The Potency of God’s Wisdom (BECONPM)

Programme: Believers’ Convention Prayer Meeting 2021 (Week Five Day Two)

Date:             13th July, 2021

Powered by: Eternal Glorious Fountain Ministry (EGFM)

Minister:       Reverend Kayode Oyegoke      


Everlasting time is needed to fully proclaim the message of salvation (Isa. 62:11, Matt. 28:19-20). Satan, who is also an everlasting creature, needs this same time to express himself (teach men his nature). Times rule the heavens and the earth; but God does not measure time the way men do. He measures time based on the work that has been done in the souls of men. The end of the world is tied to the works that have been done in men. Therefore, neither God nor the devil will harvest souls from earth when they have not yet been ripened (either unto salvation or unto perdition). 

There are different kinds of harvest which pertain to the harvest of souls. There are harvests of trees and shrubs. The harvest of shrubs is a miniature harvest; it is not a complete harvest, unlike that of trees. The feast of the Lord is a celebration of two kinds of harvests: there are celebrations of harvest in the first month and the seventh month (of the Jewish calendar). The first month is called the month of Abib. It is a harvest of grains or the harvest of first fruits. The other harvest is called Tishri, which is the harvest of fruits from trees. The former connotes a harvest of children, while the latter connotes the harvest of sons. 

There is usually rejoicing when the fruits are harvested (at the feast of Tishri). Fruits represent the sons of God; therefore, the reason for rejoicing over them is because creation is waiting for or expecting their manifestation (Rom. 8:19). The first fruits of the Spirit are ‘grain believers’. They also wait for the manifestation of the sons of God. They are those who are unable to grow up (measure up to the standards of God). It is not every believer who will be able to measure up with the standards of God from the start. However, there will come a time when the sons of God will emerge; and they will help the church to grow and come into its fullness. 

The battle for fulness is a serious one. It is also a time when many men will be uninterested in the gospel. However, some will push through the impossibilities and contradictions, and walk against that which fights growth in the spirit. They will push evil spirits away so that the church will begin to grow up. Through these few, many believers will also be raised.

The message which the Lord will proclaim unto the ends of the world is the everlasting gospel. He will not proclaim it to just anyone but the daughters of Zion. Without the preaching of this gospel, the end will not come (Matt. 24:14). Jesus is waiting for the Church to preach this message of the end (the everlasting gospel). Before the everlasting gospel comes on anyone, he must have passed through the school and test of shame, which is the gospel of Christ. Jesus will not be able to present anyone who is ashamed of this gospel to the Father. We should not be ashamed of this gospel because it is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16). In terms of marriage, ladies should not be afraid to marry men who are passing through this corridor of shame.

The daughters of Zion are the branches of the vine. The branch is feminine in nature because it bears fruits. The relationship between the Vine and the branch typifies the mystery between the Bridegroom (Jesus) and the Bride (Church). The daughters of Zion are women who have come to full age and are ready to be married to the Bridegroom (Psa. 45:9). The King has many daughters but the one whom the Lamb will marry is the Queen in gold of Ophir. Although, a lot of churches will arrive at everlasting life, it is not all of them that will be married to the Lamb. Anyone who will be married to Him must be without father, mother, siblings, or blood (Heb. 7:3). This is so that they can abide as a son forever.

One of the things that will not make a daughter abide is the blood (nature) that is in her; because it makes it difficult for her to forget her father and mother (her former lineage–Psa. 45:10). A lot of people are married but still act like they are not married, because they are unable to forget their lineage. The commandment to forget one’s father’s house should first be obeyed by the man so that he can be joined to his wife. Then, he can teach his wife how to also forget her lineage by loving her. By loving her, he will teach her how to love because she doesn't know how to.

Forgetting one’s father and mother means killing the things that one inherited from their former lineage. A bride (soul) is expected to love not her life unto death; but rather should live by He (Jesus) who gave Himself for her (Rev. 12:11, Eph. 5:25). Jesus wants us to be like this bride because the manchild company are those who will do the obedience of the bride. They are the ‘first wife’ (first fruit) unto the Lamb and God, as described in Revelations 12.

