The Conversation of Perfect Love (WTV)

Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Programme: Writing the Vision (October)

Date: Saturday, 15th October 2022



There is no way God can bring us into the season of perfect love without speaking it (Heb. 11:3). By speaking it, He is framing and creating that season. The season of everlasting life is the season of the conversation of perfect love. However, if God does not speak it, we cannot enter into what He has not spoken. 

The realm of perfect love is in God (1 John 4:16); we cannot find it anywhere else because God is love. Perfect love is a realm in God. It is in God and He has to speak it out. As He speaks forth the world that describes Him, it is an understanding to us but also a creation in the realm of the spirit. Seasons and ages are created by the word of God. When He is speaking to us, He is actually creating something. That is also how in our lifetime the world to come would be created. The world to come is spoken forth (Heb. 2:5). That world is an administration, economy and a conversation. 

God wants to show a rich conversation among the people of God that would make angels jealous. If the Bible says they desire to look into it, then it must mean so much to them because they know its value (1 Peter 1:12). The prophets also wanted to know the manner of this conversation and the people that it was being ministered to but it was told to them that it was not for them. It is for us that they minister these things and these things are the things that are in God. 

This season is the season of perfect love. In order to love, we have to be taught of God (1 Thess. 4:9). We cannot love as God loves if He does not teach us what His love codes and parameters are. Natural love fails because it is driven by feelings. This is why marriages that are founded on feelings fail because those who take part in such do not seek after God's commandments or willing to be taught of God. When we are taught of God, we would know how to love in marriage. 

There is a way God manifests love. God taught us love by sending His Only Begotten Son – His Eternal Son. God gave Him up and sent Him into the world (John 3:16). This is a really high love that we do not yet have capacity for. He gave His Son so that we might live through Him. One thing love does is to bring us back to life because love quickens.

Perfect love deals with fear (1 John 4:18). Fear has a torment and the torment of fear is death (Heb. 2:15). If God is bringing us to the season of perfect love, then He wants to deal with fear. In the season of everlasting love (perfect love), what God wants to cast out from the midst of us is fear. We still have fear for one another and that fear came from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 3:10). What informed Adam to hide from God was not God's sense but death sense; it was an act of fear. Fear gives us a kind of sense and the sense that it gives is to further kill us. Whenever we express fear in our conversations with one another, we harbour death and create an avenue for death to work more. 

The characteristics of perfect love is that it casts fear out. God wants to cast out fear from the brethren and that is to deal with death. As long as we have fear in our relationship with the brethren, in marriage or in our relationship with authority, it is an indication that death is still present. God wants it to be removed from the midst of the saints. Where there is no fear, there is perfect love or liberty. Perfect love brings perfect liberty. The Godhead do not hide anything from each other (John 17:21). 

We do not have the capacity to love God yet. We do not know what love is, so we are not able to love God. Many times we say we love God, but our love for God is an attempt to use Him to meet our physical needs. To truly love is to keep commandments. We did not have the capacity to love God but He loved us and sent His Son to be a propitiation for our sins. We do not even yet have the capacity to love ourselves as we ought. What God gave to us was His very best in order to perfect us. He wants to completely redeem us and drive away death. 

The standard of God's love for us is seen in the way He demonstrates it to us (1 John 4:10-11). We are not yet meeting the standard of God's love. God did not just love us with confession, He demonstrated it by giving us His Only Begotten Son. He gave us the very best from Eternal Life. In marriage, a man has to love His wife like Christ loves the Church. He must love her the way God loves to the point where he would give up himself. One’s spouse is his/her brethren. Our brethren deserve to be loved and honoured. We have not yet honoured one another according to God's standard. We have not pleased God when we do it our own way. We have to find out God's standards of love and honour to be able to bring Him pleasure and it is the Holy Ghost that can show us how. 

The standard of God's love is that we give ourselves (John 15:13). The husband lays down his life for his wife and the brother for his friend. We must love the brotherhood. We should cover one another where the other is vulnerable. We should cover our brother to the extent that we can take a bullet for him. We take the bullet for the other by taking the blame for the other. It is the adversary that shoots accusations at us and, instead of joining him to raise accusations, we should take the blame and make excuses for our brethren.

There is a standard of love that is required of us, both towards our brethren and our spouses. If we love one another at the same pedigree that God loves, then He dwells in us  (1 John 4:11-12). To love like God loves is the evidence that we are carrying the laws of God. When the same laws that are at work in God are at work in us, we would do what God does. These things look difficult but we are being perfected, and as the laws of love are being measured out, grace is being ministered. By the issuing of commandments, we are being brought into an habitation so that God can dwell in us and His love can stay in us (1 John 3:14).

We are approaching a zone wherein God's love is being perfected in us. His love, which is His laws, can be manifested and seen through us. Abraham was required to offer up his only son because they wanted to communicate a law to him and there was a need for that conversation in that season. Hence, he took his only son because of the commandment that he received from God (Gen. 22:2). A man’s son is that life that he treasures; it is that thing or life that he does not want to give up (Gen. 22:12). We show God that we love Him when we obey the commandments He gives us. Abraham's son was his life as it were, and we have sons that we do not like to give up. But we will keep being commanded till we can give up our only son. Some of us have many sons and, no matter how many they are, they will all be slain.

God is love (1 John 4:16). Love is God's essence. He is a well of Eternal love that is unending. He is love personified. Eternal love is the law that runs Him.  

We are in that season wherein God wants to perfect us and drive fear away from us. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). We must look forward to a day where we are without fear. Our fear shows the presence of death. Death is still present in our tabernacle and we must look forward to a day where death is taken out of us completely, so that we will have no more fear because we have come into that season of perfect love.







1. The season of everlasting life is the season of the conversation of perfect love. If He does not speak it forth, we cannot enter into it because we cannot enter into what God has not spoken. 


2. (1 John 4:16-17). The realm of perfect love is in God; we cannot find it anywhere else because God is love. Perfect love is a realm in God and He has to speak it out. As He speaks forth the world that describes Him, it is an understanding to us but also a creation in the realm of the spirit. 


3. (1 Thess. 4:9). In order to love, we have to be taught of God. We cannot love as God loves if He does not teach us what His love codes and parameters are. There is a way God manifests love and He taught this to us by sending His Only Begotten Son – His Eternal Son. 


4. (1 John 4:18). Perfect love deals with fear. Fear has a torment and the torment of fear is death (Heb. 2:15). We still have fear for one another and that fear came from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 3:10). 


5. Whenever we express fear in our conversations with one another, we harbour death and create an avenue for death to work more. By bringing us to the season of perfect love, God wants to deal with fear.


6. We do not have the capacity to love God yet. This is because we do not know what love is. Many times we say we love God but our love for God is an attempt to use Him to meet our physical needs. To truly love God is to keep His commandments.


7. (1 John 4:10-11). The standard of God's love for us is seen in the way He demonstrates it to us. We are not yet meeting the standard of God's love. We have to find out God's standards of love and honour to be able to bring Him pleasure, and it is the Holy Ghost that can show us how. 


8. (John 15:13). The standard of God's love is that we give ourselves. In marriage, a man has to love His wife like Christ loves the Church so that he can (like Christ) give up himself. The husband is expected to lay down his life for his wife and a brother for his friend.


9. There is a standard of love that is required of us both towards our brethren and our spouses. If we love one another at the same pedigree that God loves, then He dwells in us (1 John 4:11-12). When the same laws that are at work in God are at work in us, we would do what God does and love like God loves.


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