The Feast of Perfect Light (WTV)

Text: Isaiah 25:1-9

There is a feast God has prepared for us upon this mountain. This feast is a feast of light targeted at breaking the covering cast over the people and swallowing up death. God is going to swallow up death by the removal of veils. For death to be removed, there have to be unveilings. This feast is going to be a feast of unveilings. It is pitiful that man has seen death as life and struggles to let it go but it would take an unveiling for man to see death as his enemy. The last enemy that is to be destroyed is death (1 Cor. 15:26). Death is an enemy that has been packaged as life for men. Death is beyond the upbringing of a man, it has properties and constitutions. It is possible to be in death while still alive bodily because “she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth” (1 Tim. 5:6)


‘Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound’ (Isaiah 30:25). The light of the sun cannot be naturally withstood, much more the light of the sun multiplied sevenfold. The seven-fold light is the perfect and it will take this kind of light to bring an unveiling that will detonate death. In the phase of the morning light, there will be a dispensation over the body of Christ that would cause accurate knowledge to be dispensed such that we would know as we ought to know and as we are known no longer in part (1 Cor. 13:11-12). Knowing as we are known is something that must occur on the earth, not when we get to heaven. 

If we are the last day church, then light must shine sevenfold. It is this feast of light we have come to enjoy. In Luke 13:32, Jesus showed that dispensation in the church will change from miracles to perfection on the third day. The third day speaks of a prophetic generation in whom the dispensation and manifestations of the workings of God will not be miracles but perfection. This means that the activities of the times past such as the working of miracles will no longer be what the church should operate by. Those who will seek the activities of the first and second day on the third day will be backward. Entrance into the third day must record a shift in emphasis, language, even in our prayer lifestyle from that of seeking things to that of perfection. The prayer lifestyle of people will show what they truly desire. The Lord Jesus is the first born of perfection and is waiting for His brethren to be as perfected as He is because a perfect head needs a perfect body. It is the program of God that every man be presented perfect in Christ. 


Death has substances. There are dead natures that produce dead works. These natures can be so ingrained in a man that they become his very being/person. These natures are what light comes to take away as it is shone. It is usually difficult for man to bear because it is a death of something that has become one with him.  The project of God is that the soul lives and inherits life. The emphasis of light in these times is entrance into charity which we must not be weary of.


In these times we must not be double minded because if we are we would not receive anything from Him (Jam. 1:7). One thing that slows men down is double mindedness. We must be accurate and precise by giving all commitment to the emphasis in these times. It is necessary that we have this disposition of heart and commitment to obey so that we can be completely altered and fully made. God’s agenda is to raise us as He raised. He will not rest until we look exactly like Him. When the perfect begins to shine,it will handle everything including sickness in the body. The perfect light will bring permanent and perfect cure. Welcome to this dispensation of light!


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