The Calling to sit on the Throne (WTV)

Text: Hebrews 1:5ff


The fellows mentioned in the above text are those who will access what Jesus has come into, they are the company of Jesus. Jesus is the first being of this order and God’s intention is to bring many into the privilege of partaking of the throne. Jesus received the promise of being enthroned. This achievement of Jesus was the fruit of the oath God swore to David in Psalm 132:11. The throne of David was not limited to the earthly because Herod the Edomite sat on the throne, David pressed further into the throne in the realm of the Spirit. He was able to achieve this because of the nature of his heart which sought to do all the will of God and finish it (Acts 13:22). 


David was detached from the earthly throne; he slept in caves  David’s heart panteth after the Lord. David was so detached from the throne that he was willing to give it to Absalom. However, Absalom was foolish to seek the throne by displacing his father and chasing him. Absalom was endowed with beauty from God to attract Israel but he was foolish and overtaken by his desire for the throne. David went to hide from Absalom in order to protect him. Absalom did not know that David was willing to give him the throne, the only thing was that David did not want Absalom to sit on the throne in the manner which he sought it. 


Satan desires things that are beautiful to spoil them. Lucifer was a beautiful being but was overtaken by his beauty and fell. This is why God fights anyone who has an ‘Absalomic’ spirit because it reminds him of Lucifer. If a spiritual man marries a carnal wife he has put his children in jeopardy. This is because women play a fundamental role in raising children. If a mother has an idol, the children are captured.


Another factor that impacts on the upbringing of a child is the school they go to. We must realise that satan owns the system of education and has corrupted everything on earth. Sending a child to the best school is not bad in itself but these schools can have an adverse effect on the child. This could be as a result of the students, teachers or the system in which the school is run. We would need to be led by God to send our children to the right schools.  


The oath of God is higher than the natural throne. This oath can commit the natural earth and heavens to a man. It is this oath that David sought. It was sworn that whoever will sit on the throne (in the spirit) was going to be a seed of David. 


The ark of God found rest in Shiloh. Because the sons of Eli were evil, God wanted to shift the ark from Levi. Samuel was an answer to Hannah’s prayer. She prayed into the will of God and was blessed with samuel. Hannah did not redeem her child with a lamb but fulfilled her promise to give him to the Lord. Samuel was a child of the tabernacle, he dwelt and slept there and was not hurt. Samuel took 


The intercession of Jacob spoke for the seed of Rachel. This is why God went through sons of Rachel before going to Leah to find a lineage for Jesus in Judah. There was a miracle that occurred in the lineage of David. God used Ruth who was a pursuer and seeker of life to birth David. Ruth was the wife of Boaz and they gave birth to Obed who gave birth to Jesse who gave birth to David. The addition of genealogy is the addition of nature to produce a seed that can respond to God. 


The lineage of Jesus has Gentiles in it. Rahab speaks of a woman who is able to divorce her whole nation to follow Israel. 


Anyone who rejects suffering is not fit for the throne. The interpretation of Christ is a man raised out of affliction. Christ is the ‘marah’ of God. to pattern Christ is to suffer. David patterned Christ through all the things that he suffered. The end of affliction is glory. The reason for the training of suffering is to bring sin to an end. There is a spirit that wants to abort Christ because when Christ is formed, He seeks God. NO man has the capacity to seek God except Christ. Suffering is triggered by revelation. The reason suffering is permitted is that it trains us and  promotes a capacity to seek God. 


The beginning of seeking God is to seek Christ. The Father teaches Christ so that Christ will teach the Father. This is a principle that shows up in the Godhead; they do not speak of themselves. This is why the jews kept asking who He was because He never spoke of Himself. 


Sprinkling is detailed washing. Washing can be done without understanding but sprinkling is done when the eyes have been enlightened. If sprinkling is rejected such a person turns.  The water of the word is Christ.


Christ is the one that presents us to God. He first cleanses us by the washing of the water of the word in preparation for God. panting for God cannot be done by the natural man. It is Christ that has the capacity to pant for God.


David’s children are those who God can teach to seat on the throne. The Davidic Testament is recorded in epistles. David patterned Christ in the spirit. The meaning of David is Christ- a man who saw the will of God and never turned away from it. This is strange because the will of God is not natural to  man. The will of God is not a human agenda but the heavenly agenda for the new man. It is the program of God for man to bear fruit not after the earthly after the heavenly order. Fruit bearing for man is that he is successful on earth but this is not what God’s will is about. God’s will is that we be successful in His eyes. 


Saul appeared to be a nice man but was secretly refusing God. He turned away from the will; he saw it, knew it but never submitted his heart to God. What was in his heart showed up when it was time to destroy the Amalekites. Saul was told to destroy everything but he spared Agag and some fattened calf. This showed that Saul could be tempted and his heart was far from God. some things do not want us to do God’s will but may God take such away. May we receive the ability to do God’s will and finish it from good to perfect. 


The word “man child” is a calling to sit on the throne. It is possible to sit on the throne like Jesus did. God is searching for men who will sit on the throne like it was said about the man child. God is not seeking men who will claim the throne, He wants people to whom it will be declared to and made to sit. The secret of the throne is the testimony. You cannot be trusted with the throne without the testimony. The testimony is encapsulated on the two tablets which God sits upon. 


The power that holds the throne is the covenant. God is seated upon the testimony. There is a covenant of death every man unknowingly has but at the teaching and the doing of testament, the covenant of death is broken. A covenant cannot be broken except another is made. It is a man in whom Christ has been formed that can break the covenant of death and make a covenant with God. 


The covenant of the throne is a testament of love. You cannot be trusted with the throne without the testimony. This is because we have another testament secretly at work in us. This covenant is the covenant of death. It is at the teaching of the testimony of God that the wrong testimony is broken.The throne tests the love of man. The throne will reject any man who loves his life. The throne of God is the ability to show the glory. One can be on earth and be a throne.

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