The Character of the Son of God in His Ministry (WTV)

Programme: Writing the Vision (September Edition)

Date: Saturday, 21st September, 2024



Transcript Summary


1. Jesus was likened to the great High Priest in Hebrews 4:14. Anyone that desires to be great must be a minister (Mark 10:43). Jesus said this to His disciples in the days of His flesh because they thought being great was about exercising authority and lordship. Jesus became great by His ability to divide portions (Mark 10:45)


2. (Isa. 53:12). Beyond those portions, spoils were also divided with the strong. Jesus knew that His death and resurrection would make Him have portions with the great. As such, He started dividing His portion with the great from the days of His flesh.


3. The Lord Jesus, the Son of God, in the days of His flesh began to speak about things of “so great salvation" (Heb. 2:1-3). Portions of the great were divided to Him and because He partook of that, He ended up becoming a minister of a higher order. By reason of this salvation which was wrought in Him by God, He took portions, finished the work of salvation in His soul and attained to the promise of the inheritance. 


4. Salvation is an inheritance. Jesus attained the promise of that inheritance – life everlasting. Jesus did not only speak about the great salvation, He also attained it. By the time He was 30, He had attained salvation. He began to speak of salvation and things that pertain to deliverance from the work of corruption and pollution. Beyond doing the work of salvation within Him, Jesus also attained unto a great life on earth.


5. Jesus used the life of dominion while He was on earth and reigned with that life. He reigned with incorruption because He had entered the dominion of God which flesh and blood cannot inherit (1 Cor. 15:50). Before Jesus went to the cross, He had attained a state of incorruptibility (sinlessness) such that it was said of Him that He was tempted at all points yet without sin (Heb. 4:15)


6. A portion among the great was divided to Jesus. The great are Beings that are greatly saved; they are not men on earth but refer to the Godhead. Jesus was not great amongst men; He is much greater. Jesus attained greatness because He had portions that the great God has, which is salvation. He did not only have salvation, He also began to speak it while He was on earth. He was so saved that He had an authority that could not be contested, for His words were in total alignment with the scriptures.


7. (Heb. 6:9-10). God is not unrighteous to forget our work. This is the same work that Jesus was given to do; it is not preaching. This work and labour of love is shown towards His name. Just as Jesus has come to the veil of the Sanctuary and in the midst of the Church in the Sanctuary to declare His name to the brethren, this is the same way that God declared the name to Jesus. There are works and labour of love to be done within that name. This love is not the love towards the saints (Eph. 1:15) but the love towards His name. To show this love is to live it. Jesus was showing works towards the name of the Father when He was on earth. 


8. “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one…” (John 17:22). This glory is the name the Father gave to Him, and when He was upon the earth, Jesus kept them by that name. Jesus was not teaching Christ while He was on earth; He was speaking of the “so great salvation” (Heb 2:3). The words we are hearing will keep not only our souls from perishing but also our bodies. 


9. (John 16:17-19). Jesus knew that His disciples did not understand, but they had a desire to understand. Thus, we need to have a desire to understand, learn, and know these words. This word will keep us from decay, corruption and from the wicked one because the wicked one wants to touch us (1 John 5:18). The words of Jesus that were so potent to keep the disciples can also keep us. 


10. One of the things the Son of God does within the veil is to make intercession to bring many into the reality of these things. When He comes, we are meant to see Him. We have an appointment to see Him. Jesus has so much commitment; He was so sure of these things. He became it in the days of His flesh and was so sure that the disciples and those who will hear them will also come into it (John 17:20).


11. “And he said, The God of our fathers hath chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of his mouth.” (Acts 22:14). One who believes through words is blessed. It is through the foolishness of preaching that God has ordained to save men (1 Cor. 1:21). The children of Israel perished in the wilderness because they did not believe the word (Heb. 3:19). There will not be an engagement of the heart without believing. The arm of the Lord would not be revealed to those who do not believe (Isa. 53:1). 


12. (Isa. 52:13-15). This scripture is talking about Jesus’ high priestly ministry. To deal prudently meant that He was going to walk the face of the earth and then be received into glory. Whenever Jesus taught, multitudes were astonished, for He had accessed a height advantage to be able to raise many. By His sprinkling, He will shut down wrong natures, operations, laws, dominions and rulers. Jesus did not start sprinkling until resurrection when He had been raised very high. 


13. (John 21:3-5). Jesus appeared to His disciples when they were engaged in mundane things. Thus, we must not have a religious mentality to separate only a special time for the Son of God to minister. Jesus has come to an altar without limitation and can minister to many in whatsoever situation they are in at the time. Jesus is exalted far above the heavens (Eph. 4:10) and He is come to us. As such, it is time for us to let go of our religious mindsets about the Son of God. He comes to hearts that desire Him. The more we know Him, the more we change into His kind of person. 


14. Jesus is ministering His person and the things pertaining to God. Thus, faith should rise in our hearts to engage Him this season. We will overcome our infirmities because the Son of God is come. The Son of God is manifesting Himself to destroy all the works of the devil so that we will begin to hear what we have not heard and begin to consider what we have not considered, and our souls will start seeing things that will save us. We will start seeing how easy it is for us to break allegiances with spirits tied to wrong natures.


15. The voice of the Son of God ministers grace to the heart, and this grace is for obedience. In this season, obedience will be easier for everyone. Jesus obeyed God for us, so that when He comes back to minister to us, the strength of performance will be more evident among us. Thus, we will not just be hearing words alone, but we will also receive grace for obedience.


16. There will be stronger subjection of the Spirit when the Son comes, and heaven will begin to shut opportunities that give room for the flesh to manifest. The work of Satan is focused on nature formation, and he puts systems in place to achieve this. This is because he knows that some natures will not find expression without systems being put in place. When God is shaking systems, it is to weaken wrong natures inside men.


17. What makes wrong natures to thrive is the system Satan has put in place. When God is shaking systems, He will also be shutting down natures in us because those systems give power to those natures. When the Son of God comes, He will shut down these things by His appearance. We are in the midst of a great move of God. Our hearts must be so open to take all that the Son of God has brought. Thus, we should not be narrow within; we must be enlarged to take all that the Son of God has brought for us in this season.




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