The Disposition of the Heart that Can Receive the Kingdom (RH)

Programme: Revelation Hour (RH)

 Date: Saturday, 29th April 2023



Transcript Summary 


1. There was a season when Israel was without the true God, without a teaching priest and without law (2 Chron. 15:1-3). The hearts of the Israelites had been accustomed to rituals so much that they could not detect when the true God was no longer in their midst. God will not accept certain sacrifices when certain natural expressions are not in place, one of which is the light that shines forth in the tabernacle when a sacrifice has been accepted. However, when God had exited, the Israelites still went on with their activities unperturbed. This infirmity can also laden one in the seasons of expansion. When we expand to a particular state, we can get into a rhythm of life, and as that rhythm continues, we can surreptitiously fall into a sense of routine without substance. 


2. When God is dealing with His people at any phase, laws are being written. The prosperity of God’s dealing with a people in any season can be measured by how much of His laws have been written in their hearts. Prophets were raised by the writing of God's law in their hearts. You cannot be a prophet until God has successfully installed His law or the prevalent law He is using to deal with the people in that season, in your heart. Moses was made to stand out and to be separated from the high priest (Aaron) because of what was written in his heart. Aaron knew the rituals and could carry them out, but Moses had a connection to the true God of his time (Exo. 33:11). This qualified Moses as the first teaching priest in Israel. A teaching priest is no ordinary person but one in whom laws have been written and is delegated with the task of transferring those laws into the hearts of the people. Moses stood as a teaching priest and communicated the law that should restore the hearts of men to their true functions.


3. The devil did not create the heart. Although the heart is presently deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, it was not so in the beginning (Jer. 17:9). If our hearts are not prepared to seek the Lord, we will automatically do evil. For this reason, we must pay attention to our hearts (Matt. 15:11-20). The heart is the seat of the temple that The heart is the seat of the temple that the man of sin wants to sit upon and make sure that defilement flows out from the man. For this reason, we must guard our hearts to avoid deception or a false estimation of ourselves. A minister of God must learn to watch for his heart because it can easily fall into an overestimation of one’s spiritual measure or stature.


4. Taking and possessing the Kingdom is first a movement in the heart. The judgments of the Lord upon the earth will first be in the hearts of men. The reason God’s face must shine on us is to give us a kind of heart (2 Cor. 4:6). The ministry of a teaching priest will best function with a right heart. The tablet (or heart) of ministers of God must be prepared, otherwise, we will have myriads of teaching priests who do not do the work that they have been called to. One skill of a teaching priest is to help us arrange our hearts to receive the writing of God’s law. Coming into the Kingdom is the writing of God’s law upon the heart. The life of the Kingdom is a culture that comes from a heart that has been written upon. A heart that God has not written upon will do or wrought evil. Satan installed things in the heart of men and his intention is to kill them all. Jesus came to truncate those things and restore the heart to its true natural state.


5. We can come to Jesus for many things, but He has something in mind to give us, which is “the Kingdom”. If our understanding of the Kingdom is different from His, we will not recognize when it is given to us. The Israelites sought Jesus because hunger was their problem and He had solved that problem (John 6:26). According to them, anyone who is able to solve the problem of hunger must be a king. This is how the man of sin will get people. He will bring solutions to many earthly problems. Lying miracles and wonder will happen but we should always enquire and discern to see if they are pointing to the Lord. Jesus will solve some natural problems as that is a by-product of following Him but that is not the essence of following Him.


6. The whole essence of Christianity is to make man free from the bondage that has caused his heart to journey in the wrong direction and malfunction. Pollution comes out of the heart. We must trust the Lord for our hearts to be purified (Prov. 18:2). Motivational speakers promote the idea of doing what we love, but the things we love are idols. It is not everything we know how to do that we should do; else we will have no time for God. Some of our talents and understandings are bullocks that we should give up in sacrifice. However, motivational speakers will encourage us to fan such into flames. We ought to allow the Lord to lead us about what to eat and what to sow. 


7. The way we live our lives daily is important because we are the expression of the right standard of life to some people.  There is a standard of life that we have not yet attained that we have the responsibility to represent. God wants to commit His Kingdom to us, so we must not be representatives of the vain life that we are calling Him to judge. It is when we have been purified that we can begin to spread the standard of life that can cover the nations. The life of this Kingdom is a culture. Different cultures can be expressed in various ways including garments, food, and language. Our language is responsible for the learning of our professions. We cannot produce a professional Christian without mastering the language. Our language is Spirit. Learning the Spirit is to learn the foundation upon which the profession of a believer is founded. The Holy Ghost is also given for the purpose of exposing one to the learning of this language.


8. The Lord desires that we place the right premium on the standards of life that He is painting to us. This life has its ramifications, and it is important that we trust God to represent them in all its forms and fashions. We must endure the processes that would take us to such levels of expression. Our company will become such God is assured that whoever meets us will desire to know this life and to seek the Lord more.


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