God seeks those who will sit on the throne. The Queen (the one who will marry the Lamb) is a daughter of Zion; she must be a Zion stone that will be taught the Testament for work’s sake. Therefore, God is calling a church out of Zion that will do the first and last works of God. They will constitute the church of the work of the love of God (the first love and last love). Jesus wants us to have both loves at the end of the work because it is the time of assurance of being grafted into the Vine. One who has been grafted in the Vine can never be plucked off because he has been planted in the everlasting tree of the Father -- the Vine.

The Father directly supervises anyone who is grafted into the Vine. Through Jesus, we will have this honour of the Father drawing close. The Father only comes when the Lamb invites Him. The Lord Jesus promised to come first (the first work) and then bring the Father. This is so that They can both make an abode in the man to whom they will come (John 14:23). The first work will kickstart our living while the last work will make us abide. The Father and the Son are involved in the abode. After the Father grafts the branches in, He will begin to supervise both the tree and the branches, as the husbandman. The essence of the supervision is to develop the branches and make them a tree that God can also pick out and plant.

God will prune the branches so that they can bring forth much fruit because He is glorified when the branch bears much fruit (John 15:8). A branch that has attained this level of fruitfulness has become a full disciple. The fruits borne by such remains because they are abiding (John 15:16). It is with fruit that one can get to a place where God can answer any prayer one offers (John 15:7). The Father never refuses anything from any son who has fruits. Such a man will only ask according to the will of the Father and not his own will because his will has been submitted to the Father’s will. What he will ask will be as a result of where he abides and according to the perfect will of God. The words of Jesus that will abide in you if you abide in Him are the reward of the work of God. These words are actually Spirit and life; and they will culture those who hear them to a point where they know how to ask according to the will of God, and not according to flesh. To pray according to the will of the Father is to have life. 

One needs a lot of life to ask according to the will of God. Jesus did not do miracles for no reason; His miracles were in alignment with prophetic steps. They were a witness to something unseen, which is a work that is going on within. As such, when Jesus was raising Lazarus, He was asking according to the Father’s will. Jesus was given power to wrought miracles that would bear witness to Eternal life and everlasting life. Everlasting life is the actual message, but you need Christ to get to it. Jesus had the seal of everlasting life; therefore, these miracles surrounded the message to witness to the life He possessed. The Father would always bear witness to His life in a man. A man who touches the life of the Father will attract Him to himself. When you come into His life, He will send His Son to supervise how well this life is growing in you.

The wine of the Vine represents everlasting life. There are two faces to everlasting life, which are water and wine. The first miracle that Jesus did, where He turned water to wine, was an announcement to life everlasting. The Father will give water to the branches so that they can grow; but He will not drink this water. God is not thirsty and therefore does not need water. Wine does not quench thirst but makes the heart of God glad. It is the drink of Divine Beings. God wants to drink pleasure from us.

Satan wants to remove churches that have come into the everlasting zone. The Holy of Holies is an everlasting Eden and divine trees are grown there (Isa. 61:3). The devil has the right and capacity to tempt such trees, with the aim of devouring the branches on the tree. Any branch that does not abide on the vine will be cast forth from the Vine and burnt by men (John 15:6). It is possible for one to draw back from everlasting life. The devil will not have mercy on such a man but burn him. This fire is not the fire of God but the fire of this world, which Satan initiates. Satan will move quickly to destroy this man; because he does not trust that he will not change back to the divine life, having tasted it before.

There are churches (branches) at different levels – the Outer Court, Holy Place and Most Holy Place; but if they are not careful, they can wither. There are things that the church ought to know, which it does not know now. Satan attacks churches because they are meant for works. The work of a church is not evangelism; each church should bear the fruit of saving herself in the terrain where she is planted, and occupy that terrain. As such, things like evangelism will flow naturally.  When a church is planted in an area, war occurs in the spirit. When the church does well in a particular vicinity, the evil spirits controlling men in that area will drop and then, we will see more people come to church. When God moves a church to a place, it is because He wants them to deal with spirits in that area - by walking in the spirit (obedience) and not just by prayer.  What will deal with spirits is not zeal but obedience.

