There is always that vivid Gethsemane picture in every Christian’s mind; of that dark fateful night when our Lord was all alone; confronted with the greatest decision during his earthly sojourn—to drink of the cup of God's will. And we all know that He prayed and prayed; and his sweat was as it were—of great drops of blood falling to the ground. Jesus garnered strength for to drink of that cup in the place of prayer; but we hardly remember or consider all the prayers the Lord had prayed before that point.
The prayer at Gethsemane was no doubt, very intense. Christ was at the point of making the toughest decision he ever had to make. But we must realise that He had been preparing all his life for that day; and He had not been casual about it. How? Through much prayers and supplications! The scripture says, ' Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared ' ( Heb. 5:7 ).
Our Lord - the one who was an embodiment of grace and truth - prayed in His days! The Resurrection and the Life prayed in His days! He, who knew no sin, prayed in His days! How much more we that are full of infirmity.
There has not been anyone who trusted in God like Christ did; and it was evident in the manner and frequency with which he prayed. His prayers were not mere supplications without intensity. They were prayers characterized by strong cryings and tears—and coupled with fear.
We prayed all through the month of April and many things were said to us as a company, and this was an exercise that should kick-start a lifestyle of prayer for us; even as the Lord witnessed severally through Pastor Tayo at the Lekki Soul Centre Meeting of the 5th of May, 2021. (You can download this message on Fountain Stream at
Prayer must be seen as a lifestyle for us now, not an option. It is one of the ways we can put our trust in the One who is able to save us from death. If the days of our Lord Jesus were full of prayer, we can't but have that same attitude—if we want to succeed in everlasting life and, ultimately, be rewarded with eternal life. We must begin to make that resolve to pray earnestly; even more than ever before. Selah.
Daniel Ayodeji Oluwayomi - 3 years ago