God. For one to be renewed, one must be loaded daily with understanding. That renewal is the restoration of the soul. It is the mounting up of an eagle. It is building up a soul to the point that the soul accesses the heights of God. 


The mounting up of an eagle is also the building of God’s house because that mounting up is the coming up of your soul; and a time will come where you would not just grow up but will stay in God, like the eagle soars anytime there is a storm. Even when there are turbulent winds, the eagle rides over them. You will come to a point where you can ride over spirits because your soul has been renewed like that of an eagle.


Isaiah 40:28-31

“Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. [29] He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. [30] Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: [31] But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”


Understanding is the key not to go weary. Understanding is spirit. God has spirits—energies of understanding. When you own understanding, you have been renewed like that of the eagle.  When the storm comes, perilous times come, opposition comes, you mount upon them. What kind of creature is the eagle that can look at the sun directly? 


The power He gives to the faint is understanding. That is what the Shepherd does: he gives power. That is why all the names of the Godhead, name of the Holy Ghost, name of the Christ, name of the Father, are all powers. Jesus said “All power in heaven and the earth has been given unto me” All those powers are names, starting from the Holy Ghost to the Father. When you are weary what you need is power—understanding. This waiting on the Lord is beyond fasting and prayer. 


To wait upon the Lord is to be led by the Lord; it is to wait upon the things of God; it is to wait upon the allocation for your building. And when it comes, feed on it. You should wait on your food and when it comes, eat it all. The more you are eating, the more you are mounting, because the more you are eating, you get wings like the woman in Revelation 12. She went to a place where she was fed and a wing was given to her. Your wings are given to you as you feed; and as you feed, the Lord is able to finish your building. The Lord is empowering you to walk in the spirit. You will not just walk, you will run. Amen.


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