There is a mystery that has been hidden in God (Eph. 3:8-9). The reason why God is hiding this mystery is so that the church will know or manifest the manifold wisdom of God. The faith of Jesus is what grants us access to this hidden wisdom. There is no way you can come into charity except you are rooted. Charity is a root thing; a man begins with faith and then roots it downwards. It is charity that makes a man rooted. When you have charity, you can begin to comprehend with the saints. This comprehension prepares you for everlasting life. The love of Christ that passes all knowledge is not charity, but everlasting life (Eph. 3:19).

The season of the manifold wisdom of God is when a man has passed the comprehension of the Menorah. Comprehension makes one of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord. The saints at this point are saints of charity; and you will be able to comprehend with them because you are rooted and grounded in love (Eph. 3:17). This category of saints does not refer to all believers, but those who are at the border line of the Holy Place and Holy of Holies. They are saints who will pass from death to life because they have loved the brethren (1 John 3:14). God will lead a company of men into life everlasting. 

There is the wisdom of God which He hid away from creation (Eph. 3:9). This wisdom was hidden from the beginning of the world. In the beginning, God created all things; and it was at this time He hid it. As such, no creation knows this wisdom. God created the entire creation (including angels) with a kind of mindset that is unable to see or fathom what is in Him. This is because what He hid is the answer to all creation, especially the high class of angels. God did not expose the culture of what was in Him. Although He showed it to them, He still concealed it; thus making them unable to see it.

The gift of God is wisdom. All angels have wisdom, but the best of wisdom is salvation. Salvation is an uncommon phenomenon to the common man. The church does not even understand it. Satan has cast a civilization on earth such that our learning on earth defines how we understand; but this is our bondage. It is so that we will not have a true understanding of what salvation really is. Salvation is the immunity against turning; no one can tamper with it. It is about an inward change and not an outward one.

A Cherubim cannot be a Seraphim because they are made of different substances. Both of them are different manners of salvation. Satan had salvation like this, but he corrupted his person. All of God’s angelic creatures were full of wisdom. However, Satan corrupted his wisdom. It would take God to heal a man of the things that Satan has in him. This was why Jesus had to go down into the depths of darkness to detonate hell, and break the covenant of death.

Both Urim and Thummim (first and last works) are wisdom. Satan corrupted his own Urim and Thummim; and they are responsible for his iniquity. Therefore, to resolve iniquity, we need all

the wisdom to make reconciliation for it. This reconciliation is to reconcile our thoughts away from iniquity. It means to love righteousness but hate iniquity, which is wickedness. You need the light of Urim and Thummim to hate iniquity. This is because iniquity is a perverted type of Urim and Thummim. Pastors of churches today fight iniquity with darkness; but we need to fight it with wisdom.

Iniquity is a wisdom while righteousness is also a wisdom. You cannot leave iniquity except you are wise. The wisdom you need is not an ordinary wisdom; it is the hidden wisdom which God hid in Himself to make you wiser than your enemy who knows how to always get you. Temptation can die when enough wisdom is supplied. Wisdom is an antidote to adultery, fornication etc.

We must resolve to finally deal with the root of death in us; and to do this, we need the visitation of the Father and the Son. The essence of the fellowship with the Father and the Son is to remove things in us. This fellowship is a call or gathering to the feast of light - to illuminate saints with wisdom. It is here that the spiritual intelligence of the saints will be upgraded to know what to spiritually avoid and what to cleave to. Such a person will see righteousness and discern sin. In fellowship, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin and removes iniquity.

When the Father comes, the pruning process will take place. As such, the Father will begin to cleanse us from all sin. All sin in this context is the established dark wisdom of Satan (1 John 1:7). It is in everlasting life that we will learn not to love them.


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