The Making of Men That Can Take the Kingdom (LSC)

Program: Lekki Soul Centre (LSC)

 Date: Wednesday, 3rd May 2023


Transcript Summary


1. “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” (Gen. 6:11‭). Anywhere corruption is, violence exists. The Kingdom of heaven is an everlasting dominion. Though the earth has its own kind of everlasting dominion, the essence of God making Adam and Eve was to move them from the everlasting dominion of the earth into the everlasting dominion of heaven. When God visited man in the cool of the day, He was training him to take the heavenly dominion/kingdom, since all that had to do with earthly dominion had already been put in his subjection (Heb. 2:8).


2. When God cast down Satan and his angels that fell from the dominions of the kingdom of heaven, that did not necessarily mean that Adam and Eve were higher than them. This is because when those spirits fell, their materials/substances only got corrupted (perverted). These evil spirits do not want man to take the dominion of heaven. Satan luring Adam to fall was a violence done against man. To “violate” is to break rules or break protocol. Violations against the soul take on different faces and are done with skill and wisdom by Satan and evil spirits so that we would not be able to discern them easily.


3. In the season of possessing the Kingdom, the enemy often comes against us with many afflictions and tribulations to wear us out and hinder us from pressing into the Kingdom (Dan. 7:25). His goal is for our attention to be taken away from seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Acts 14:22 tells us that it is with much tribulation that we take the Kingdom. John also noted that the Kingdom is taken through violence (Matt. 11:12).


4. Tribulations are not necessarily negative things only. Satan brings tribulations when he sees that one is becoming desirous to have one’s eyes of understanding enlightened and to know the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (Eph. 1:18). When a man begins to ask for the exceeding greatness of God’s power towards those who believe, such has begun asking for the resurrection of the dead (Eph. 1:19). Evil spirits will not let that man be. They would invent new tactics to shift his attention from praying such prayers or hinder his attendance to meetings that inform him about the hope of the inheritance.


5. (Matt. 6:9-13). Jesus established a manner of prayer that informs what the content of our prayers should be. That prayer, which Jesus taught His disciples, was a doctrine. The phrase, “Our Father who art in heaven” speaks of the mystery of everlasting life. A call to the Father who is in heaven means that we want to begin taking the good things of the Father (Matt. 7:11; Jam. 1:17-18). Any prayer that is not after this manner is not what God truly wants from us.


6. As believers, we ought to pray, but our prayers should not be centred on our problems. The reason is this, immediately we commit to conforming to the image of the Son, a ministry of intercession opens over us (Heb. 7:25). Putting pressure on heaven through prayers to take tribulations away can abort a process that God initiated for us to take the Kingdom, and that would mean one would have to start again. This does not mean that we cannot pray about our challenges or tribulations, but that we do not get preoccupied with such prayers. This is because the real issue is not about the problem itself, but that Satan has placed obstacles to prevent one from taking the Kingdom. Therefore, rather than focusing our prayers on the problem, we should have an attitude of thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6). Sometimes, it is also good to ignore the problem; though this is not often easy, it is one way to get at Satan.


7. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. [11] Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matt. 6:10-11). The “living bread” is the living Father (God). Whereas the “bread” speaks of the doctrine of Christ that is meant to give life to the saint, so that such a one would no longer use the life of this world but live by the faith of the Son of God (Gal. 2:20). After receiving “bread”, such a one can then take the “living bread’, which is the bread of everlasting life, that delivers to one the everlasting Kingdom. Therefore, these are the content that should characterize our prayers, as those who are taking the Kingdom and possessing the dominion.


8. One temptation the enemy often brings is to make us speak evil of others in order for him to raise a red flag in the spirit, and get us disqualified from taking the Kingdom. Hence, we must pray and trust the Lord to brace us with judgment for us to discern such temptations. Satan always seeks a legal ground why a generation should not take the inheritance. Therefore, we must know that when we are aiming for the Kingdom, things happening around us that are contrary are only a deliberate effort by Satan to make us lower our request in prayer. If we fall prey to his tactics and begin to focus our prayer on such happenings/situations, we are telling God that we are profane (like Esau). Regardless of the challenge one may be facing, seeking the Kingdom is higher. Having a posture of seeking the Kingdom in the face of challenges shows that we rate highly what God is giving to us.


9. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…” (Matt. 6:13). Satan works evil through temptations. Another area he can bring temptation around is the issue of delay in marriage or childbearing. Satan can use that temptation to keep assaulting the mind of the saint so much that the mind can become weary and the heart loses focus in pursuing the Kingdom. Any man that would take dominion must be one that will withstand every opposition against him to wear him out.


10. Matthew 6:13 shows us the content of the kind of prayer we should be praying. Although, being consistent at it is not easy. The only thing that can strengthen us is our company. You cannot afford to be alone warring this warfare, you have to be in a company (Prov. 27:17). When a brother is going through a temptation, just like the Scripture that says, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man…” (1 Cor. 10:13), he finds strength to pull through knowing that a fellow brother or sister has gone through similar temptation; he knows he will overcome also.


11. (Rom. 8:26-30). In our seasons of affliction and tribulations ‒ when the making of the heirs of God’s dominion is in progress ‒ we do not know what we should pray for as we ought. Hence, the Spirit helps our infirmities. Although we pray, there is a way in which the Spirit desires that we pray. Our infirmities are grounds that the enemy uses as tribulations and afflictions against us so that it would be impossible for us to conform to the image of God and also be unable to receive the Kingdom and dominion. Conforming to the image of the Son of God is what qualifies one for dominion. We are foreknown, predestinated, justified, and glorified to be conformed to the image of the Son of God; this is so we can take the Kingdom and possess it forever.


12. (Rom. 8:27-36). The Spirit searches the heart of saints in light to know what is in the mind of the Spirit concerning them, and with that He is able to bring forth intercession, to help their infirmities and temptations. In addition to this, there is another intercession being carried out by our Lord Jesus, which introduces the saints to the love of God. The essence of the tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, etc., is to separate us from the love of God, so that the making of men who can take the Kingdom or become the Son of God, will be aborted. But there is a ministration being carried out by He who is at the right-hand side of God on our behalf for our deliverance. Therefore, we must never think that we have been left alone in whatever challenge we are going through.


13. Matthew 11:12 is a template for anyone who is interested in taking the Kingdom of heaven for ever and ever, not just the general Christendom. The saints of the Most High are framed to take the Kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of heaven is everlasting life, while the Kingdom of God is Eternal Life. These Kingdoms do not just come to anyone who desires them because Satan puts violence around them.


14. “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;” (Heb. 12:15). A man can become defiled instead of becoming incorruptible and undefiled (1 Pet. 1:4). Satan has a way of causing men to be defiled. Meanwhile the “grace of God” is available; this is the grace of God that brings salvation (Tit. 2:11-12).


15. Isaiah 61:1-2 captures the different postures that those who mourn in Zion with ashes on have. These are those who have finished the curriculum of Christ, are transiting into the season of everlasting life, and are about to take the Kingdom. The day of salvation is also the day of the vengeance of our God. When a people are moved to the day of salvation and the grace of salvation is shining on them, one thing that characterizes that season is that the people would overcome a certain level where they are in order for God to avenge them of the former ground. The day of vengeance is also referred to as “the year of recompense” (2 Thess. 1:6).


16. The season of persecution and tribulation is the season of vengeance. But heaven does not just execute vengeance, They expect us to hold forth some more before They bring vengeance or recompense to troubles that affect us if we can be patient. This season of pressing in to take the Kingdom is a time to grow in our love for the brethren, and also receive grace to grow in faith and patience because it is through faith and patience that the Kingdom (promise) is inherited (Heb. 6:12).


17. In the book of Daniel, when the saints were to be given the Kingdom, the activities of the adversaries warring against them were judged (Dan. 7:9, 11). Then one like the Son of man came, to whom the Kingdom was handed over (Dan. 7:13-14). Although the adversary did prevail against the saints and was wearing them out, the saints did not give up; they kept pressing until thrones were cast down and the Ancient of days sat to bring forth judgment (Dan. 7:21-22). This can only happen by their obedience. We cannot take revenge by ourselves; God does vengeance Himself (Rom. 12:19). God avenges spirits, situations and circumstances, but we must first fulfill obedience (2 Cor. 10:6). Beyond the vengeance, when our obedience is fulfilled, we would have taken the Kingdom and accessed dominion. Taking dominion is taking the “reign of life”. One who has life would definitely reign over sin and death. Likewise, one who has everlasting life would reign over corruption and evil.


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