The Judgment of God's Day (BECON)

In the realm of the spirit, books are being opened. Also, as a result of this year's convention, transactions are occuring in the realm of the spirit and the Lord is reigning utterance, inspiration and revelation upon the church. We must understand that the believers convention is a platform that heaven chose to serve as a representation of the Larger body and the Lord will be downloading to us from time to time His intents for the body on this platform. The Lord will be using us as a prototype for what will happen in the body of Christ because we serve as first fruits for the body. It is for this reason we must suffer many persecutions. Persecutions enmark us as followers of Christ. We therefore must be in sync with the agenda of heaven in these times.


The Lord is bringing us to a place of deeper consciousness such that we will bear the burden of Christ more than we have hitherto done even as God supplies grace to push the enemy back and to take the battle to the gate of the enemy. The Lord is declaring judgement against the forces that have held the body of Christ captive to all manner of deceit, intrigue and manipulative spirits. The Lord is declaring judgement against these forces because He desires worship from the midst of His people.


The warring angels are at work in these times to enforce divine justice. The Lord will expose global agendas of evil men. The Lord is declaring judgement to enable salvation visit the earth. Salvation will visit even Islamic nations through the internet. The Lord will shake the powers of the world, cause salvation to shine and liberate the church.


The tidings of God’s day is the announcement of God that orchestrates the emancipation of the church from carnality to divinity, from corruptibility to incorruptibility with the intent of giving full expression to eternal life. The destiny of the church is wrapped up in eternal life. The Lord desires a church that can give interpretation to salvation. Deliverance of the church is the deliverance from the flesh. The warfare we face is in the transition from flesh to spirit. The tidings of God’s days is the process by which the soul is transformed. Transformation is a significant criteria for the church to gain entrance into the kingdom and this transformation is made possible by the tidings of God’s day.


The ripple effect of the arrival of the day of the Lord is the troubling of the soul of the nations. This means that the earth will be traumatised. The day of the Lord signifies the acceleration of the process of the workings of God in the church. This is why the day of the Lord will compel the fury of hell. 2 Tim 3:1-5 shows what is written about the end time and we see this unfolding in our times. We are living in perilous times. The word perilous signifies a time that is fierce, furious, difficult to survive. It will take the spirit of God and the law of righteousness at work in the soul to enable one stand in perilous times.


The end of the age is characterized by global crisis and widespread turmoil in the earth. The end of time is pivoted by mass casualties and catastrophes being orchestrated by the spirit of the age. The dragon is the symbol of the full manifestation of satanic power reserved for the end of the age.  This is why we see men as traitors, disobedient to their parents and so on as a lifestyle in this age. The interference of the spirit of the age upon the soul dehumanizes man and makes it robotic, perverts value systems upon the earth, desensitizes human consciousness to the extent that human feelings are deadened.


In these end times iniquity shall abound. This iniquity is beyond sexual immorality, it is something that will feel legal and good. Satan is using iniquity to weaken the church. Satan uses the things happening in the earth like the coronavirus pandemic to instill fear in the heart of God’s people so that we can cave in to his pressure. The enemy wants to take away the ability of men to be steadfast to the will of God by instilling fear in the hearts. The only way to overcome this fear is to die to self because a dead man is not afraid of dying or losing anything.


The enemy also desires to spoil the souls of many. The soul is very strategic because out of it flows the issues of life. This is why the soul is the target of the enemy. The devil wants to create a blockage in the soul. The Lord bless thee and keep thee (Num. 6:24-26) is a very important blessing in these times because if the Lord keeps a soul, it cannot be ravaged by the enemy. The enemy desires to downgrade the spiritual essence and de-legitimize the authority of men to emerge as lights and salts in the earth. We are currently witnessing the intrusion and interference of spirits over the nations just like Daniel did and has been prophesied in the book of revelation.


It is evident that governors and heads of states are not the real kings in these nations. kings are those who stand to determine the next course of action for the earth. Some of the real kings of the earth are philanthropists, inventors, entrepreneurs who stand to determine the next course of action for men and earth.  These kings are liaising with kings in the spirit to infiltrate the earth. In the past such kings would operate in the quiet but they are gaining boldness to show their faces in these times.


God is getting rid of superficial christianity in the body; He is blacklisting complacency and downsizing self indulgence. In these times the religious church will be of no relevance. The end of the world is the completion of divine agenda. The first instruction from the above text is for the church to be immune to withstand deception that will plague many.


The tidings of God’s day inoculates the soul from the deception of the world. The church needs to be discerning enough to know those who come as christs yet deceive many (Matt. 24:3-8). The conflict in this time is the conflict of ideologies. Even nationhood is being redefined. Nations are now being defined based on their ideologies and not based on territory.  The happenings of these times is meant to invoke ‘birth pangs’ which means a hunger for the manifestation of Christ. The tidings of God’s days is meant to awaken the church from her slumber. The pulpit is not a place for comedy which is why we see in the midst of the pandemic, churches no longer invite comedians to their platform and the message of revival has been widespread. The church can no longer sleep walk because it will take deliberate work to enter into the promise God has kept for us especially in critical periods such as these.


Nations of the earth are experiencing birth pangs. Birth pangs are necessary to awaken the church. There will be pain in these times but frivolities will be done away with and only that which is true will remain. Jesus did not discriminate, He went to nations of the rich and of the poor, hamlets inclusive. God wants to see souls saved and this must be the burden in the hearts of ministers that the lord is preparing for the end time, they must also not discriminate. There is a call to herald this message. The heralding of this message is not going to be achieved by recitation of what one has heard but by the lifestyle one lives.


The gospel means good news of God. Good news of God is not money, prosperity in the natural or personal comfort but the very need/news of God. The glad tidings is the projection of the pleasure of God. The glad tidings is what makes for good news and it is what the Lord desires to do. Good tidings means to herald the truth. Glad tidings speak of rejoicing. The joy of the Lord is not dependent on circumstances but on the spirit. What is temporarily happening around us may be trying but those who have the hope of the gospel will tap into the gladness of God’s day. Good tidings only respond to zion. Zion are those who make up the habitation of the most high. The desire of the heart should be part of those who will make up the habitation of the Lord.


Glad tidings of God’s day takes one up the mountains. God is raising mountain climbers because it is His will that we come up the mountain.  The good tidings are for those set on pilgrimage. Mountain climbers are people who are sold out into adventure with the Lord. The tidings of God’s day is the communication of the divine blueprint. It is this understanding that stirs in us  spiritual adventure with the Lord. The tidings of God’s day turns us into people that are focused on one thing.


In these last days we cannot afford to have our anchor misplaced. The anchor for this time is the salvation of the soul. “One thing have i desired of thee, that will i seek after” (Ps. 27:4). This speaks of one who has a passionate pursuit. The word desire is passionate pursuit. We must have a passionate desire. Ths desire should drive us to know Him. The tidings of God is for a generation that will continue to seek to know the Lord. as we engage in knowing the Lord. one emphasis of the tiding of God’s day is to have a strong desire to know the Lord.


Another emphases of the tiding of God’s day of the is the coming of the day of the Lord. God wants to first come in us before He comes for us. The coming of the Lord is an ongoing finality, He will come and keep coming to us. The coming of the Lord has protocols or attitudes we must adopt. One of which is to continue receiving the comings of the Lord. The process of His coming precedes the advent of His coming. There are many of His comings we must encounter before the advent of His coming. We often miss the comings of the Lord because we are focused on the advent of His coming. The coming of the Lord before His advent is very silent.


The advent of the coming of the Lord is with an entourage, as the reigning king to judge and shut down the earth. Thank God for the advent of His coming but we must experience the process of His coming one of which is when He comes as a thief in the night. We need to be discerning to know the coming of the Lord. The body of Christ must learn to receive the process of the Lord’s coming and not just the advent of His coming.


The Lord will come with a strong hand and shall rule (Is 40:10). The Lord is coming to instal His kingdom and His dominion. It is our responsibility to constantly displace every contradictory throne in our hearts in order for the throne of God to be revealed in our hearts. The Lord is coming with His reward and He is going to distribute His glory. He will not distribute it to flesh, only those who have been made His sons. The favour of the Lord is what makes one rich not money. Once God can see His work, His favour will come upon it. The work of the Lord is not the activities we carry out in church but His work must lead to those activities of serving.


There is something about service, it is not activities, service is born out of brokenness, it is yielding and this is what the Lord wants to see. The Lord does not want any gap between ministry and life. Eye service must be dealt with because we must be keepers of the will even in the absence of supervisory eyes of men.


There is a difference between demonstrative power and divine power. The divine power is for the transformation of human life, it is meant to sustain the process of God at work in us. The divine power is triggered by the gospel- the tidings of God’s day. The gospel is associated with shame. Many are not willing to bear the testimony of our Lord because it comes with shame.   Sometimes the Lord applies pressure in us to rid us of tendencies of the flesh. Affliction is the tool the Lord uses to rid the soul of flesh. Some people can recognize the message of soul salvation as the message but shy away with it because of the price it demands.


One of the prices of the gospel is waiting, this is difficult for man because man is naturally hasty and in control. God will use waiting to stretch us until we relinquish control. Waiting is so powerful that it is what will dethrone the dragon. Waiting is what God will use to build up zion. May we find grace to wait in the day of God. it is through faith and patience that we will obtain the promise.


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